
The First Mistake Quotes

The First Mistake by Sandie Jones

The First Mistake Quotes
"I’m your mother, not your slave. And besides, you’re eight now, you should be taking more responsibility."
"What’s for tea? - Don’t mind. Something nice?"
"I’m afraid Nathan... Mr Davies is away on business. He’s flying back this afternoon."
"Nobody can, but that’s life. I just want you to enjoy yours."
"That’s what I like to hear, a man who knows his place."
"I wish you didn’t have to go away, Daddy. Can you stay home now? For a long time?"
"It’s just that I’ve got loads of ideas, and I really feel I could bring something to the table."
"I hadn’t gone back. Treating me like a five-year-old didn’t work then, and it certainly isn’t going to work now."
"I trust you with all my heart and I thought you did me."
"How could I have believed, for just a second, that Nathan would be unfaithful to me?"
"I have enough neuroses to deal with – I can’t afford to let paranoia, created by the very poisons that I take to dull my nerve endings, overwhelm me."
"That’s very kind of you. Most people wouldn’t bother and would keep them for themselves."
"Nathan must have ordered them to go to another address, but they’ve sent them to his billing address by mistake."
"I want to numb the pain, but I know that once I find what I’m looking for, it will only multiply it tenfold."
"I can’t carry this burden with me into another day. It’s eating away at my insides."
"I wish I had his ability to compartmentalize everything, instead of having to live in the constant roar of noise as my brain battles to sort the wheat from the chaff."
"Despite his protestations on Saturday night, I’d allowed the poison of paranoia to worm its way through my system as soon as he’d gone to bed."
"If I’d known where his ‘mistress’ lived, I would have gone round there and dragged her out by her hair."
"I’m the talent after all. Remind me why the company needs you again?"
"If you look really closely and give it more than a cursory glance, you can see a pain in mine and Sophia’s eyes. It’s as though there’s a glaze; a transparent barrier that holds the world back at arm’s length."
"I’m better off here. There’s nothing I can do at home, apart from wait."
"I don’t want to be a civil engineer for the rest of my life."
"I’d better be good then, otherwise you’ll have to keep me behind after school."
"I can’t stop crying as I read the only message on Tom’s Facebook noticeboard."
"My heart soared, making me feel as if it might lift me off the ground."
"That’s all it takes for your whole world to turn on its axis. In just a moment, everything can change, and your life will never be the same again."
"No matter how lucky we are, we must never lose sight of what it took to get here and where we came from."
"A relationship cannot survive on sex alone; it has to have something more. You need to be compatible in life, not just in bed."
"The power of the unspoken word should never be underestimated."
"You just need to run the operation. As long as the chefs can follow Grandma’s recipes, you’ll be fine."
"It wasn’t until I really looked at the chaos surrounding me that I realized how many secrets my home held."
"She’s just a selfless person who gets a great deal of satisfaction from helping others."
"Making someone’s day easier is reward enough for her."
"The cruelty of the disease rocked me to the core."
"It’s only now that she wonders if her perceived savior was actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing."
"She’s trying to concentrate on the back of the door, but it’s moving, as if she’s on board a storm-tossed boat."
"I rack my brain trying to remember what she’d called me."
"You can’t just ignore it. We need to talk it through."
"It pains Alice to admit it, but Beth had been right all along."
"He’s a conman, Mum. He duped me, then you, into believing that he was doing it for us."
"The enormity of the next few seconds dawned on me. They would dictate the rest of my life."
"How could he do it to me? I thought we were everything to each other."
"I’ve been such a fool, she says, as tears well up in her eyes. Will you ever forgive me?"
"Did you honestly think it was fair that the inheritance from my parents, our parents, should all go to Tom?"
"Don’t you dare put yourself in the same sentence as him."
"He’s been trouble ever since he was sixteen."