
One Tiny Lie Quotes

One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

One Tiny Lie Quotes
"I sigh as I glance around at my tiny dorm room. It’s clean and nice, but I wonder when the novelty of it will wear off—when it will feel like I belong here."
"Trial and error, Livie. That’s the only way that I know of."
"I’ve never heard three grown men howl like Connor, Grant, and Ty do when they see the picture."
"I feel like a horse’s ass. I’m never drinking again."
"Boys with crushes on girls can’t control themselves around pigtails."
"It’s an escape for me. Helps me forget when I want to forget . . . things."
"I’m attracted to Ashton Henley. There. I’ve admitted it."
"It's funny how some relationships can be so accidentally forged and yet so perfectly matched."
"Because of that, I've never thought of them as neighbors or friends. In some strange way, they’ve always been family."
"I’m sure my grin speaks for itself but I answer anyway. 'Yes, this is a lot of fun, Connor. Thanks for having me here.'"
"You feel as though he can look right through you."
"I find that it’s not hard to do. The sound of waves and Mia’s laughter as Ben chases her around serve as an anchor to keep me grounded."
"We dated the same girl for a short period of time."
"I feel Connor’s arm squeeze me, pulling me tightly to him. He’s the only one who knows."
"It’s not her fault, though. I never told her."
"I try to console him with a gentle smile and reassuring words. 'It’s okay, really. It was a long time ago. I’m... good.'"
"It takes a special kind of person to be able to sit back and wait for someone to die, especially when you can’t stop it from happening."
"Wow. I’ve never admitted that out loud before. To anyone."
"No way, Ashton. You’ve already gotten enough out of me for one day."
"I think they liked you more than they like me."
"I love it when you don’t censor yourself. When you just say what’s on your mind and don’t worry about it."
"I’m living it up, right? This school, the money, the girlfriend... this fucking car."
"He’s controlling me, Irish. My life. And everything in it."
"Your hand like this? I can’t even describe how incredible it feels."
"I didn’t mean to make you cry over me, Irish."
"Stop staring at my hands. I know what you want me to with them."
"I’m going to do something and you can tell me to stop."
"I guess that’s another first for you involving me."
"I can’t believe people ever leave their houses. Or cars."
"Sometimes you’re as graceful as a one-legged flamingo in a pit of quicksand."
"One-time thing. Doesn’t change anything. Stay with Connor."
"I’ve never had a C minus before. I’ve never had anything but an A."
"I know you don’t believe me but you don’t have to be perfect. No one’s perfect."
"If her dad is happy, then that makes him happy."
"I told you, I wanted you to forget about that."
"We won’t... I won’t take anything away from you today, Irish."
"I think I’m going to end things with Connor."
"Well, that’s good, because Ashton’s going to be dead by tomorrow anyway."
"I’ve got to find my wayward daughter and get some photos taken."
"I’ve never had a girl tremble like that for me before while fully dressed, Irish."
"You probably think I’m exaggerating, aren’t you."
"I feel like someone has just struck a match and stuck it into my ear, hearing words that turn my beautiful, remarkable, unforgettable night into a drunken rape story."
"You think you understand him, Livie? Really? You think you know him?"
"I walk away from the voices, the shouts, the disappointment. I walk away from my deceptions, my mistakes, my regrets."
"But I will guarantee that your parents would be proud of you and your sister. Beyond proud. You are both simply . . . remarkable."
"He stopped hitting me the day we moved my mom into a high-end research and treatment facility. I was fourteen."
"He made sure there was money to cover everything since the beginning. It had never even come out of his pocket."
"I can’t ever undo all of the mistakes that I made with you, all the lies I told, all the ways that I hurt you. But . . . can we please just"—he grits his jaw—"somehow forget all of that and start over?"