
The Hunt For Red October Quotes

The Hunt For Red October by Tom Clancy

The Hunt For Red October Quotes
"The Soviet giant cared little for the dirt it left on the face of the earth."
"A seaman has one country, Ivan Yurievich, but two wives."
"In Gorkiy on a day like this, flowers bloom!"
"The ice was something to worry about. And so, for Ramius, was a great deal else."
"The likelihood of a secret’s being blown is proportional to the square of the number of people who’re in on it."
"A man who could not command a rubber raft on a calm day!"
"Every officer and every man aboard, from your commanding officer to the newest matros, must do his socialist duty and do it well!"
"Sometimes I wonder if Jonesy isn’t part witch."
"You know he really is working for them."
"Gentlemen, we have what? Ninety years of naval experience in this room, plus this young amateur."
"They haven’t lost a boomer since that Golf we lifted off Hawaii, back when you were in high school, Ryan."
"We have lots of friends over there, sir, and some of them were kind enough to give you these."
"You’re thinking we might want to borrow their ships, James?"
"If Ivan was looking to play hardball, that Yankee’d be heading south."
"First we have to figure out what they’re up to."
"What am I being measured for?" wondered Ryan.
"With that sort of reshuffling at the top and this sudden access to new and fantastic information…What does it mean for me?" Ryan asked himself.
"Perhaps the letter had been a mistake…No, it prevented second thoughts."
"The mass-sensing system was being added to all the submarines that could accommodate it."
"A marine guard held the door open for them."
"He liked that report on terrorism you did a few years back."
"This morning we learned what their orders are…These ships have been ordered to locate Red October, and if necessary, to sink her."
"Their navy is numerically large, larger than ours in some critical areas, but they cannot project force as well as we can."
"We have a Soviet missile submarine at sea when all the others, in both oceans, are being recalled."
"Mr. President, the men who drive subs for a living are aggressive, confident, and very, very smart."
"Different. I’ve never been in a fighter before, much less one with ambitions to mate with a hummingbird."
"The only human touch was a color photograph of his wife."
"I’ve been on the go since—hell, since 6:00 A.M. yesterday."
"Jack had never figured out the British taste for cucumbers on bread."
"After you hear this story, we might all need a drink."
"This makes for a bloody good sea story."
"We’d blow it the hell out of the water."
"Ramius is in the trade of stealth, and he’ll likely stick to what he knows."
"The sea is free for the passage of all."
"We have enough to worry about right here."
"We damned well ought to have a carrier and not an oversized ASW platform."
"The sea is not just a barrier, but a vast highway."
"A ship’s cook had some badly crusted pans, and a madman of an engineer suggested that he use live steam to get them cleaned."
"What we have here, Comrade Doctor, is a possible minor—minor, Petrov—leak in the reactor spaces."
"The Soviet Navy’s great effort to find her sons is understandable, though I admit a bit undisciplined."
"The relationship between our countries can only be based on trust."
"The way I see this, you have Saratoga’s air wing sitting around doing nothing."
"Wars have begun in this way, Mr. Ambassador."
"The situation at hand is far more dangerous."
"We have a dangerous situation before us, and we must work together, rapidly, to resolve it."
"You have to be able to tell a sailor from the Northern Fleet. He glows in the dark."
"The president shook his head emphatically."
"I’ll have someone set it up for you, and you can sleep in here for the time being."
"The Pentagon’s rings, and since its outside windows offered something other than a view of sunless courtyards, this was where the most senior defense officials had their offices."
"The president, he noted at once, was seated behind his desk."
"The most wounding insult to an educated Russian was to be called nekulturny, uncultured."
"The attention of the eight flag officers turned to the map table."
"Like any good Soviet citizen, he loved his vodka but had the occasional hankering for something different."
"How do you suppose we’re reading too much into this talent for obfuscation?"
"The room temperature was well below seventy degrees."
"I don’t suppose there’s more chance of surviving a sub accident than of surviving a plane crash."
"He was neither a diplomat nor a service academy graduate, but he was playing peacemaker."
"The plan he submitted to Norfolk puts you on the right flank."
"In a genuine emergency, his orders are to destroy the ship and make his escape."
"In truth he looks younger still. He serves alongside young men, and he must be young himself."
"The most likely explanation is that Putin was murdered."
"The missile warheads are armed by accelerometers."
"Our operational missiles do not ordinarily carry them—for the obvious reason, the imperialists might learn a way to explode them in flight."
"If the Soviets want anything back, they can bring action in admiralty court."
"All this fantastically expensive equipment we buy them, and they can't locate one damned object right off our coast."
"We will make every effort to save this young man, Gorshkov."
"I trust it was not a missile sub. We have an agreement to keep those five hundred miles offshore."
"He is twenty-four, a graduate of the higher naval school for political officers at Kiev and the GRU intelligence academy."
"It's a miracle he got here alive at all."
"Hard to say. Maybe as good as fifty-fifty, maybe not."
"With hypothermia so many things go wrong at once."
"If anything's going to kill him, it’ll be the shock."
"This kid's got too many things going wrong."
"We're giving your man the very best care we can."
"The sea doesn't care about that. The sea—well, she tries to kill us all regardless what flag we fly."
"We're not holding anything back. If there's a way to give him back to you alive, we'll find it."
"If we continue to assume that only the officers are in on this, well, the crew might figure out what’s happening."
"They’re just doing a rescue operation, not threatening anybody."
"We still have to figure out a way to communicate with her."
"He’s a cowboy, typical submarine commander, thinks he can walk on water."
"We have to shake that confidence to warn him off."
"All we really know for sure is that somebody, probably the Poles, has played a fantastic dirty trick on the Russians."
"The fact that this operation attacks the Soviet Navy has no significance in itself."
"If the Soviets find out who did it, their reaction will be nasty—depend on it."
"A good man dead, and a family destroyed."
"We’re working on it, trying to find out."
"You could start a war that way, and you know the president would never authorize it."
"There's no statute of limitations on espionage."
"It’s the sort of dream that you’ll never be able to tell anyone about."
"We have a major leak in our reactor system."
"You will love it, probably more than I do."
"I have never lived in a country that was not free."
"You will do well in my country, Captain Ramius. You are already a book critic."
"If you don’t, what’s the point of life? That would mean life has no meaning. I refuse to believe that."
"I was supposed to know what to do! It was a whole lot easier to lead forty men with rifles than it was to fight all by myself."
"The other guy had something he had to do. Ryan only had to stop him or delay him long enough."
"We are told that your submarine men are greatly pampered."
"You have nothing." It was a young voice, young and very scared.
"You don’t have to die, my friend. If you just set the gun down…"
"It was time to do something. He knew what that had to be—but Ramius moved first."