
White Lies Quotes

White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz

White Lies Quotes
"The hunter in him knew better than to ignore the disturbing sensation."
"Something wicked this way comes. Or something very, very interesting. In his experience, the two often went together."
"Like a rabbit approaching a desert watering hole that had already attracted a lot of mountain lions."
"He wasn’t here tonight to relax and enjoy the hospitality. He was here to gather information with all his senses. Later he would go hunting."
"There’s no way I could have been attracted to a man like that. Brad McAllister was a liar."
"Lying is a universal talent. Everyone I’ve ever known can do it rather well."
"If humans could not lie, civilization as we know it would cease to exist."
"You remind me of Jake. He’s the only other person I know who drinks tea."
"She wasn’t prey. She was something a lot more intriguing. She was a challenge."
"If you were a level-ten human lie detector you either got used to it or you went crazy."
"My ultimate goal has always been to be my own boss."
"You don’t build the kind of company Owen and I built unless you’re willing to play hardball."
"I never took advantage of anyone who was weaker than me or anyone who didn’t know how to play the game."
"It wasn’t my first choice, but I have to admit that it turned out to be a reasonably satisfying alternative."
"I’m usually okay with directions. It’s orders that I don’t take well."
"I thought it would be exciting and a perfect way to use my talents."
"I can’t stay with Glazebrook now. We both know that."
"He examined her from head to toe, taking in the sleek, off-the-shoulder black dress and the high-heeled black patent sandals."
"I’ve got a feeling that I would have to fire you."
"Clare is the direct result of my own personal experience with a sudden storm."
"I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night, wondering."
"The only one who doesn’t see things that way is Myra."
"I’m sure that Brad intended to kill me that night."
"There’s an old saying in the Society. No one can tell a lie as well as a human lie detector."
"It’s not concern you’re hearing. It’s panic."
"Something tells me I’d be a fool to sign a contract with you, Jake. You’re a business consultant. I’m sure that when it comes to wheeling and dealing you’re way out of my league."
"You can bet I’d enforce every damn clause," he said.
"Smith? That’s the best you could come up with?"
"This is true," Anya said, pulling hard on a toe. "Madam’s feet require much treatment."
"I’ll bet you like variety, though, don’t you?" she asked smoothly.
"It was just a flesh wound," Jake assured her. "You know, like in those old Westerns where the hero gets shot from behind."
"I’m not a full-time agent for Jones & Jones," Jake said. "The firm doesn’t maintain a large, permanent staff of agents. Most of us are freelance."
"Let me guess," Clare said drily. "Sooner or later, a sensitive who thinks he’s a modern-day alchemist comes along who can’t resist going there."
"Only that you must be a very good observer of human nature."
"Miss Lancaster, my skill lies in being able to discern what a prospect wants most and then convincing that prospect that I can deliver it."
"The reason I have survived this long is because I have been very careful when it comes to selecting my, uh, clients."
"Believe me, McAllister didn’t have anything resembling sentimental feelings for anyone."
"You may have noticed that I closed down the office of Dr. Ronald Mowbray the morning after the news of his murder hit the papers."
"What’s that, Your Honor? Yes, as a matter of fact, I do think that I’m a psychic detective. Why do you ask?"
"One must always be prepared to abandon a project if it turns sour. It is the first law of survival in the profession."