
Breaking The Silence Quotes

Breaking The Silence by Diane Chamberlain

Breaking The Silence Quotes
"You are going to grow up to have a very thick skin, and that is an important thing to have."
"He loved her. I don’t think he would have treated her any differently if she’d been his own flesh and blood."
"You don’t need a man in your life to be happy."
"The good are often those that suffer the most."
"You are carrying a lot around with you, aren’t you? I mean guilt. A sense of responsibility. Fear."
"I should have realized how bad it had gotten, but—"
"It’s probably not a good time to discuss this because you’re understandably upset and feeling pretty emotional about Carl."
"I won’t let it interfere with us. I know Dad was demanding of me, but he was also my inspiration and my greatest champion, and now he’s gone."
"I don’t need to rush to the hairdresser’s when the roots begin to show. Or to powder my nose when it began to shine, or to remember to put on lipstick before a speaking engagement."
"You should have seen him, Ray. It was so important to him. And where would he get this name from?"
"You sound like Ray." He did, actually. Not only did Stuart look like Ray, but his voice had that same deep intonation.
"Well, maybe Ray was trying to protect you from overextending yourself. You have a way of doing that, you know."
"Not tired, really," she said. "Just stretched a bit."
"Of course." Stuart was beginning to irk her. "That doesn’t go away," she said. "It only gets worse."
"It’s my life, Stu," she said, an edge to her voice. "I know you’re upset about me seeing Sarah because it bothered Ray. But remember what you said. Ray’s gone. And life goes on."
"That may be the way to go sometime in the future," Heather said, "but what she needs right now is support and reassurance that you’ll be there for her, no matter what."
"You’ve raised her to be sensitive and empathetic. That’s not so bad."
"The thing that still worries me more than anything is all the negative stuff about men," Heather said.
"You know, this is crazy." He laughed. "I don’t know who you are. You’re calling me out of the blue. You want me to be a caring male figure for a kid I know nothing about."
"Don’t feel bad," he said as he drove away from the orchard. "It happens sometimes."
"Sarah had been waiting for her. She should have come sooner."
"I’m a psychiatric nurse," Sarah said. "And you’re right. It’s terribly easy to get pulled into every patient you see."
"I don’t know what you want from me, or what my obligation is, but I guess we need to talk about it."
"I think there were many factors leading to his taking his life."
"He organized a tent city. He set up tutoring programs for homeless kids."
"This was the right thing to do, he kept telling himself."
"The child was his; he had stared at her picture long enough to know that without any doubt."
"I’m not feeling particularly gutsy at the moment."
"I want Emma to meet him," Laura said suddenly. "I want her to know who her father is."
"I promise you that, Laura. I’m in for the duration."
"I’m not sure what’s really going on with Emma."
"You’d be surprised. There are plenty of women who don’t want a serious attachment any more than I do."
"You can dump all your problems on her, and she listens with sympathy. And she’ll sleep with you, too! What a pal! Well, I’m sick of being your pal, Dylan."
"I know something’s bothering you. It’s not ‘nothing.’ Tell me what’s going on."
"I think she’s a natural. We’re gonna turn this girl into an athlete yet."
"No one had ever used the word sweet to describe her before."
"And I love you for not being able to turn your back on her."
"Joseph Tolley was a kind, lovable, smart and adventurous man, but in the end, he was a fool."
"What better way to prevent Joe’s report from ever seeing the light of day than to destroy his mind?"
"She cried in bed the entire night, as if trying to get the tears out of the way. Once she started her fight, there would be no room for them."
"You are far too fragile and—" "God damn it! I am not fragile. I am not crazy."
"I don’t believe for an instant that the government sanctions what you two are doing."
"You’ve destroyed my husband, you’ve harmed my patients, and now you want me to join forces with you? Never!"
"She’d been right about him in their first meeting. He was crazy as a loon."
"It’s up to Dr. Palmiento and a handful of other…pioneers…to perfect mind control methods for our use."
"Your husband Joseph Tolley was a problem, and I took care of it. Rather quickly, too, wouldn’t you say?"
"He said if I wanted to keep my job, I should avoid you."
"I can’t find him!" A look of despair came into her face.
"You mean Joe’s picture?" she asked. "It’s right here. Remember, I borrowed it yesterday? You don’t need to be upset."
"The accident made me realize that my life—that anyone’s life—is nothing more than a fleeting blip on the screen of eternity."
"But I know that John has never forgotten Sarah and his daughter."
"I’m here to help you, Sarah," he said. "I know you don’t believe that, but it’s true."
"I don’t have a brother!" Sarah shouted over her shoulder as she ran toward the building.
"I am aware that you spirited her away. What I’m not sure about is if Gilbert suggested you do so. Did he?"
"I can’t believe Ray would subject people to that sort of thing. It sounds so cruel."
"Your father had grown-up problems that caused him to take his life."
"It was Ray’s shame and self-loathing that killed him. He never forgave himself for what he did at Saint Margaret’s."