
Double Dexter Quotes

Double Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

Double Dexter Quotes
"Soon the clouds will open up and pour down a heavy summer rain."
"They must wait, too, swelling with the power of all that is growing in them."
"Steve Valentine is a happy man; things have gone his way a lot lately."
"Leopards do not change their spots, and Valentine has not changed his."
"He has moved on into a more permanent game and he thinks he has found a way to play and never pay."
"Valentine’s apartment is on the second floor, number eleven."
"You will do just what we say and you will do it only when we say it."
"I had brushed up against the flowing skirts of that old whore Justice."
"I was home free, and I would almost certainly remain that way."
"Perhaps this time it would be a permanent hiatus."
"Why wait for him to find you? Why not find him first?"
"I must drop Dark Dexter’s Delights and let my Dex Daddy disguise morph into the real me."
"I woke up at night and listened for the sounds of the Special Response Team."
"I could not shake the thought that something was coming to get me."
"I finally erupted after three days of waiting for a blow that never fell."
"I found myself honking my horn, returning the upraised middle fingers."
"The sun was just starting to set, but the evening was still hot and very humid."
"I took one more large hot breath and closed my eyes."
"Nothing that happened at work the next day gave any indication that there was anything at all to worry about."
"I spent the rest of the workday on routine paperwork."
"I was left entirely at liberty, all alone, pursued only by the demons of my imagination."
"It was as if the whole thing had never happened."
"But I could not shake the thought that something was coming to get me."
"I was on edge, waiting for an inevitable apocalypse."
"When the pressure builds too high, even volcanoes boil over."
"I flung my keys on the table and stalked out the back door."
"I crossed the patchy brownish grass of our yard and sat at the picnic table."
"I heard a soft and reassuring voice over my shoulder."
"Why should I let anything stand in the way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of vivisection?"
"I looked up at the moon, and it looked back fondly."
"You don’t just suddenly do something like that out of nowhere, and nothing before it."
"Life was a mangy dog that was badly in need of a hearty kick."
"I am good at my job, and I do have a certain amount of professional pride."
"But there was just no way to take things any further than we had done."
"The best we can hope for is to survive them, especially in my family."
"I have always been good at math; it seems very straightforward compared to understanding human behavior."
"It was probably just my subconscious playing connect-the-dots."
"After all, perfection is far from universal, and there could be only one Lily Anne."
"It’s pretty big news. The guy was making everybody very jumpy."
"Every stumbling spot is really a stepping-stone if you look at it right."
"I walked into a room and it’s like they can’t even see me, like I’m not real to anyone else, no more than a fucking shadow."
"I know it’s not an accident, because that kind of coincidence is just impossible."
"Because it sure looks like he knows who He is. And he’s being it."
"But I can’t stop thinking about it, and the more I think the more I keep shoving it away, because I’ve already got way too many problems to have to deal with your kind of shit, too."
"You’re probably going to be in the spotlight for a couple of days."
"I usually do a very good job—I just hadn’t done it this time."
"I can’t make it mean anything, because everything around me is so fucking normal, like it is every day, but there’s that face in a car right next to me."
"We are not seeing this, not at all, we can’t be seeing any such thing; it’s impossible, wrong, not in the script."
"It is a body prepared for disposal after a long and lovely session with a knife and a need."
"It cannot do anything else… because it is my reflection in a large, full-length mirror."
"Because I know who you are and where you are and you don’t know a thing about me."
"Life is much too short not to get drunk and go naked now and then."
"I think they mean he was banging Camilla, and I think she was going to tell his pretty little wifey, and he didn’t want her to."
"I have always prided myself on my ability to see things as they really are, without any of the hundreds of emotional filters humans put between themselves and the facts."
"First, it made Deborah look bad. There were people who would want that, but they were either in jail or busy running a murder investigation."
"And it was true that she had blushed every time she saw me—and come to think of it, she had tried to kiss me in a drunken stupor at my bachelor party, instead only managing to pass out at my feet."
"It was an awkward question. I knew what psycho asshole had done it."
"Worrying about moral turpitude is best left to those with morals."
"Sometimes I get an idea. About something that, you know. Might help break the case."
"It is a far, far darker thing I have done—and loved every minute of it."
"If I had been the logical and rational creature that I often like to think I am, I would have seen that even this unhappy situation had a very real upside—I didn’t have to get up!"
"The woods were swarming with terrifying creatures that were absolutely trembling with eagerness for a chance to slip into our tent to poison, torture, and devour us."
"He thought he was so clever, coming right up to my face and mumbling stupidly, while all the while he was playing his game, touching me lightly instead of killing me."
"I held the coffee cup between the palms of my swollen and throbbing hands. The backs of my hands pulsed with the warmth of the cup, and I wondered what I could possibly hope to do with two such useless appendages."
"Maybe I was just not as sharp and gleefully wicked as I used to be."
"I thought of the other Me, the one that matched the picture of myself I had hanging on the back wall of my self-esteem."
"Clearly I had. I had even thrown it away cheerfully, eager to become something I could never really be."
"Was this really who I had turned into? Had I truly lost my edge?"
"I sipped the coffee and felt my hands throb. This was getting me nowhere."
"It was time to claw my way out, stand up straight, and climb back up the mountain to my rightful position as King of the Heap."
"I was a tiger, but for some reason I had been acting like a house cat. This had to stop, and right now."
"The rest of the day passed pleasantly enough. And why shouldn’t it? Here I was, a man with a plan, nestled in the bosom of my happy family."
"By the time I parked the car in front of my house I had ground a layer of enamel off my teeth, smacked my swollen hands on the steering wheel with surprisingly painful results, and almost chewed through my lower lip."
"You have to pretend to be grossed out and scared. So people think you’re just ordinary kids."
"If you aren’t going to file a charge and aren’t going to let me go, I want an attorney."
"There’s just one last piece of work, and you know what that is, too."
"And don’t worry; we’ll be there in plenty of time."