
Kingdom Of The Wicked Quotes

Kingdom Of The Wicked by Derek Landy

Kingdom Of The Wicked Quotes
"I’m a butterfly!" screamed the fat man as he ran, flapping his arms like two really flabby, really rubbish wings.
"You’re actually not," Valkyrie Cain told him for the eighth time.
"Butterflies don’t need trousers!" he screeched.
"He’s a big fat man dreaming he’s a big fat butterfly."
"I’m not sure. You don’t happen to have a large net handy, do you?"
"He’s started leaping with every third step. It’s kind of mesmerising."
"I, personally, have saved the world. This here, right now, this is not something I do."
"My wings are getting tired," he said, puffing heavily now.
"We can't break through this. We'll get you out in a second."
"The important thing to remember is that I'm perfectly safe."
"You're going to have to be really, really quiet."
"For the chance to see the look of sheer awe on your face, Valkyrie, I'm willing to risk it."
"Just the thing to take her mind off the dull throb that was making her arm ache."
"That’s the disadvantage of a family business – you’ve really got no choice in the matter."
"You're a little early with the food, aren't you?"
"I have been known to run from my fair share of conflicts."
"Nobility is a crutch for the ethically stunted."
"What’s wrong is that you are barely dressed. True believers pride modesty and humility above all other attributes save obedience."
"Covering up, repenting, doing penance … I’m sorry, but your church really doesn’t sound like it’s my kind of thing."
"Thank you so much, Christophe. You’ve been a great help."
"If you don’t know them, you don’t want to know them."
"We’re all just heads, when you think about it."
"Once all the equipment was shipped in, the bridge was destroyed and the entrance collapsed."
"We don’t know the ins and outs of the situation. But however it happened, it happened."
"Every sorcerer around the world would get this massive boost of power, enough to turn bullets into dust and missiles into rainbows."
"I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a Cube, but we need it."
"Power is addictive. Why wouldn’t you love being that strong?"
"We’re talking about a maximum security prison strong enough to hold gods."
"You remember looking for clues with Skulduggery? I always hated that."
"You’re not dealing with some amateur here. I am the Zombie King."
"We need to treat him just like any other hostile."
"We have to maintain the status quo, Valkyrie. It’s not our job to change the world. That’s for the mortals to do."
"I thought I recognised a kindred spirit. Hello, Elsie, how are you today?"
"He’s as dangerous as anyone we’ve faced. He may not be out to physically hurt us, but his goals are just as damaging."
"If he’s committed no serious crime, he’ll be returned to you as a reward for your service."
"If you even attempt to make a joke in my presence, I will break a finger."
"Violence spreads misery, and I have grown tired of misery."
"I did nothing to him. I left him on a rooftop somewhere."
"I don’t want to hear that the reflection is not a real person. I know it isn’t. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting it to be safe."
"The stench of pain and filth and terror made Valkyrie’s eyes water."
"I’m gone for not even twenty-four hours and you let someone adjust my seat?"
"If you’re captured, I would appreciate it if you would kindly die before they interrogate you."
"We’re not from here, we’re not from this world."
"You’re seventeen years old and you don’t know what the World Well is? Where have you been?"
"You don’t know what a true god looks like! You are a blasphemer!"
"I’ve lain inside your minds for years. You, all of you, are a part of me, and I love you for that."
"They were my friends, in a way, and they died peacefully."
"You don’t look so pretty now," she said, and laughed.
"We’re not killing him. You know what we are doing? We’re going to dump him in that cool glowy square thing so he’ll be trapped and we’ll stay like this for ever."
"It’s a trap," Skulduggery said. "We’ve worked out a way to stop Argeddion and we’re using you to draw him in."
"It’s working," she managed to say, then frowned. "Where the hell is Kitana?"
"I’m afraid I can’t do that. You can see everything about me, can’t you? My energy, my magic, my aura?"
"I’m very proud of mine," said Serpine, running a sleeve across his cut lip.
"I thought there might be a danger of that happening. I thought if you started looking at Greta as a kind of substitute for your beloved grandmother, then you wouldn’t want to see her being used as bait."
"That’s it exactly," said Kitana. "We kill him, we lose our powers, don’t we? I mean, it’s the only logical conclusion. So we’re not killing him."
"She didn’t even realise Vengeous was there. For some reason this made Darquesse laugh. Poor Baron Vengeous."
"The world flickered again, and in that moment Serpine brought up his hand and energy exploded out at her."
"She didn’t know how fast he flew, but she was sure she was faster."
"They hadn’t come at her one at a time like they’d done to Valkyrie the first day she shunted."
"How could I love someone who so obviously didn’t care about me in the slightest?"
"But we do what we always do," Skulduggery said, buttoning his jacket and straightening his tie. "We prepare for what’s coming next."