
Sizzle And Burn Quotes

Sizzle And Burn by Jayne Ann Krentz

Sizzle And Burn Quotes
"Never tell them about the whispers in your head, Raine. They’ll say you’re crazy, like me."
"The truth was that it was unlikely any of the locals would be interested in purchasing it."
"Make her suffer. Punish her the way Mother punished me."
"Late October was a busy time of year for her costume design shop, Incognito."
"The scent of damp and mildew intensified as she went down."
"For the past couple of decades this house had been the property of a woman who was certifiably crazy, a woman who heard voices in her head."
"Childcare issues resolved, Judson immediately disappeared back into his lab."
"The small, sad ceremony was conducted in a gray, northwest mist."
"Aware that she could no longer care for a little girl on her own and terrified that the state would take Raine away and put her into the foster system, she turned to her best friend from childhood, Andrew Kitredge, and his partner, Gordon."
"Andrew and Gordon never hesitated. They took Raine and Vella into their lives, assuming responsibility for Raine whenever Vella spiraled downward into one of her episodes."
"You don’t have to make it sound like I do it deliberately," she said to Andrew, trying to lighten the mood."
"I know you don’t," Andrew said. "But you have to admit that your little eccentricities have a tendency to rattle nerves."
"Thank God that girl was still alive," Andrew said. "I can’t even imagine what her family must have gone through after she disappeared."
"She told Langdon that she doesn’t have any family, at least not one she wants to acknowledge."
"Classic serial killer victims," Andrew mused. "The kind of people no one misses when they disappear."
"She said the freak told her that she needed to be punished first by being locked up in the basement."
"I don’t suppose the local cops paid any attention to what you told them."
"Andrew’s chuckle was dry. "You do have that effect on cops."
""I stopped by your condo this afternoon and fed Batman and Robin. Played with them for a while. They’re doing fine."
"Anxious cats could do a lot of damage in a small condo."
"She hadn’t been able to bring herself to deprive them of their only natural defense just for the sake of her very expensive woven wood window treatments."
""Do you want Gordon or me to drive up to Shelbyville?" Andrew asked."
""No, don’t worry, I’m not a suspect," she said quickly."
"She tossed the phone into the cradle, put the cup down on the tray and rose from the sofa."
"The realization made her mad, which proved to be a good thing. Anger gave her strength."
"She knew immediately that this Jones was every bit as dangerous as the one who terrified her on that long-ago night."
""Zackary Jones. Call me Zack. I’m here to make a deal with you."
""It’s simple. I’m the man with the answers to the questions you’ve been asking all these years."
""You’ve got fifteen minutes," she said, opening the door wider. "If I don’t like what I hear or if I don’t believe you or what I read in this file, you’ll leave."
""I can promise you that you’re not going to be bored. Yesterday Fallon Jones finally got a lead on the missing Dr. Quinn. Turns out Quinn popped up in Oriana last month."
""For about twenty-four hours, as far as we can determine. Then he vanished again. Now, here’s the really interesting part. Lawrence Quinn paid his one-day visit to Oriana on the same day that your aunt died. You’re a hotshot psychic. You tell me. What are the odds that confluence of events is a coincidence?"
"You’re right," she said, delighted. "This is working. All I can think about is winning all of your money."
"The dreams go with the territory for sensitives like you and me."
"I know an herbalist back in Oriana. He mixes up a special herbal tisane that I use."
"Don’t worry," he said, yawning. "You’ll get used to it."
"Good grief, you don’t actually expect me to discuss my personal life with you, do you?"
"That’s enough, I’m coming in."
"I don’t think so." Zack’s voice was suddenly ice cold.
"Damn," he said, stretching his arms high overhead, "if I hadn’t believed in the existence of the paranormal before tonight, I’d sure as hell be a believer after that experience."
"I’m an author. I don’t believe in coincidences. Editors won’t buy them."
"This is a disaster. The psychic angle is absolutely perfect."
"A seven-hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar advance and a potential TV series in the toilet all because Raine Tallentyre is pissed at you."
"Sometimes they screw up the job royally, but it isn’t for lack of trying to do the right thing."
"It’s not smart to mix business with pleasure."
"Who said anything about me being smart? I could be a lot dumber than I look."
"I finally realized a year ago that I wasn’t cut out for the job."
"Don’t look at me, I don’t know what’s going on, either."
"Life, as we know it, is changing. Got to stay in control here."
"Using my talents is satisfying. I can’t explain it but in a way I need to do it occasionally."
