
The Rivers Of Zadaa Quotes

The Rivers Of Zadaa by D.J. MacHale

The Rivers Of Zadaa Quotes
"Regular old everyday water. Not exactly the kind of thing you’d expect a group of professional warriors to fight to the death over, but that’s not the way it works here on the territory of Zadaa."
"Water here is more valuable than food, more valuable than treasure. It’s even more valuable than life."
"I feel as if I’m closing the first chapter on my life as a Traveler and beginning a new and more dangerous one."
"Saint Dane’s evil plan for this territory is somehow tied in to the water trouble they’re having."
"It is a contest... The situation has become so desperate, it has turned us against one another."
"I am next in the rotation... If I do not fight, the Ghee commanders will mark me as a coward."
"The water was an excuse... The battle was over water. Soon it will be for control of Xhaxhu’s future, and Zadaa."
"I’ve seen Loor level guys who towered over her. But when you had six fierce warriors mixing it up with swords, anything could happen."
"You’ve seen Xhaxhu at its finest... Now you are seeing the horror of what it has become."
"We are dipping deeply into grain reserves. We do not expect they will last long."
"You are correct. It was not fair. Saangi should not have interfered."
"We may have turned Saint Dane back on those other territories, but victory often came at a steep price."
"The only way I can keep my head on straight is to not worry about the way I’d like things to be, and deal with the way they are."
"Unless we find out how, it won’t matter whose side anyone is on, for all of Zadaa will be laid waste."
"Pendragon, I was afraid you would never wake up!"
"We will not fail here. Saint Dane will be stopped."
"Pain is a weird thing: When you’ve got it, you know it—but you don’t really know the moment it stops."
"I guess what I was experiencing was the divide between the Batu. Half hated the Rokador and wanted to march down to the underground and annihilate them; the other half wanted peace and a diplomatic resolution."
"It’s the one emotion that always helps you make the right decision. Other emotions can lead you down the wrong path."
"I can’t say I’m in love with her, I’m not even sure what that means. But as time goes on, I have found myself growing closer to her."
"Relax. If you are tense, you will make mistakes. Above all, never make the first move."
"You are very brave, Pendragon. I am glad you have recovered."
"I had earned these few bars; I was not about to give them up."
"You will run out of strength before you run out of time."
"It isn’t magic, fighting is a dance. Every move brings another."
"You have new skills; it does not mean you must use them."
"I’m not convinced this did any good, but thank you for trying."
"I do not understand why someone would deliberately try to harm their own kind."
"I was hoping this would be more of a challenge but, alas, it was not meant to be."
"We are not warriors. In battle, the enemy will destroy us."
"I don't know if I should believe you, Corwind."
"I believe the real question is, am I here to do the work of a loyal tribe member, or a Traveler?"
"I didn’t want to talk anymore. If we had to wait, I figured I might as well take advantage and get some sleep."
"I suppose it depends on how much rain falls."
"We are the enemy. At least, I was kind of an honorary enemy."
"This has become personal, Pendragon. My best friend is dead, and my people are starving."
"We’ve come too far to let Saint Dane goad us into doing something stupid. We’ve all made mistakes. Big ones, and we’ve paid for them."
"Do not worry, Pendragon. I have not lost sight."
"I’m happy to see you are feeling better, Pendragon."
"All I can say is…keep your eyes open and watch your backs."
"It wasn’t simply the battle for a territory. I felt as if here on Zadaa, Saint Dane may have won the battle for all of Halla."
"We have never opened every gate to the north. Now they cannot be closed again."
"If they obey them it will be an act of treason!"
"But it was the only way to carry out the plan. Now they cannot be closed again."
"The Batu and the Rokador once existed in peace. That can happen again."
"Saint Dane had tried to destroy two tribes and ended up creating new life, and new hope, for the territory."
"There is no air supply. When we use up the air, we suffocate."
"Loor told me to put my faith in you. At first I did not understand why, but I do now. You will defeat Saint Dane. I have no doubt."
"With all that I had been through, with all that I had learned, nothing had prepared me for the most terrifying challenge of all—opening up my heart."
"I don’t think she wanted me to see that she was crying."
"I’m a different person than the Bobby Pendragon who would have spent the last two years on Second Earth."
"But love is a powerful emotion. It can cloud thinking."
"We cannot allow emotions to cloud our judgment in any way."
"I knew instantly. Loor didn’t have the same feelings for me."
"I have no idea what’s going to happen from here."
"I felt closer to her than before. I went to sleep that night knowing that we would be bound together forever."
"Humans don’t rise from the dead. Humans get sick. Humans don’t have the power of persuasion."
"Life, he thought, was full of so many strange surprises."