
Mortal Coil Quotes

Mortal Coil by Derek Landy

Mortal Coil Quotes
"To every law of nature, there are the aberrations."
"A dead body will rot, sir, no matter how much embalming fluid is injected into it."
"The shadows are heavy around her … I’m trying to see her face …"
"I need you to do me a favour. I want you to look into Valkyrie Cain’s future, and tell me what you see."
"You look at me while the sun is shining, and you think this is me. This is Caelan. You think the vampire is the thing that comes out at night, then goes away in the morning and Caelan comes back. You don’t understand yet that the vampire is Caelan."
"Hope you don’t mind, man, but I’m gonna take you over for a bit. I have a brand-new mission, and I need an upgrade."
"I’m trying to get in closer, but she’s … She’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen …"
"The only way to avoid complete and utter catastrophe, the mechanic had said, was to make sure you weren’t in the car when all this happened."
"Ireland is under attack. We have enemies both obvious and hidden." - Amity
"Dark sorcerers like Charivari in France, or Keratin in the mountains of Siberia, hate us and plot against us with every moment that passes." - Flaring
"The task ahead is not an easy one. We’ll have to set up a new Council, elect a Grand Mage and two Elders, build a new Sanctuary and consolidate our power base." - High Priest Tenebrae
"You’re the only one who can do it." - Flaring to Corrival
"I don’t have the experience or the training, and I’m always getting into arguments." - Corrival
"You’re one of the few people who could bring the Irish magical community together in its time of need." - Philomena Random to Corrival
"I’m really enjoying my retirement. I get to sleep in every day. I do crossword puzzles and eat cakes." - Corrival
"If I have to suffer through this ridiculousness, then so do you." - Corrival to Skulduggery and Ravel
"We have a Sanctuary, ready and waiting." - The Torment
"Your religion is based on the idea that when you die, your energy passes from this world to another one, right?" - Valkyrie to Melancholia
"I’d rather gouge my own eyes out." - Melancholia
"Better start praying to me, just in case." - Valkyrie
"The closer you got to Roarhaven, the sicker the trees looked, the browner the grasses, the blacker the lake." - Narration
"From here, we’re going to change the world." - Man with the golden eyes
"An act of kindness, purely for your benefit, Valkyrie." - China Sorrows
"They aren’t magic at all, are they?" - Valkyrie
"If you return to Eliza Scorn without this book, she will most likely kill you and your pathetic starving family." - China Sorrows
"Tell me where Skulduggery Pleasant lives and we can all walk out of here." - The Russian
"The sooner the Clerics realise what a mistake they’re making, wasting their time on you, the better." - Melancholia
"I don’t think there’d be anything left of the detective to think with." - Kenspeckle Grouse
"You wouldn't take the chance of double-crossing someone like Tesseract, not unless you planned to kill him. And we all know that's not exactly an easy thing to do."
"We're not unstoppable, you know. Sometimes we are."
"I think that's a good thing. Valkyrie can do magic, and she's going to kill the world if Skulduggery doesn't shoot her."
"You are my patients, and you will do what I tell you."
"This is Christmas. It's the season of forgiveness."
"Dancing," she said with a smile. "I’m going to be dancing."
"She didn’t know it yet, but he was her new guardian angel."
"It’s a little too little," he frowned back. "And where’s the rest of it? I can see your knees."
"You’re frightened. You’re confused. We understand. That’s why we’re here."
"I suppose. I was really tired, though, so I just wanted to go to bed."
"I like how you do your make-up. Do you use a brush, or just dip your head in the bucket?"
"You didn’t see that," Scrutinous said, speaking calmly and maintaining eye contact.
"Well, that was Cameron Light," said Fletcher. "I’ve only been doing this a few years. I still haven’t a clue what I’m doing half the time."
"It’s time for you to make your grand return."
"Sometimes it's not what you say, Valkyrie, it's just the fact that you're saying it."
"Fight now, mourn later. That's our thing, right?"
"I don't think this is going to be much use to you, to be perfectly honest."
"We might actually win this, you know, even against overwhelming odds."
"It's time to come with me. You've impressed all of us, but really, you didn't need to. You're Darquesse. That's all we needed to know."
"I was plannin' on leavin' you alone for a while, but a job came up, and I needed my ... payment."
"I know he hid it well, but Kenspeckle really liked me."
"I don’t wish to alarm you, but I have a gun pointed at your head."
"No running. Not any more. I’m going to stand and fight."
"You don’t miss much, do you? I have a cat, you know. Back home."
"I regret being mortally wounded just a few minutes ago."
"That’s the good thing about living. You get to make up for past mistakes."
"It's almost dawn, and I would like to feel the sun on my face."
"The sun cracked the horizon, split it with light that spilled through the sky in streaks of orange and deep red."