
The Weekenders Quotes

The Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews

The Weekenders Quotes
"WHERE R U?" - All caps, the texting equivalent of screaming.
"The mating call of the ivory-breasted Tri-Delt."
"Not yet, and that’s another thing I’m dreading."
"I just don’t want you to be disappointed if he doesn’t make it..."
"I just need to serve you with this document. So consider yourself served."
"I can’t even remember the last time we saw each other."
"She wants to invite you over for drinks before the full moon party tonight."
"I can’t wait to get a real house with a yard so I can get another Lab."
"The question is, did you put out for Jason Rohrbaugh?"
"I put the house on the market two weeks ago."
"She’s grown another inch just since I saw her at Grayton on Easter."
"I don’t care, as long as it’s slow and painful."
"I’m that tragic cliché—a short, sassy, gay man."
"I can’t believe you expect me to play that stupid game."
"You and Wendell have to come over for drinks, before the party."
"I can’t wait for you to see my new kitchen tonight."
"I’ll have you know I invented that game when your mama and I were younger than you."
"All of a sudden, you’re three inches taller than me."
"I didn’t keep up with Wendell’s work stuff. And I guess I should just go ahead and tell you…"
"He promised me he was coming. I knew he wouldn’t break his promise."
"We haven’t had sex in seven months. That’s how much he loves his family."
"I need her to know that I deserve better. And that she deserves better, too."
"If you go ahead with this divorce, you will break that child’s heart."
"I suppose you think I should wander over that way to find out?"
"If I ask you something, will you tell me the truth?"
"Okay." Maggy gave a hopeful glance toward her grandmother. "Hey, Mimi. Did that homophobe lady bring any dessert?"
"Andrea Payne was here? At the house? I hope you didn’t let her in."
"It’s not funny," Riley said. "She snuck out of the house this morning and went out on a boat with Shane Billingsley and a bunch of other kids."
"I know I haven’t been an ideal husband or father lately—but it’s because of the deal, that’s all."
"But it’s my phone," Maggy shrieked. "It’s mine! Dad gave it to me."
"I want it to hurt. I don’t know how else to get through to you."
"I’m afraid so. Three different reporters left messages on my phone."
"I’ve been holding out hope that maybe he just opened another account at the bank that gave him the new mortgage on Sand Dollar Lane."
"I don’t know which is worse, the cream of mushroom soup, the water chestnuts, or the Velveeta cheese goop."
"How could he do this to me? And his daughter? I thought he loved us."
"You're not talking to my elderly aunt, here."
"I'm not looking for a hot fling, as you put it."
"And I can assure you that it is indeed the law."
"You can't tell Riley, okay? She's got enough on her mind without worrying about me."
"I've opened past-due bills from grading contractors, architects, civil engineers, surveyors. And that doesn’t even include the credit card charges."
"Whoever killed Wendell, that's the person responsible for all of this."
"That's the truth. And you're not going to like it."
"Sometimes people say one thing and do another."
"I'm sure you know we don't consider this a random stranger-to-stranger homicide."
"That's just it, Evelyn sobbed. There's nothing I can do."
"I'm so sorry, honey. You don't know how sorry."
"You might be a good lawyer, Parrish, but you obviously know nothing about the banking business."
"Forgive me, Melody, but if you were the loan officer, and those loans turned sour, I'm a little surprised you got to keep your job with the new entity."
"I hate to have to ask you to leave now, but I've got an out-of-office meeting I need to prepare for. Are we all done here?"
"We made these loans in good faith to Mr. Gordon."
"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer."
"You're right, I don't know a lot about banking."
"I find it hard to believe a man that age is going to put together a big, long-term real estate deal."
"Nobody in their right mind would pay that for it."
"I'm so sorry, Riley. I hope you know the matter is completely out of my hands."
"Yes, the auctioneer will be selling off all of Coastal Carolina’s distressed loan portfolio."
"How tragic are we talking about? Put a number on it, please."
"This was to be yours and Billy’s after I’m gone."
"He promised I’d have my money back in a year—with interest."
"The reality is that she’s a seventy-two-year-old widow living on a fixed income."
"It’s the perfect spot to put that damned marina to go with the hotel Wendell was planning."
"I’d just drop to the floor and do the deed with some random guy in an abandoned house? In broad daylight?"
"You’re on some kind of criminal streak, aren’t you?"
"That’s a start, folks. Now six. Who’ll give me six?"
"I can’t tell her the full extent of what Wendell’s done. Not until she’s older, anyway."
"We don’t live in the past. I’m not Queen Victoria, and I’m not going to wear black and hang scarves over mirrors for the rest of my life just because my soon-to-be ex-husband got himself murdered."
"I’m a grown woman—a single grown woman, by the way, who is allowed to have a relationship with a single grown man without having everybody in my life freaking out and calling me names."
"I’m ready to be happy again, and I hope that you want that for me, too."
"If I’m going to get a new reporting job, I have to look good."
"I might not care that Wendell is dead, but Maggy is still mourning her father. I would think you would be just a little sensitive to her feelings before you go cavorting around like some gay divorcée."
"I didn’t go looking to find somebody new. It just happened. And I can’t believe I got this lucky—that this man, this wonderful, kind, decent, caring guy, wants to be in my life."
"Billy’s not violent when he drinks. He just gets happy. And sleepy. And he didn’t have any reason to kill Wendell."
"It’s like a spa, right? You stay two weeks, get a little R-and-R and some ice packs, and boom! When you come back, you’re ten years younger."
"After all those years of teaching school, this is like child’s play."
"It’s, like, maybe it wasn’t supposed to happen."
"All kids don’t have insulin-dependent diabetes."
"The truth is, television has been done with me for a while, it just took me until this morning to figure that out."
"You can eat your breakfast and do your meds in the car."
"I spotted the lighthouse before you did," Riley said gleefully. "I win."
"If you ask me, it's all a ratings ploy for these television people."
"I don't know why you'd want to," he said, sounding irritated. "The company is on the skids, if you haven't noticed."
"Mama, Billy is an alcoholic. We all know it. He knows it, but he won't admit it."
"Roo, does the radio say which direction the storm is headed now?"
"Mama, there's something I want to talk to you about."
"Mom? Would it be okay if I just had a sandwich or something?"
"I'm going to take the golf cart and go look for her."
"Sweetheart, you don't know anything about running a business like ours."
"I killed Wendell, and I'm not sorry. You can send me to hell or to prison, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat."