
Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception Quotes

Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception by Maggie Stiefvater

Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception Quotes
"They can’t smell you in here. They’ll lose your scent in the stream and they’ll never find you here."
"God’s attentions were for those with souls, a status he’d lacked for a thousand years or more."
"The water’s chilly touch crawled farther up his neck and he tightened his grip, looking up to the clear night sky. Sighed. Weary."
"Above the well, the howls fell away; they’d lost the scent."
"It was the worst kind of fear—the hopeless kind."
"The candle she held reflected the colors of the sun in the dove’s eye."
"Funny how it was just like any other day in high school."
"I hadn’t even been thinking about the competition."
"You have to be careful. Those inanimate objects will get away from you."
"It’s an Irish song, right? They always die in Irish songs."
"If there was a plausible explanation for my sudden ability to improvise, then there was probably one for Luke, too."
"I’d never had any real experience with boys in high school, and I had a feeling that even if I’d had, none of it would have applied to Luke Dillon."
"I wondered if your key ring said something about you."
"Not you, Dee. You manage it all by yourself. Quite impressively."
"It was a day to do nothing practical, summer at its most stifling."
"In a lot of ways, I’d learned more here than I had at school."
"I do. This’ll sound dumb, but I love making all the scoops perfect."
"So you’re saying you’ve been a perfectionist for quite a while, then."
"You can’t just go and do that to a girl without warning. It’s not fair. I could’ve fallen down or something."
"No one’s ever inspired me to mend my evil ways. May I practice on you?"
"You’re extraordinary at everything you do just because you try to be."
"I—I’m just so tired of people telling me how talented I am."
"Who you really are is why you’re so good at everything. You won’t let yourself be otherwise."
"I never thought I’d be the sort that went for bad boys."
"I think I have to show you something. But I think you’d better take me to a church, to be safe."
"Because you keep telling me how weird you are. Truly sketchy people don’t tell you how sketchy they are."
"You’re a baby. You don’t know how much trouble I can get into."
"You’re like me. We’re watchers of this world, aren’t we? Not players."
"God, the sun was gorgeous today, light trickling through early morning mist."
"You’re like a siren, leading me into dangerous places. Don’t stop. Sing me something else."
"I didn’t want normal until I didn’t have it anymore."
"It was such a simple, perfect idea. Why hadn’t I thought of it before?"
"God, I can't believe I'm doing this. You don't know how stupid this is for me."
"Together, we walked through the back yard, into the silvered trees, and down the worn deer trail that led to the cemetery."
"There was nothing human in this night but me and Luke, holding tightly to each other’s hands, surrounded by magic thick enough to touch."
"The iron archway of the old cemetery appeared abruptly among the periwinkle trees."
"I had never thought that I would feel safer inside a cemetery than outside."
"The direction of the gate. The nails will move if someone tries to come through by force."
"I thought you said They couldn’t go under the archway."
"Everything else seemed difficult to hold onto, sliding away as soon as I thought about it."
"Life has to go on," Luke said when I told him I wanted to blow the party off. "You can't just stop. What else would you do?"
"You saw." He looked into my eyes, unflinching. "Why wouldn't I?"
"You can cry later, Dee. The tears'll come later."
"She's dead." The hospital called us. "Your father's on the phone with them now."
"I don’t either," Luke said. "But something’s happened. We need to go."
"By dialing this number you’ve increased your coolness level by ten points."
"Come away, human child, whispered the voice in breathy timbre, come away from the pain of the world."
"I stared at the phone in my hand and observed how white my knuckles were."
"Of all Delia’s talents, I hadn’t thought the ability to be soundless was one of them."
"The stupid lump was still there. I talked around it."
"I suppose you’re going to tell me it’s for a school project."
"I know you’re not thinking of stabbing me with that."
"Don’t let Them take my secret from you. It’s all I have to give you."
"Do you think that's the best way to be spending your admittedly miserable life?"
"I'm here as long tonight as the music lasts, pretty girl. Get your harp."