"Finding justice for the victims is the way we exorcise the visions and the voices."
"I never lose at blackjack. You got me drunk and took advantage of me."
"He feels safe," Zack said, watching Bradley very steadily. "He’s sure that even if Raine went to the cops with that piece of broken china, no one would take her seriously."
"He hunts witches. I’m the niece of the Shelbyville witch. That makes me a witch, too. I think he fears me."
"He thinks I’m either borderline delusional or full-on crazy," Raine said neutrally.
"It’s hard to believe that my father was secretly working on something so dangerous."
"I trust you," she said. "You have been honest with me since the start of this thing."
"I’m all right," he said, aware of the harshness in his own words. "Go back to bed."
"Because at some point I finally acknowledged that I wasn’t in love with the woman everyone said was perfect for me and I had to know what was wrong."
"Believe it or not, it came as a relief to know that maybe she was human."
"Amazing how a little thing like that can ruin an otherwise ideal relationship."
"She knew she would treasure forever the warmth and intimacy that pervaded the kitchen."
"I’m afraid that’s exactly what the Dellingham family has heard from law enforcement for the past five years."
"I, too, feel compelled to speak for the forgotten victims."
"Seems normal to me. But then, I know some stuff you don’t know."
"Any sensitive who decides to experiment with illicit crap is really asking for nightmares."
"There are a lot of drugs that can trigger a heart attack and leave no trace. Remember, Lawrence Quinn was an expert on meds. He also knew how they affect people with strong parapsych profiles."
"I saw his hand," Zack said quietly. "Sensed the syringe in it. I could feel his anticipation of the kill. He was…excited."
"No. When I said excited, I meant jacked up. He was very, very nervous. Scared that someone would catch him, probably. But I could tell that he was also thrilled because he believed he had gotten whatever it was he wanted from Vella."
"I don’t know but I got the impression that he killed her to protect the secret, whatever it was. He didn’t want to risk that she might tell someone else what she told him."
"She wouldn’t have been able to pick up any warning signals on the psychic plane because her clairaudient talents had all disappeared," Raine said. Sadness mingled with the guilt, roiling her insides.
"I picked up a hospital pen. It was like touching a live electrical wire. Female energy."
"I told you, our brand of psychic talent is hardwired to our sense of intuition. On some unconscious level we interpret the energy we pick up and translate it into the images that I see and the voices you hear."
"Always plenty of room for nuance and misinterpretation."
"The box that contained the things that had surrounded Vella Tallentyre during the last year of her life at St. Damian’s was pitifully small."
"There wasn’t a lot of storage space in her room at the hospital," she said wistfully. "I only took the things I knew meant a lot to her. The rest of her stuff is still at the Shelbyville house."
"This is definitely my lucky day," Calvin declared.
"I need someone here in Oriana as soon as possible," he said. "Preferably a hunter."
"Probably because I’m good at giving orders. Never did take them very well, myself."
"You really think someone tried to kidnap me tonight?"
"I don’t know," he admitted. "There’s a lot of stuff I don’t know. But we’ve played the waiting game long enough."
"Hell, I’m hungry enough to eat the cats’ food."
"The only downside of working with Calvin is that you have to feed him. A lot."
"I was in Vegas," she whispered. "Lawrence Quinn was murdering her here in Oriana and I was playing blackjack in Vegas."
"You weren’t partying in Vegas. You were doing what you had to do in order to keep her in St. Damian’s."
"Even if you were here, it would have made no difference. There was nothing you could have done."
"You were so accustomed to your role as her primary caregiver that you can’t allow yourself to deal with the facts. And the facts in this case are very clear. You could not have saved her."
"Yes," he said. "Just as I couldn’t save Jenna."
"You think this is nature’s way of teaching us that neither one of us can save everyone?"
"It’s not as if there aren’t plenty of legitimate charges to go around."
"From what we’ve seen, Nightshade doesn’t tolerate failure."
"Insanity has always been the big downside to every version of the formula ever created."
"Failure actually is an option in life. Failure happens. It’s how we learn and change and grow."
"Being a mirror talent doesn’t give me all the answers."
"In my experience, that approach to interpersonal communication never leads to good outcomes."
"It’s not the strong who survived, she thought. It was the very, very smart."
"I will love her for the rest of my life and beyond."
"Officially, at least, most people in this country still hold the view that the paranormal is the province of science fiction, fantasy, quacks, gurus, talk-show guests and frauds."