
The Revenant Quotes

The Revenant by Michael Punke

The Revenant Quotes
"God had placed him in a garden of infinite bounty, a Land of Goshen in which any man could prosper if only he had the courage and the fortitude to try."
"The frontier for Bridger became an aching presence that he could feel, but could not define, a magnetic force pulling him inexorably toward something that he had heard about, but never seen."
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune..."
"Every pore in Bridger’s body seemed to pound with the intensity of the moment, yet to Bridger it seemed that Glass’s eyes conveyed a serene calmness."
"He was aware of enormous weight on top of him. The dank smell of her coat overwhelmed his other senses."
"Sorry, old Glass. You ain’t got much more use for any of this."
"He wondered how the poison would work. Would he drift off peacefully into a never-ending sleep? Or would his body contort in an agonizing death?"
"Three weeks later, Glass arrived in St. Louis in the company of Kicking Bull."
"In a letter to his brother he wrote, 'I am drawn to this endeavor as I have never before been drawn to anything in my life. I am sure that I am right to do this, though I cannot tell you precisely why.'"
"I think we’re no more than two days from the Missouri—and maybe that close to the Fort."
"You spill your guts and I’ll carve your throat from ear to ear."
"He wondered if he would ever be able to speak normally."
"He did not imagine the high mountain meadows where the waters began their journey as pure as liquid diamond."
"He longed for the simple pleasure of dunking a biscuit in gravy, or sinking his teeth into a fat chicken leg."
"The effort it took to eat left him famished."
"The source of the Indians’ fascination was the deep, parallel wounds extending the length of Glass’s back."
"In some ways it was a relief to die, he thought, easier than living with his guilt."
"The notion of burial had always struck him as stifling and cold. He liked the Indian way better, setting the bodies up high, as if passing them to the heavens."
"You are my voyageur companion. I’ll gladly die in my canoe."
"His old wounds ached in the cold, but did not appear otherwise aggravated."
"Shooting at a white man and a Mandan won't fix your problem with the Rees."
"No, he went in ravenous anticipation of a fur-laden pirogue from the far west."
"Know the stars and you’ll always have a compass."
"The hides stretch tight as drums when they dry. You just caulk up the seams every morning."
"I’d rather shoot the wrong one than trust the wrong one."
"Wouldn’t know that, sneaking around in the dark."
"Glass would find Fitzgerald, because he would never rest until he did."
"Their supply of buffalo jerky eliminated the need to hunt."
"Glass planted his long pole against the bottom of the Platte and pushed."
"Glass was grateful to let the river do their work."
"One thing was certain: Fitzgerald would not go unnoticed."
"Not many white men coming down the Missouri in winter."
"Glass heard a shot as he watched the men in the camp grab weapons and rush toward the high bank along the river."
"Glass reached for Pig’s rifle as he heard a wild cry."
"I am a major in the United States Army and the commanding officer of this fort."
"But spring had fixed its grip on the plains."