
Silence Quotes

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Silence Quotes
"Even before I opened my eyes, I knew I was in danger."
"My neck was crooked at a painful angle, and I opened my eyes. Thin stones loomed out of the blue-black fog."
"I crawled along a wrought-iron fence, tamping down a layer of decaying leaves that had been years in the making."
"A ghoulish howl drifted down from above, and while it sent a shudder through me, it wasn’t the sound I was most frightened of."
"A white stone mausoleum glowed through the night."
"I slipped between two marble monuments, and when I came out on the other side, he was waiting for me."
"I was unconscious before I hit the ground."
"The engraved letters of the epitaph snapped into single-file lines."
"I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out."
"A nightmare, I thought. I haven’t really woken yet. This is all just a horrible dream."
"I smiled at him, then felt my lip quiver."
"The maybe-officer pretended not to see my weapon, but I knew he had."
"I stared at him without really seeing him."
"I felt myself swaying, swaying. Falling into nothing."
"The only sound in the room was the methodical tick of the clock above the window."
"It’s all over. We’re going to get through this."
"My dad used to say there was no need to install an alarm in my bedroom window."
"Their dream was straightforward: to slowly restore the house to its charming 1771 condition."
"The familiar bump of my cell phone was missing."
"What about you? Are you trying to make it work?"
"She pressed her lips together in a straight line."
"I’m so glad this school has taught me not to value any other opinion but my own."
"I felt the eyes of my classmates when they looked my way."
"I was terrified of heights and the sensation of falling, but I knew how to swim."
"I felt torn between wanting to fling the feather away, and the frantic impulse to bury it where no one would find it."
"I felt a desperate urgency to follow the color, no matter where it led me."
"I stood at the foot of the sloping bridge, gripping the stone wall for support."
"A sensation grabbed my heart, tugging and twisting."
"My body went slack, tottering in the air."
"I felt the sting of tears, but I refused to cry."
"I couldn’t even remember finishing sophomore year."
"Well! Everything looks wonderful. It’s going to be hard to decide."
"Some women are gold diggers. They only want you for your money."
"I might not be able to remember the last five months, but the sixteen years before that are crystal clear."
"You're not supposed to be in this anymore. Even I can't keep you safe."
"We knew each other. We met five months ago, and I was bad news from the moment you laid eyes on me."
"I'm not going to stop looking for whoever it was who kidnapped me until I either find them, or hit rock bottom."
"This isn't the kind of case local law enforcement is set up to handle."
"I'm also a thief, a gambler, a cheat, and a murderer."
"Don't let this be about you and me, and past differences. We both have something to gain."
"I scrutinized his face, watching for the slightest false movement."
"You’re going to have to do better than that."
"Praying that he’d been using the words 'can’t die' figuratively."
"The wind pierced my clothes, breathing like frost against my skin."
"I couldn’t rationalize it in my head, but I could feel it. Inside me. Burning in my chest."
"I couldn’t remember enough to paint the full picture, but the flashes were enough."
"I could almost make myself believe I wasn’t in this alone."
"I needed someone on my side who could go up against Hank, if it came to that."
"He’s going to send a team out to search the area."
"MY FIRST CONSCIOUS THOUGHT WAS of being nailed down. No. Nailed inside. Locked in the snuggest of coffins."
"Patch was kissing me. Kissing me in a way that terrified me even more than the phantom body and its unbreakable hold over me."
"I gasped as if coming up from a lengthy and punishing stay under water."
Your memory was of me," I choked. "But there wasn’t a double.
The girl in control of your body was you," he reminded me. "You in the past. Before you lost your memory.
"I hate him. Words can’t express how angry I am. I want him to pay. I want him dead."
"I was caught between the impulse to lie and the knowledge that it wouldn’t do any good."
"I don’t want to talk about Hank. Not right now."
You’re a blight on my heritage," he dismissed. "A turncoat. A humiliation.
"If he can visit me, there’s nothing preventing me from visiting Marcie—or your wife."
"I saw your ghost in everything. I couldn’t escape you and I didn’t want to. You tortured me, but it was better than losing you."
"They’d cast me into hell. They’re supposed to let the archangels handle that, but it doesn’t always work that way."
"I wanted you to remember me the way I couldn’t stop thinking about you. But you couldn’t. I’d made sure of it."
"I wanted to give you your life back. Before fallen angels, before Nephilim, before me."
"He’ll pay for that, and on my terms," he said in a low, deadly voice that sent a chill up my spine.
I’d heard about that trick," Hank said. "It’s true, I gather?
"I’m glad we ran into each other, so we could have this little chat privately."
"I’m happy to keep this incident to ourselves, but for your mother’s sake, I won’t tolerate more lies, regardless of your intentions."
"I’m going to have a hard time sending you off with Scott in that dress."
"If you come home and the dress looks even slightly tampered with, I will track Scott down, and when I find him, it won’t be pretty."
"I couldn’t escape you and I didn’t want to. You tortured me, but it was better than losing you."
"Excuse me if I’m a little worried, but this is my mom we’re talking about."
"Just because Hank hadn’t lied about my mom’s accident didn’t mean he was innocent."
"All my reasoning power seemed to float away, making room for that one continuous order: Get into the car."
"You’re going to hate hearing this, but he pulled through without a scratch. Hardly seems fair."
"The only explanation I can think of is devilcraft."
"I wouldn’t call this planning. I’d call this throwing a Hail Mary with seconds left on the clock."
"You’re mine, Angel, and don’t you forget it. Your fights are my fights."
"I would lay down everything I possess, even my soul, for you. If that isn’t love, it’s the best I have."
"I should kill you right now for making a fool of me, of my society, of the whole Nephilim race."
"I won’t swear the vow for you. But I will for her."
"I cried for the choice I’d had to make and for what it had cost me."
"I rattled the bars, seeing no way to get in, when a metallic groan jarred me alert."
"I was no longer human. I was truly Nephilim, and I had the strength and power of one."
"Using trial and error, and relying heavily on my memory, I found the right door."
"I sensed the lingering traces of a violent confrontation in the air."
"It’s all right, Angel. Listen to me. I know about the Changeover Vow."
"I sobbed into his shirt, twisting my fingers into it."
"His features were so merciless, I could do nothing but stand, paralyzed."
"One look from him, and the weight fell away. My defenses dissolved."
"‘Lord, I become your man.’ Start rehearsing."
"Let’s get out of here. I’m taking you back to my place, this time for good."
"I raised the gun. I squeezed the trigger."
"The tide will drag him out, and the sharks will have an easy meal."
"The only thing keeping me grounded was Patch."
"I’m officially in love with your sheets."
"Patch loved me. Nothing else was important."
"I need to brush my teeth. And I need a shower."
"The last thing we need right now is a coup."
"You’re not immortal anymore, Hank. Death came knocking after all."
"I’m not going to lead your Nephilim uprising."