
My Squirrel Days Quotes

My Squirrel Days by Ellie Kemper

My Squirrel Days Quotes
"As a reasonably talented person who is also part fraud, I cannot praise highly enough the virtues of enthusiasm and tenacity as substitutes for finely honed skills or intensive training."
"The truth is, I have always considered my mane of reddish-orange hair to be my greatest asset."
"Sometimes it’s good to be in charge. But also, sometimes it’s less stressful not to have to do all that work."
"I think it’s good to be a little scared of your boss."
"I understood that it was of the utmost importance to continue appearing tough."
"I had followed the training manual all summer (for the most part)."
"The only thing I could do really well was run fast."
"Ellie, you are going to bloom wherever you are planted."
"I felt happy. Not only because I was eating yet another delicious confection with dairy topping, but because I had already seen more progress as a new member of this team in a week than I had seen with my former team in a year."
"I believe that I saw a smile dance upon her lips, but it could have just been a twitch."
"Weirdly, Kelly and I became pretty chummy after I left the field hockey team."
"What can I say? Kelly was a stone-cold son of a bitch."
"Frankly put, the city was a goddamned hotbed of comedy and I felt giddy just being there."
"I ended up spraining my shoulder because I lifted more than two hundred weights that day, but at least I knew how the weight machines worked."
"I was delighted to have a spot to store my Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cheesecake Snack Bars."
"I wasn’t sure what was happening. I was a power-hungry advertising executive now. Why was I keyboarding in the lobby?"
"I knew that the guests would come, whether notified or not. Guests have a way of figuring that sort of thing out."
"But I saw New York City tap water, and I still drink that stuff by the gallon. 'That's who I am,' I say to my reflection."
"I can run a mile in under ten minutes. I can run, period! I can also walk!"
"He’s joking!" I exclaim. Nobody around me seems to care."
"Every piece of my wedding did sort itself out, in fact, and that is because my mom and my sister sorted every single piece of it out for me."
"I would go deep," I explained, gathering my bags and leaving the complimentary refresher course."
"I am a woman who doesn’t always wash her hands after going to the bathroom at home."
"And I would do it again for what felt like twenty minutes."
"Because I might be an artist, James. But I’m a mom first. And a mom is always right."
"There was a time in my life, between the ages of thirty-four and thirty-seven, when I agreed to pay money to take a bicycle-riding class in a studio lit by candles and filled with the songs of Coldplay, Pitbull, and E.S. Posthumus."
"But I’m sure part of her was relieved that she was now free to find an employee who could correctly remember the ingredients in her cupcakes."
"I think I only wore the pink pants one more time in the second season, and that was for a flashback. And then in the third season, a happy day came my way: Kimmy donates a bunch of her clothes to charity. Including the pink pants."
"Sometimes it’s just about feeling comfortable in your own pants."
"Calling on my inner Kimmy has been particularly helpful during the Trump administration."
"And you don’t understand just how strong you are until your security is threatened."
"I smiled and laughed and nodded enthusiastically. 'Yes!' I replied. 'Yes, I love it!' And then I went home to my apartment, drew a very hot bath, and sat in it for almost an hour."