
The Late Show Quotes

The Late Show by Michael Connelly

The Late Show Quotes
"Most people didn’t realize that their simplest routines made them vulnerable to predators."
"It's all going to the burglary table in the morning. Why don't you let them deal with it?"
"Nobody said anything about anything being fair."
"You're in good hands with Smitty. He's cool."
"I didn't mean to suggest that, ma'am. I'm just asking questions."
"She was a peripheral victim. Collateral damage—wrong place at the wrong time."
"I did," Mendez said—to his everlasting embarrassment.
"That’s why you don’t give a shit. Because this guy’s never going to come into your house and steal your wallet in Mumbai."
"And that's why you don't give a shit. Because this guy's never going to come into your house and steal your wallet in Mumbai. Thanks very much."
"And she had gotten to him. Next came the awkward smile and the mouth wipe. She had hit the trifecta."
"The only good thing about the slog across the city was that the marine layer was already burning off by the time she got to the sand, and she could see that the bay was cobalt blue and as flat as glass."
"It was an eight-foot One World board with the paddle attached to clips on the deck."
"She tried to think about Ramona Ramone instead and about Officer Taylor saying that she had been at the upside-down house."
"It didn’t matter that Haddel was a peripheral victim— Ballard felt that she had let her down by putting her own agenda with Chastain first."
"Ballard bent her knees sharply and took several deep digging strokes as she tried to move on from the Chastain loop she kept playing in her head."
"Lola had not moved from her position as sentry at the front of the tent."
"She tried to retrieve it, to slip back in, but she knew that a standard sleep cycle was about ninety minutes."
"Her mind wandered as she worked and she thought of the confrontation earlier with Chastain in the detective bureau."
"She parked in one of the lots by the north end of the boardwalk and went to the back of her van."
"After an hour on the water, Ballard had a layer of sweat building between her skin and the wet suit."
"Ballard left her there to finish packing up and went back to the second floor, this time ducking into the vice unit."
"She checked the wall clock and started the task of pulling up expanded records on the cases to see if anything in the summary reports remotely connected in MO to her case."
"She put her fingers into the center grip hole and carried the board under her right arm while using her left to feed herself."
"She put the board down next to the tent and patted her dog."
"She smiled. She had bought Lola off a homeless man on the boardwalk two years earlier."
"Ballard smiled. She had bought Lola off a homeless man on the boardwalk two years earlier."
"Ballard squeezed some Visine drops into her eyes, which were red from the salt water."
"She would take a paper file over a computer file any day."
"She could hear Mendez opening and closing file cabinets as he looked for a file on Gutierrez."
"She looked at the clock and saw it was just past six o’clock and in the guts of rush hour."
"She could see the flashlights of the two patrol officers on opposite sides of Wrightwood."
"Ballard realized that someone unfamiliar with these mountainside designs could view the houses as odd because the bedrooms were on the bottom floors."
"That realization dumped a jolt of adrenaline into Ballard’s blood."
"Ballard considered returning to Trent’s house to make an attempt to get down to the utility platform."
"Ballard was quickly able to move through most of the cases because they involved gang arrests in South Los Angeles."
"It had been evident that the knuckles on his right hand were painfully bruised."
"You watch too much TV in that back room, sir. I don’t need a warrant to ask questions and you don’t need to be presented with a warrant to answer them. You just need to choose right now to either help the LAPD with an investigation or hinder the LAPD."
"I think I was dreaming about my father."
"Your cooperation is greatly appreciated by your police department."
"Come on, Robby, this place looks like the back room of a Best Buy."
"He was building a bankroll for something. He had twenty-six hundred in cash in his pocket."
"Sometimes you’re like a feral fucking cat."
"Single-key drug dealers are a dime a dozen. Prosecuting a cop gets a D.A. salivating."
"I'm just trying to spook him and get him to come out of that room and make it safer to approach him."
"He pays with cash. Every three days he pays for three days in advance."
"There are many plausible possibilities and she could not narrow anything down without more facts."
"His actions indicated that he had been on the same path that Ballard was on now but that he had somehow drawn attention to it, and it had gotten him killed."
"Detectives didn’t bag evidence at crime scenes. The criminalists did."
"You’re the one who beefed Olivas, aren’t you?"
"He was all fucked up. He was into pain. He wanted to give pain, see it in their eyes."
"It’s like I told you. I’m on the Chastain thing and I’m part of a team retracing his steps in the last forty-eight hours of his life."
"What’s that have to do with this? Probably nothing."
"If you were a suspect, we’d be having this conversation in the box at Pacific Division."
"He said he would’ve had that tattooed on his knuckles—good and evil—except that he’d probably lose his job."
"I don’t care if you recorded me or not."
"Regardless of their purpose or strength, Ballard knew that all zip ties had one thing in common; they were totally susceptible to the laws of physics."
"In law enforcement, zip ties, or flex cuffs, were officially considered temporary restraining devices."
"Plastic is subject to the laws of physics. Friction creates heat. Heat expands plastic."
"The pain grew almost intolerable and soon she could feel blood starting to drip from her wrists down across her hands."
"She bit down on the gag and tears streamed down her face, but she kept going."
"She had one hand free and she screamed into the gag, a primordial cry of release."
"The message was simple: always keep your eye on an arrestee in flex cuffs."
"Ballard tried to move her wrists, this time not pushing against the restraints but rather moving her hands up and down along the vertical chair posts."
"She moved quickly after that. Trent had left the key on the table."
"Take off your belt. It will look like a leash."
"She smelled the pool before she saw it."
"Sorry about that, but when she gets loose, she likes to hide. It’s a real pain in the butt."
"He blew right out of there after seeing you."
"Another guy who watched Heat too many times."
"I was on a surfboard in Hawaii most of the nineties."
"It’s like you’re more interested in pinning this on Chastain than in finding out who killed him."
"Everybody knows that two years ago Chastain hung you out to dry."
"Take it where? I totally don’t get this."
"If you’re so worried about the feds, why don’t you just Uber your ass out of here."
"You’re the one who always has to win. To show the guys up."
"I’ll call Welborne and give him what we’ve got and put it all on me."
"They didn’t match. The weapon used to kill Ken Chastain was not the same one used in the booth at the Dancers."
"I think we’re having our last conversation, Detective Carr."
"You guys have nothing but a missing gun, and like you said, there could be a hundred reasons why it’s gone."
"Have you checked the website? It’s up. It’s good."
"I think I want to keep this on a professional level, Dean."
"The physical process of coating evidence with very thin metal film."
"My L-T just told me I’m off the pine because FID is calling it within policy."
"You made this about the easiest case I’ve ever handled."
"I thought you might call. He told me that if anything happened to him, I could trust you."
"Yes, I was. I got one good solid print."
"You’re telling me you’re going to pass?"
"I have until then to figure out how he did it."
"You were talking to the lawyer, weren’t you?"
"But you’ve got no probable cause. You are totally—"
"I hope to fuck this doesn’t bring me down with you."
"I hope to god this had nothing to do with it."
"It’s a case involving the murder of an LAPD officer."
"How is Preston? Still on death row at Q last time I checked."
"This is Borders. He’s behind this—somehow. I know it."
"We’ll be asking Judge Houghton to vacate the sentence and release Borders from death row."
"We’re probably talking about a settlement well into seven figures."
"The obligation of the Conviction Integrity Unit is to consider all legitimate petitions that come to it."
"Is that really your office, Harry? I mean, really, a jail cell?"
"Harry, we’ve got two down in a robbery at a farmacia on the mall."