
The Trees Quotes

The Trees by Percival Everett

The Trees Quotes
"Money, Mississippi, looks exactly like it sounds."
"Charlene always wore a yellow halter top the same color as her dyed and poofed hair, and she did this because it made Wheat angry."
"She’s wearing that ridiculous hot hat again."
"He lost that job when he fell asleep and drove his truck off the Tallahatchie Bridge."
"Times were hard in and around the town of Money."
"Deputy Sheriff Delroy Digby was driving his twelve-year-old Crown Victoria squad car across the Tallahatchie Bridge."
"‘Goddamnit, I hate murder more than just about anything,’ said Sheriff Red Jetty."
"‘You know, because you never can tell what us hillbillies might have missed.’"
"‘Don’t you think there’s been enough killing around here?’ Jim asked."
"‘I think we’re all suffering from mass hysteria around here,’ Jethro said."
"‘I got me two dead crackers in the morgue and a dead nigger running around maybe killin’ people and gettin’ hisself killed over and over again.’"
"‘The only time Wallace puts his face in your lap like that is when you’re upset,’ she said."
"‘I hate to hear about anybody gettin’ killed,’ Agnes said."
"‘We’ll be at the motel if you need us.’"
"There might be another body in this town if I slip with this razor." - Ed
"How can something be sharp and dull at the same time?" - Ed
"He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone, it will come back on him." - Carolyn Bryant
"Death is never a stranger. That’s why we fear it." - Mama Z
"The dead can't tell no time, can't read no calendars." - Granny C
"We ain't got no calendar watches, is what I'm sayin'." - Granny C
"I tried to be good all my life since I lied on that Black boy." - Carolyn Bryant
"I suppose that's true. But to leave an old woman in a big old house all by her lonesome." - Carolyn Bryant
"I'll drink your coffee before it gets cold." - Carolyn Bryant
"No speeches, no speeches." - Members of the Ku Klux Klan meeting
"It was a lot of work. Every one of them has a name."
"When I write the names they become real, not just statistics."
"We're simply offering a little retributive justice."
"I'm trying to figure out what's going on. It's sort of my job."
"The world has become six gallons of shit in a one-gallon bucket."
"This is hell, Mr. Thruff. Haven't you been watching?"
"Who shoots himself in the back of the head in a dumpster?"
"Everybody talks about genocides around the world, but when the killing is slow and spread over a hundred years, no one notices."
"If that Griffin book had been Lynched Like Me, America might have looked up from dinner or baseball or whatever they do now. Twitter?"
"American outrage is always for show. It has a shelf life."
"People I know were involved in three killings, and that's it. Not that three is not a lot, but that's all. Three."
"I'm the least racist person you will ever meet. Some fake news sources are going to tell you that I used the word nigger. I would never say the n-word."
"I could tell them coloreds was angry. I looked at one of they faces and I thought I was gonna die, straight up."
"This is bad. There is something really wrong here."
"The clouds merged into bigger clouds, the sounds of their moans growing louder with every step, every death."