
Phantom Evil Quotes

Phantom Evil by Heather Graham

Phantom Evil Quotes
"The assignments will come from me, but you’ll be heading up the team. A new team."
"But his maternal grandmother had come from the Highlands of Scotland, and her tales of witches and pixies and ghosts had filled his childhood."
"I am a skeptic, yes. Am I open to possibility? Yes."
"Religion wasn’t bad; it was meant to be very good. Men corrupted religion; and a man’s religious choice didn’t matter in the least if it was his path to decency and remembering his fellow man."
"The truth was always out there, you just had to find it."
"You’re here because you are the perfect man for this team, Jackson."
"I believe so. I’m giving you a group to dispel or perhaps prove the existence of ghosts in the house."
"I’m open to possibilities—there are a lot of people out there manipulating spiritualism and making a lot of money off the concept of ghosts."
"We’re not here to tear the place down," he said. "What makes you think that he’s under the ground there?"
"We can only do our best in the present, and hope to find the answers in the future."
"It’s just that, rich or poor, a person who has siblings has had to share upon occasion."
"I am a 'finder,' too. That’s what you do, right?"
"We’re not going to repeat anything that you say," Angela assured her.
"She liked a hat shop on Royal Street… She bought groceries just down on Royal, too. She liked to walk to Jackson Square, and go sit in the cathedral. She didn’t like to leave the area… She hated cars."
"But, sometimes, a man can be too handsome. Too many things in the world come too easily to him."
"I think that evil can exist, that's what I think."
"She just said that basements—and attics—were inherently strange places. They were like depositories for the past, and she just didn’t like them."
"Senator Holloway said all people did was fight when what they needed to do was figure out a solution. To live in our world, we had to learn to compromise."
"You understand, but you don’t accept many things."
"I’m not depressed or crazy, and I’m not going over the balcony. I’d like to be in here. I think I may find something."
"There’s usually something that isn’t what it appears, and it usually is manipulated."
"I think that Whitney would have done so—had she actually had a chance."
"Once, science actually studied the eyes in forensics—believing the last thing a person had seen was preserved, like film, on the retinas."
"I believe in a man who picks up the pieces, who works with his hands, and doesn’t pay others to do so."
"Voodoo is a path that teaches us what we need to know, and when one worships correctly, it’s a beautiful path that leads us to be better in life."
"No man—or woman—can take on the burdens and tragedies of the past without the strength and vitality of life around them."
"Ghosts of times that have gone by, and the images in time and space of those events that were cataclysmic, tragic, and even joyous."
"The world is filled with ghosts... they cannot or will not leave, because of what they know, or what they, in their wisdom, hope to prevent."
"You are strong, and you are smart, but you’ve suffered tragic losses in your life, and they have left you open to many things."
"It's not a black-and-white world where there is evil and good."
"No politician could keep every promise, be it to his family or to his constituency."
"The world was what it was—a mess—and there were all kinds of people in the world, and everyone had a right to be in the world."
"We have to be very selective in voting for our representatives."
"I'm coming home, Mommy. I'm coming home. Now."
"Sometimes, you just have to seize the moment."
"How the hell has Martin DuPre gotten away with leading such a double life?"
"It was worse just standing there on Bourbon Street with the crowds sweeping around her."
"You’re so kind! I’m just a stranger, I just...you must have really, really nice parents!"
"Every church, temple and so on that I’ve ever heard about preaches love—love between parents and children as well as God!"
"What if the children are trying to tell me what happened. But I’m not sure if they mix up what happened to them with what happened to Regina. They want me to know something, and they just haven’t managed to do it yet."
"I keep wishing we would see Regina. If she was murdered, she might well—linger."
"I’m going to put you in a cab right now, and send you home, and we’ll never say that we met at all, okay?"
"I wanted to help the nice lady. Honestly. I wanted to help the nice lady. I knew what they did with the one before her. I saw what they did."
"Evil never dies. They say that it’s love, but I tell you, it’s evil that never dies. It follows me, and I live while the evil lives."
"He lets it live, and the evil is alive. Help me. God help us all."
"I have loved Lisa from the moment I first saw her."
"All right, when did you start to see David Holloway as something other than your boss?"
"Mommy, it hurts. It hurts so badly. Help me, Mommy."