
Ill Wind Quotes

Ill Wind by Rachel Caine

Ill Wind Quotes
"Calm down. Things will be back to normal in just a few more minutes."
"I’d been running on adrenaline and bad coffee for more than thirty hours straight."
"I needed rest. Clean clothes. A shower. Not necessarily in that order."
"First, I had to find the guy who was going to save my life."
"I tapped chipped fingernails on the steering wheel, weighed risks and benefits."
"I could feel it noticing me, in the way storms had."
"Nothing I could do about it right now. I had bigger issues."
"It would have been nice for Lewis to swoon with desire on seeing me."
"I cupped my hands around my eyes and tried to peer through glass not designed for peering."
"I find that as a Warden, it pays to drive something aerodynamic and fast."
"God has a sense of humor, and in my experience, it is never kind."
"He was originally identified as an Earth Warden."
"People talk about nature as a mother, but to me she’s always been Medea."
"I felt it like a current humming between us."
"The weather isn’t what you think it is. Not by a long shot."
"The storms that made it into cities were less self-aware, more instinctual."
"Bad Bob was not quite two days dead, I’d been there for his big finish."
"But we both know Marion’s people will find you."
"You want to trust her with the power of life and death?"
"Using a Djinn for a source was sort of like having a superconductor in the circuit—it augmented and amplified your power, and assisted in channeling it accurately."
"It felt like being drunk and being dizzy and being in love, and connected to that kind of power I could feel every molecule in the swirling air, every slight variation of temperature between them."
"I’d had no idea how addictive that kind of power could feel, and how ridiculously pathetic I’d feel once it was gone."
"You don’t stop a thing like that. You just weaken the forces that drive it your direction."
"I remembered how to move my lips and thanked her."
"I wasn’t entirely sure I’d heard that right. I blinked and tried to get my tired brain to follow what he was saying."
"I couldn’t possibly have known how close I came that day to dying, but I sensed it."
"She sniffed and drummed yellow talons on Delilah’s window glass. I hoped she wasn’t leaving scratches."
"You think I look rough? Maybe a little grubby."
"You going to screw me, little girl? I mean in the figurative sense."
"The world slid by, shadowed by hovering clouds."
"I was blasting along at eighty miles an hour west on I-70."
"I felt the moment its creator let go of it. It was impossible for a storm that big to fall apart, but it did—blown apart, just like a puffball."
"I watched him all the way until he disappeared inside."
"I could feel the storm coming back. Son of a bitch."
"I was risking my life every time I reached for power. I didn’t have the right to risk anyone else’s along with it."
"I remembered one of my instructors—who knows which one—remarking how similar the seas of water and air were to each other."
"I could feel, as if it were my feet instead of Delilah’s tires on the road, that something had gone wrong."
"The world was turning to sand, and we were sinking into it."
"There’s no point in trying to run. Wherever you go, I can dissolve the ground under your feet, tie you down with roots and grasses. Let’s make this easy."
"Just my bad luck she’d gambled and I’d fallen for it."
"We only thought talking salt was odd on a percentage basis."
"Murder’s a serious charge, Joanne. Running from it makes no sense."
"I’ve been looking for somebody with steady nerves."
"Stop fucking with the air in here or I’ll knock you out."
"Don’t struggle," he said. "You’ll just dislocate a shoulder, and I’m not much on the medical stuff."
"Ground rules. Don't you ever threaten me again, or I'll bind you all right, I'll bind you into a bottle of drain cleaner and bury you at the bottom of a landfill."
"Like isn't what I feel for you. It never was."
"If you can't see the yellow brick road, little Dorothy, then you are a fool, and there is no saving a fool."
"Say a prayer, say a Mass, keep this fire off my ass."
"You refused to bind me—I don't have to tell you anything."
"What do you want? I'm trying to change the rules of the game. I have to."
"You have everything at hand, and still you don’t read the signs."
"Star has used the book before, yes? To claim a Djinn, or try to do so. Lewis came to stop her."
"I realized, with a hot jolt, that Star had been baiting me, trying to see if I knew where Lewis was, and if I’d come to help him stop her."
"Extremely violent weather is expected in and around the Oklahoma City area for the next few hours, with hail and tornadoes possible."
"Thank you for playing, but you must put it in the form of a—"
"I don’t understand," I said. "Why is she doing this?"