
The Butterfly Room Quotes

The Butterfly Room by Lucinda Riley

The Butterfly Room Quotes
"You know, I have told Sam you can all come and stay with me at Admiral House for as long as you like."
"I'm at my wit's end, to be honest. She is point-blank refusing to go."
"I am going to do this, darling, because unless I do, you and I and the kids are going to be stuck in this crappy little house for the rest of our lives."
"I'm sorry, darling, but Miss Ewing will wonder what kind of mummy I am if I send you to school looking like this."
"But Mummy, I haven't finished my Coco Pops and..."
"I have just acquired the most darling little cameo. We're investigating but we think it might be Lady Emma Hamilton, Lord Nelson's bit of totty on the side."
"To be honest, I’m not sure: a mixture of stuff, I suppose. Sadness, obviously – this was my childhood home, and yours for that matter – but I understand why you’re thinking about selling it."
"You can run away as far as you wish, but you can never escape from yourself."
"Every day I hold on to the baby is one day less to worry about, and once I get to twelve weeks, I can relax a little."
"Everything you touch turns to gold. Completely the opposite to poor old Sam."
"I’ve realised you can run away as far as you wish, but you can never escape from yourself."
"It’s a big move, to close up in Australia and start again here."
"My memory has served me well. It’s exactly as I’ve remembered it for all these years."
"Perhaps the biggest one being that I’ve realised you can run away as far as you wish, but you can never escape from yourself."
"What will be will be. And now, I’d better be on my way."
"It was pointless worrying until she knew the whole story, but the anxiety she felt was the very thing that unsettled her."
"Knowing she wouldn’t be able to sleep, Tammy took out some paper and began to fiddle with designs for the lettering of the name of her new shop."
"Look, I’m so, so sorry about last night and not calling you. Something came up and . . . well, I just couldn’t get away."
"Tammy heard the buzzer and went to open the front door."
"Nick pulled his hire car into a petrol station, switched off the engine and sat in the darkness. He felt completely drained, mentally and emotionally."
"All the way from Southwold, he’d ruminated on what he should tell Tammy."
"Tears came to his eyes, whether from exhaustion or frustration, Nick didn’t know."
"That sounds like an offer I can’t refuse. You’re on."
"Don’t worry, I have a satnav. Thanks, Mrs Montague. I’ll see you at four, then."
"Of course you have a right to know where I am, Tam. We’re having a relationship, for God’s sake!"
"Yes, they can. But will you at least give me the chance to prove to you that I do? Please?"
"‘I’m coming,’ she answered and followed the sound into a bedroom."
"I think we deserve some fun, Posy, both of us. No strings attached of course, separate rooms and all that in the hotel."
"That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it, trusting one another?"
"It’s so healthy that you’re both successful in your own right. I think it makes for a much more balanced relationship."
"I know how difficult it’s been for you, sweetheart. Tell you what, when all this is over and we’re sitting pretty with the money in the bank, I’m going to take you abroad on a really special holiday."
"‘Sometimes it’s healthy to move on, put the past behind you,’ Freddie mused."
"I just can’t believe you couldn’t have discussed this with me first, given me an opportunity to express my opinion."
"‘Would you mind if I make myself a coffee?’ Sebastian asked. ‘I promise to go and purchase my own kettle tomorrow, so I don’t have to keep disturbing you down here.’"
"One has to seize the day, especially when it comes to love."
"It's much easier for me. I am completely unencumbered. So I just have to wait and hope that one day you will be too."
"Tragedy either makes or breaks you and in retrospect I think it made me."
"I love you, and that I want to be with you, but I understand how difficult the situation is for you."
"Sometimes, even when your heart is telling you to go one way, you must follow your head."
"I think it would make the most fantastic family house."
"You have that sparkle back in your eyes and it's wonderful to see."
"I remember this one – it was me who caught it and Daddy was thrilled as Large Blues were very rare. In fact, it was probably the last one I ever did catch."
"Maybe it’s something that’s dripped from the ceiling."
"It looks like dried blood to me, Sebastian. In fact, it looks as though someone has been stood in front of the wall and shot."
"We all do it, of course, but in the long run, I do wonder if it’s actually for the best."
"There’s no point in thinking about that now. There’s a long way to go yet."
"I love you, Amy, and I’m so, so sorry. I’ll get us out of this mess somehow, I promise."
"I think you may have your wires crossed here. My father was killed in his Spitfire. He was a hero, not a murderer."
"‘I think models married princes.’ Clemmie took a sip of her Coke, then looked at Tammy apprehensively. ‘So why are you with Daddy?’"
"Clemmie needs a woman, a mother; are you . . . are you okay with that?"
"Look after her for me, won’t you? Love her for me . . ."
"It’s quite hard to be brave sometimes, but I’m trying for her."
"‘You didn’t trust in me, or my love, Nick,’ she whispered."
"I saw your car outside her house the night Amy and I drove by."
"But I . . . fell for her, but never once did she give me any indication that my feelings were reciprocated."
"We humans have an incredible capacity for ignoring things we don’t wish to see, Posy."
"Life is a harsh and messy business. We’ll sort this out, I promise."
"Because I’ve learnt the hard way that you can choose your friends, and your partner, but not your family."
"I could do with a large glass of wine, and I’m sure you could too."
"However much her mother has done to help her cope with this news, it won’t be easy for her."
"She’ll be devastated. Up to this point it’s just been imagined, and now it’s real."
"This is what love is, isn’t it? Sticking together through the bad times."
"‘Promise me that when you find love, you will grab hold of it and never let it go."
"Life must go on, Mum, that’s the way of the world."
"I’ve been wondering in the last few days whether it runs in the genes."
"One thing I’ve learnt was that no one ever truly changed."
"Home isn’t about bricks and mortar, home is right here, in your arms."