
The Loyal Wife Quotes

The Loyal Wife by Natalie Barelli

The Loyal Wife Quotes
"I never thought I’d end up in a place like this."
"I may not have cooked the food myself... but I do know how to plan the right menu for the right occasion, and I know how to be the perfect hostess."
"I think it would be nice to be governor’s wife. It has a certain ring to it."
"I sure hope not... You haven’t contributed anything yet!"
"Good luck to her. She’s lucky to be loved like that—by both her parents, I might add."
"He’s just using God to get where he wants."
"I still have that Coke tab ring, in a box, wrapped in soft tissue."
"I love it. I’m actually really good at it, too."
"I can afford this one, I promise. Call him."
"It’s the mark of a good society: helping those who find themselves in a bad situation because bad things happened."
"It’s been a hard decision because she just loves everything in the curriculum."
"She must have come back for a reason. Do you know what that might be?"
"I don’t want my marriage to be over, but I think maybe it is."
"It’s one thing to engage in an extramarital affair while pushing strong family values from the political pulpit, but quite another to coerce your mistress into having an abortion."
"We had to sell our second house to pay her out, so yeah, I guess that would qualify as blackmail money."
"It’s all lies sweetheart, you understand? It’s politics darling."
"How is she? She’s scared, she thinks something is going to happen to me."
"Jesus, Mike. Relax, I’m just pointing out that things are not as simple as we thought, okay?"
"Well, obviously, she came back. Which is odd when you think about it."
"You don’t think I should be upset, when all these filthy lies and insinuations are being said about my dad?"
"This girl is not throwing away her shot."
"It’s going to be okay. God! What a relief!"
"Because I’ve been racking my brain, trying to figure out who knew so much."
"Don’t worry, please, Tamra. Everything will be fine."
"We have a lot more questions, Mr. Mitchell."
"No, no, no! Nothing like that. I just want to know, that’s all."
"Tamra, baby doll, you can’t think that I’m capable of killing someone!"
"Maybe we’re all capable of murder, given the right circumstances."
"You need to get in touch with her parents."
"I don’t understand what’s happening, Tamra."
"We gave Frank twenty grand for his church, but I’ll bet my bottom dollar that Brad King more than matched it."
"I know who you are. How dare you call my number?"
"It’s time we just told the truth and then we can move on."
"Thank God. You have no idea what those words mean to me."
"I won’t tell them what I saw that night. I swear."
"This is Detective Cal Shaw, Mrs. Mitchell. He’s going to take your statement."
"Sorry. I’m scared. I don’t want to go to jail."
"I have no idea why my wife has told you these lies about me."
"I wish you’d waited until I got there. We could have discussed it first, how to approach it."
"You need to learn to keep your mouth shut, Tamra."
"Things are going to get real wrong for me unless you tell them."
"I’m sorry but I have no idea what she’s talking about."
"I wasn’t born with a silver spoon up my nostril."
"But we would appreciate you staying close by. We’ll want to speak with you again."
"I don’t think I would’ve been able to sleep again, not ever, if that had been me."
"I want to save Charlene, just for a moment, that night."
"We were a solid couple, Mike and I, until she came along."
"I thought we could use some personal space, you know, to think things through, see whether there’s anything here worth salvaging."
"You’re really going to reel me in, aren’t you?"
"I’ve never met someone as jealous and vindictive as her."
"I am the loneliest person in the universe. Everyone has discarded me."
"I’m sorry, I really am. I’m so stressed, I don’t know what I’m saying anymore."
"I can’t help it. I reach out to pull them out of the sea of grief. Someone has to."
"I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous in my life! Who’d you kill?"
"I felt sorry for her, I really did. And all the time she was laughing at me!"
"What’s the matter, Lauren, cat got your tongue?"
"I’m not working for you, last I checked, you’re not paying me, are you?"
"Oh, wow, babe. You’re crazy, you know that? You’re really crazy."
"I need to be somewhere, but I will see you later."
"I feel like I should go and get a chemical peel done immediately before I start to grow warts all over my face."
"Since you’re buying, I figured I’d get the most expensive drink on the menu."
"What’s the story with that guy at the Ballantyne?"
"Isn’t it exhausting? Because it is for everyone else, you know?"
"Mike is having an affair with my closest friend, and he’s going to leave me."
"I can’t afford to be incredulous. I’m not on the payroll."
"Everything she wrote is true, to a point."
"In our business, people call with crazy stories all the time. We have to sift through the noise."
"It’s low-fat milk," I point out. "Hardly any calories, I swear."
"I guess she didn’t rate enough to make it to my Twitter feed,"
"Your dad, he… he ran over that girl, Charlene."
"You can’t keep secrets just because your dad tells you to! You’re not a child, Maddie!"
"You need to talk to me. And a lawyer, too, but start with me."
"I can’t think. I can’t study. I look over my shoulder all the time."
"I’m not complaining. I could have gotten a lot more."
"I’m learning that I am loved, just as I am."
"It’s taken a while, but I’m learning that I am loved, just as I am."