
Shadows Of Self Quotes

Shadows Of Self by Brandon Sanderson

Shadows Of Self Quotes
"It was an ideal evening to auction himself off."
"Long shadows stretched from the statues of the Ascendant Warrior and the Last Emperor."
"The air was muggy, slightly tempered by a cool breeze."
"Behind him, Flog shut the doors before the mists could seep into the party."
"He preferred to have rivals at events like this."
"The painting was worthless, but the men and woman in this room would still offer him huge sums for it."
"A representation of the ashen nature of life in a pre-Catacendric world, hmmm?"
"I won’t have you trying to find a place where the mists won’t be watching."
"I figure I should write one of these things, to tell my side."
"I doubt they’ll get it right. I don’t know that I’d like them to anyhow."
"Ranette hasn’t tried to kill me in years. Not seriously, at least."
"I have known you for an entire year now, Lord Waxillium."
"I’ve sorted them by threat level and ease of access."
"Your exploits are a matter of public record."
"Marks likes to be seen, fancies himself a gentleman rogue."
"The rushing wind, the height and perspective, cleared his mind."
"Don’t trust a conner, and don’t be a rat."
"Don’t you go talking to conners, son. I mean it."
"It’s a dangerous chase, so she’ll find a way to be involved."
"I’ve a son that’s an idiot. The real kind, that was born that way."
"You’re too pretty. In an unpretty sort of way to me, mind you."
"The best method of interrogation involves a drawer and someone’s fingers."
"That was... that was unexpected of me, wasn’t it?"
"Keep this contraption moving steadily, if you can."
"You’re actually thinking of inviting one of my enemies so you can plan for a disruption."
"I ain’t drunk. I’m investigatin’ alternative states of sobriety."
"Spectacles. They were kind of like a hat for smart people."
"Everyone has this idea that in order to move up, you need to spend more time in the office and less on the street."
"People are supposed to be what they seem, and not lying, backstabbing scoundrels."
"If men in suits would someday run the world, couldn’t they also make it a better place?"
"We will earn barely three percent on what we lend him. But the laborer is desperate, and no other bank will consider him. He’ll pay us twelve percent."
"I told myself I was setting out to find adventure; I never intended to be a lawman."
"You save lives. You … saved my life. My gratitude is not influenced by what was running through your head as you did so."
"They simply presume to know me when they do not."
"I'm still like that, Steris. Why did I leave for the Roughs? I wanted to be a hero—I wanted to be seen and known."
"You are like a lion. Most days you’re only partially present, with me. Lounging, half asleep."
"How did you stand it, Wax? Dwelling among them. Like living up to your knees in sewage."
"They’re trying to hold my attention so I can be flanked."
"Rusts, there are practically riots in the streets, man!"
"One spike through each eye. Blood painted the man’s cheeks and had soaked into the white ceremonial robes, forming a crimson vest. Almost like a Terris V."
"Though constables poked and prodded at the large nave of the church, Marasi felt alone, standing before that corpse and its steel eyes."
"The conventicalists aren’t being very helpful. I’m not sure if they’re in shock, or if they see our intrusion here as offensive."
"My condolences on your loss. My apologies too. The constabulary has failed you this day."
"Who could have anticipated... Holy Survivor, I knew those Pathians were a miscreant bunch. I always knew it. No rules? No precepts to guide their lives?"
"I’m not going to jump at wraiths in the mist unless I can see for myself."
"The thing probably doesn’t want you dead anyway. No way to tell for certain, but I’d bet money against it—at least, it no more wants you dead than it wants everyone in the city dead. Maybe. Not sure yet what its endgame is."
"Go home, or go find a hotel. Get some sleep. She isn’t going to come for you. She has much bigger game to hunt."
"In Elendel, someone dressed as described would stick out like afternoon tea among koloss, but in New Seran the men run about in such vibrant suits that one would almost think they are all performers late for the circus."
"I burned what little tin reserves I had left."
"Stand down, sir," I said, cursing myself for leaving Glint in my outer jacket taken by the servant when I’d entered the party."
"That’s the coat you’re wearing right now, but it’s not who you are. I know. God knows I’ve seen the truth in you."
"A people on the brink of insurrection. Noble houses at each other’s throats. And now…"
"Rich folks, they had this code. All of them knew it, and they used it like a new language to weed out everyone who didn’t belong."
"The law is not something holy, son. It’s just a reflection of the ideals of those lucky enough to be in charge."
"We agree that certain courtesies will be extended."
"Where they dwelled, there was illumination. Pinpricks in the darkness, men and women staking a claim on the night."
"The network of tunnels was far more extensive than he’d expected."
"We’re the people of Elendel, and we’re tired of being led by a pack of rats."
"I’m my own man, Bleeder," Wax said. "Perhaps I serve Harmony, but I do so because I wish it."
"I am not the man you seek," I said, raising my glass for another sip.
"The city has been run by an insane kandra for who knows how long."
"I could use an army to help me, if you’re willing."
"You lean on [guns] too much, Wax. You’re a Coinshot. How often do I have to point that out?"
"The greater part of him hoped they would remain, so he could finish off every last one of the poor bastards."
"I was there, one sheet read. Nobody, said another. It was, said another."
"Ruin! He was kneeling in a place that had decided the fate of the world."