
Once Upon A Prince Quotes

Once Upon A Prince by Rachel Hauck

Once Upon A Prince Quotes
"The storm gusts moving over the Atlantic must have garbled his words."
"This wouldn’t be the first time a storm had brewed in Adam Peters after he’d returned from a Middle East tour, jammed up and bothered."
"Of ups and downs, disappointments, postponements, arguments, and apologies."
"All melded into her heart by memories, all a part of the bigger picture."
"But he wasn’t proposing, was he? He barely looked at her."
""Suz?" His tone and the way he collapsed his marine-muscled shoulders made her heart seize."
""You’re pretty amazing. You know that, don’t you?""
""I don’t know of a guy who had a girl wait for twelve years. Through college, officer training, back-to-back tours. Four in six years.""
""But I’m not the right girl." Her voice came muffled through the phone."
""We make our plans, but God directs our steps.""
""Sometimes it does a chap’s heart good to rescue a beautiful woman. Makes him remember why God rescued him.""
""Quitting was a freedom most people took for granted. The chance to pull up an oar and row on the other side.""
"I'm not even sure of my heart's desire or the request of my lips." – Nathaniel
"You have options. A blank diary in which to design your life." – Nate
"I’m not waiting tables. I’m scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets." – Nathaniel
"Sometimes going back to the beginning is the only way." – Nathaniel
"I value freedom and independence, but I also value true love." – Nathaniel
"I’d rather you heal Dad than put me in as king, if I must speak the truth." – Nathaniel
"It’s amazing what we can see when we take the time to look." – Nate
"The idea that I knew what tomorrow would bring." – Susanna
"I can’t just have my security officer in tow when I pull a shift at the Rib Shack." – Nathaniel
"I’ll not marry a woman I don’t love." – Nathaniel
"People will do the craziest things to have their names recorded in history."
"Susanna, we are all called to be selfless, to serve our fellow man, regardless of rank or birth order or where our names end up in history."
"Princes doubt their destiny as much as any human. We are just as subject to selfishness and doubt as anyone, if not more."
"Maybe God doesn’t use men like you because you’re too busy trying to be someone else."
"I’ve got to figure out where my life goes from here. Breaking up with Adam doesn’t change who God is or his plan for me."
"Think of all the good you can do, Nate. How you can impact your people, the nations, for the Lord."
"I’m not sure God uses people like me. Men in high, visible places."
"What are you talking about? Don’t make me look it up on the internet."
"Hear that, Lord? Snow. Send snow when it’s time to fall in love, okay?"
"I’m not talking religion, I’m talking faith, relationship, Jesus. Big diff."
"Love him, Gracie. Sweetie, it’s time to grow up."
"I can’t even be sure he’d invited her, though she found it hard to imagine the disapproving Jonathan adding her name to the guest list."
"I’m not buying that the Beatles are the best band of all time."
"You feel like you’ve walked into a real-life Disney fairy tale."
"I’ve got to beat Jessup to the office. Gracie, want to meet for lunch?"
"I’m glad you told me. Better than waiting twelve years …" - Susanna
"Everyone becomes enchanted with Brighton when they see it for the first time. Especially from a Parrsons balcony." - Rollins
"You’re a ladder climber, a royal chaser, dreaming of some kind of fairy tale." - Lady Margaret Wiggins
"Do you intend to abdicate? I want to know." - Mum
"His Majesty told me about it." - Lady Margaret
"What is love, really? It’s friendship, commitment, a decision. I can love you, Nathaniel." - Ginny
"I’m sorry, I just lied to you. I do love him." - Susanna
"If he’s under an oak tree with a flat tire?" - Nathaniel
"Marrying a king is not an easy life. Constantly in the public eye. Every move watched and scrutinized." - Nathaniel
"I’m the best, sir, if you don’t mind me saying. You just don’t know it yet."
"You always wanted to work in Europe’s gardens."
"I’ve changed her spring garden plans ten times."
"I’m glad we came too. It’s a beautiful chapel."
"I’m not running from Nate. I’m just going home."
"It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen."
"I don’t, and I told him I’d never marry him."
"Have you ever tried to run in Louboutin spikes?"
"It’s as if Brighton leapt a hundred years forward since your father approached mine and asked for my hand for his son."
"The world was quiet except for the sound of the surf roaring in Susanna’s ears."
"What have I done? Ensured your monarchy, that’s what."
"Nathaniel, would this American even marry you if you asked her?"
"He’d leave the matter to the God he trusted."
"I’m sure she’ll need our most ardent prayers."
"The old law made her feel safe. Protected from foreign influence through marriage."
"If life were calling but she wasn’t sure to where or what."
"Despite the strangeness of his intimate touch, she did not pull away."
"This was Leo’s garden, his private refuge, and she didn’t want to turn it over to a mere custodian."
"Rising off her knees, Campbell sat on the stone bench under the tree and slipped off her gloves and hat, cooling off in the spring breeze."
"You can be proud of your son. He did splendidly."
"I don’t know what that old man is going on about."
"You bother me like a two-year-old asking why."
"The only forget-me-nots I care about is that after thirty-five years I cannot forget you."
"The morning she’d confessed to God she had nothing and he could set her on any journey he deemed necessary."