
Lover Unveiled Quotes

Lover Unveiled by J.R. Ward

Lover Unveiled Quotes
"It serves no betterment for you to fall before—"
"Let them have me. You shall survive, thereafter. I promise."
"The flesh must suffer so that the final barrier may burn away."
"It takes more than just diamonds to make a woman feel beautiful."
"If you lived by the fight, you died by the fight."
"This is unlike anything you've gone after before, Indy."
"The heart of another is never ours to demand if it is not freely given."
"I was so over tonight even before you waltzed in looking like Liberace and Hannibal Lecter had a love child."
"It’s a character defect. But one of my less deadly ones, so I give in to it."
"You get what you ask for, so make your intention clear when you seek to have the Book come to you."
"You’re different. Your intentions are nothing as mine were."
"It’s got nothing to do with me. Later, you two."
"Sounds like fun. I’ll even let you hold me down when you do it."
"I am not looking for you. Just so we’re clear."
"You’re willing to bet your life on that? And hers?"
"When your enemy is evil, you don’t want your shield worrying about virtue."
"You think you’re the only one who can save us? Thanks, I’ll pass."
"I have to say this again. I was really looking forward to a vacation."
"You’d be surprised how many people’s insides don’t match their outsides."
"What the hell kind of male do you think I am?"
"You know, I have a lot of respect for your kind of arrogant aggression."
"It’s not him we’re interested in. It’s what’s in with him that we’re after."
"It’s going as far as you want it to. And no further."
"Death is not something you control unless you’re a killer."
"You just wanted to fuck shit up and walk away with the mushroom cloud behind you."
"You don’t need to remind me where my priorities are."
"I swear to fucking God, I will put a muzzle on you."
"The hardest thing for me when I got out was trusting I was going to stay out. That I actually was where I was standing. It was like at any moment I was going to get pulled back. I didn’t trust reality."
"Forever on earth is not meant for mortals, Mae, and not for the ones we love, either. Let him go. Give him a proper Fade Ceremony… and let him go."
"I’m sorry… I just don’t think I can live with myself. I need to see this through. If I find the Book, I’m going to proceed."
"I don’t want him to be immortal, goddamn it. I just want to bring him back to me. How is that wrong!"
"Leave him in the Fade. I beg you. The consequences are not worth it."
"My point is, you’re not exactly someone who’s properly in my life. And this is killing me, okay? It’s killing me. So, no, I wasn’t in a big hurry to share it with you."
"Glory shall be yours, for the race shall ne’er have seen such a protector as you."
"But naught changed. Not what his charge had done, not what he had seen with his own eyes."
"As the realization struck, an urgency called unto him with the clarity of a brass bell."
"Whate'er did they know, whate'er did they see whilst they abandoned this entirety."
"In its departure, all was as it had been before."
"None would believe that he had not dispatched Zxysis and his guards as they had been."
"To protect his charge, Sahvage had been content to accept the curse of being called warlock."
"Eventually, the Brotherhood would find his final resting place."
"Tohrment leaned in and put his face in the way. 'You're going to help us after we help you. You're going to do what only you can do when we need you to.'"
"I feel like I should apologize. I feel like… I wish I could stop myself. But I can’t. I’m hoping you can understand that, especially because you know what the loss feels like."
"I’m not going to let her win. She’s never getting that goddamn Book."
"We don’t want you to leave, but we just—well, I said it before. We love you as our son, no qualifiers."
"No, I want you to"—Vernon rubbed his forehead—"rerun the security tapes."
"I was angry because I felt cheated. If I didn’t know what you were like."
"I’ve got you," Sahvage murmured as he took the keys he’d grabbed from her car ignition out of his leather jacket.
"Loyalty is pretty much my only virtue. And even so, I’ve managed to turn it into a sin."
"All I need is that fucking Book. I’ll take it from there."
"It wasn’t like this had worked with the Book."
"I want you to call me anytime, about anything. Memory is a funny thing. It comes back at strange times."
"You’re going to forget me and I’m going to be the one missing you."
"If you’re going to yell at me," Sahvage remarked, "you might as well let me in on the lovefest."
"That’s the man in my dream." She pointed at the screen. "That’s the man I dreamed of."
"I’m glad you’re not hurt—I mean, not seriously hurt. Are you hungry?"
"I know it’s late. I appreciate you seeing me."
"You got burned in your past, and I’m sorry about that—but you’ve been running ever since. No roots, no connections. Because you don’t have the balls to live life."
"I don’t need you to tell me goddamn anything. You have no right to determine the life of a stranger—especially given the stand-up way you’ve run your own."
"It’s a nightmare. Friends, family, lovers, they’re all gone, everyone I once knew… except for a handful of the Brotherhood who I saw last night… are gone."
"I love you. And I don’t care about what comes next. All I know is that you belong here. With me."
"True love does not require your acknowledgment to be a force in this world."
"I’m done talking. Give me the Book. It’s mine."
"I don’t want to argue with the ghost of my brother during my last moments on earth—but they did not agree on the definition of that term. Nothing was well—"
"All at once, the hold on her disappeared, and as she dropped forward, he caught her and swung around."