
Everything You Want Me To Be Quotes

Everything You Want Me To Be by Mindy Mejia

Everything You Want Me To Be Quotes
"I could go anywhere. Do anything. So why did I feel so trapped?"
"The earliest available flight to New York was at 6:00 a.m. on Monday and that was too long to wait."
"Suddenly the radio cut out and the lights on the dash started flickering."
"This was what happened when you let yourself need someone."
"I was so happy—so free and above it all—when I started senior year last fall."
"I didn’t want to be onstage with the lights up and a full audience watching my every move."
"No one knew I was here. Suddenly that fact was wonderful."
"You can’t live your life acting for other people."
"She said, 'Bye, Tommy,' and then she walked off into the night."
"People used words to try to change what they should be changing with their own two hands."
"Everything came from the sky and it put you in your place, made you feel how small you were."
"This land was all soft hills of corn and soybeans rolling out into the clouds in every direction."
"By our own natures, we are all inherently doomed."
"I wanted a life that was bigger than Pine Valley, a life that made everything different."
"Every day in school I became what my teachers and friends wanted, then I went straight to work or play practice and became what they wanted."
"I’d probably have to transfer to a CVS in the city and work there for a while."
"Some mornings the sky wouldn’t even let you see the land; it’d lay a fog so thick you couldn’t make out the car ahead of you."
"I needed to dig into Hattie’s life more, see where she was spending her time."
"It’s been all planned for months. Everyone’s bringing their girlfriends."
"No, God had nothing to do with that. He had bigger things to worry about than how we managed to muck up our lives and deaths."
"I’ll explain it to you when you come in. Pick up some Dairy Queen, will you?"
"Our friendship is over. It was a dangerous idea in the first place, no matter who you were."
"I wanted Peter to smile at me like that every day, to grab my hands and tell me everything he was thinking."
"We were both careful to not say too much about our lives."
"You can't watch that many seasons of Sex and the City without getting a little curious."
"My heart flip-flopped. 'What’s a few weeks?'"
"You have to understand that it’s over. Whatever it was is over and I should have never—I shouldn’t have . . . Christ."
"She was a student, a . . . a child. I could have gone to jail, for Christ’s sake."
"The truth O’Brien wants us to feel in this story is that some part of the character did die in Vietnam and he just didn’t realize it yet."
"She was the adult idealized. I was the adult that really happened."
"Ordinary men commit extraordinary evil all the time. Trust me."
"And every week when He doesn’t I leave the church feeling . . . absolved. Like I’m still covered in dirt but the dirt’s clean."
"You ever been married, Sheriff?"
"Huh. I didn’t know that. What happened?"
"She left you while you were gone?"
"Nope. About two minutes after I got back. Turned out she liked me better on the other side of the world."
"And work in a beige, five-foot cubicle for ten hours a day? With no sunlight? Surrounded by stale air and browbeaten, angry people? No, Peter. I can’t spend my life like that. I’m going to terminate the lease on the front forty this year and buy more chickens next spring. I’m going to be a farmer, like my father, and his father. I’m going to sow my fate with the land."
"I felt like I was suffocating and couldn’t even picture Peter the way I usually did."
"But this is my baby. This is our baby, our family."
"She must have felt the same, because she stopped by the classroom after school one afternoon under the pretext of having a question about the spring play, but I didn’t trust myself not to touch her."
"It’s not that simple." Finally he turned around. His eyes were full of despair.
"She was his little girl, his angel. He’s loved that child stupid since the day we brought her home from the hospital."
"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it like that, but it’s obvious the doctor was right. She’s weaker every day. She remembers less and less of what anyone tells her. The other day she didn’t even know who I was."
"Grief and rage rolled off this crowd so strong I could almost smell it."
"Fear, Standler had said. Fear and remorse drew that blade down Hattie’s face, leaving her nothing left to show the world."
"Heavenly Father, we know this was not your plan for Hattie."
"The only one without his head down was Greg. He wasn’t crying like the rest."
"She wouldn’t let me end it. She kept pushing and pushing."
"You don’t know the first thing about having your daughter’s life ripped away from you."
"She had killed me, in so many ways, over months of guilt and obsession and need."
"I’m amazed you ever found anything positive to say to me."
"I want to throw him in that barn right now. I want that son of a bitch blown into fish bait for what he did."
"This town will hate you because you’ll never be one of them."
"I’m not a murderer. I didn’t kill Hattie. Christ, I couldn’t even kill a chicken."
"I could never have hurt her, much less stab her to death in cold blood."
"I cried for the unwanted child of a lost marriage."
"You’re either going to be trapped here forever, hating every minute of it, or you’re going to eventually get divorced anyway."
"I cried for the life I had thrown away like garbage and the one I almost tasted before it was ripped away."
"I’m going to blow that barn to kingdom come."
"I wasn’t trying to hurt you, but I wasn’t trying not to, either. I really didn’t give a shit about you, Tommy. It was never about you."
"I watched him leave and waited for you to come out. Then I found this."
"I started dating you so I could sleep with him."
"You’re that queen. That evil bitch who makes men do terrible things."
"Stupid kids who’ll never grow up and figure out they’re better than that."
"That their life’s only worth the friends they find in it."
"I thought I was doing the right thing. For once."
"We’ll go somewhere, anywhere you want, and we’ll talk."
"You’ve been sleeping with him almost since we started dating?"