
The 5th Wave Quotes

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

The 5th Wave Quotes
"The truth is, once they found us, we were toast."
"Sometimes I think I might be the last human on Earth. Which means I’m the last human in the universe."
"You can only call someone crazy if there’s someone else who’s normal. Like good and evil. If everything was good, then nothing would be good."
"It’s hard to plan for what comes next when what comes next is not something you planned for."
"How do you rid the Earth of humans? Rid the humans of their humanity."
"Maybe the last human being on Earth won’t die of starvation or exposure or as a meal for wild animals. Maybe the last one to die will be killed by the last one alive."
"Birds. You couldn’t invent a more efficient delivery system for a virus that has a 97 percent kill rate."
"We weren’t that lucky. And they weren’t that stupid."
"This is the sound of the Earth before we conquered it."
"I’m the one turning to face the faceless hunter in the woods on an abandoned highway. I am the one not running, not staying, but facing. Because if I am the last one, then I am humanity."
"God doesn’t call the equipped, son. God equips the called. And you have been called."
"They knew we’d seek safety in numbers. Knew we’d take shelter with the guys who had guns. So, Mr. Alien, how do you overcome that? You embed sleeper units where the guns are."
"We’re all dead, son. Some of us are just a little further along than others."
"If you don’t kill all of us all at once, whoever’s left are not going to be the weak ones. The strong ones—and only the strong ones—will survive."
"The evolutionary imperative that drove them to live in groups was the opportunity to kill them by the billions. What was the saying? Strength in numbers."
"The world was FUBAR now. And if you’re not okay with that, you’re just a corpse waiting to happen."
"I can’t stop thinking about the soldier behind the coolers and the crucifix in his hand. The soldier and the crucifix. I’m thinking maybe that’s why I pulled the trigger."
"There’s no winning. If I had somehow saved my sister, it wouldn’t have mattered. I would have bought her another month or two tops."
"They’ve flipped the natural order on us, boy. Better to die than live. Better to give up than fight. Better to hide than face."
"Cruelty isn’t a personality trait. Cruelty is a habit."
"To rid his new home of humanity, he had to become human."
"AS WAYS TO DIE GO, freezing to death isn’t such a bad one."
"Everything’s broken? No, not everything. Not this."
"A moment comes in war when the last line must be crossed."
"I’m not the Crucifix Soldier, Cassie. And I’m not Vosch. I’m just like you."
"We’re here, and then we’re gone, and it’s not about the time we’re here, but what we do with the time."
"Everything that makes up the personality of Sammy Sullivan is pulled and sorted and transmitted by the device at the base of his neck into Dr. Pam’s computer."
"Without you and all those other children, we won’t stand a chance against them."
"We are lit from within by a fire hotter than the one that turned Tank into ash."
"Sometimes I question the wisdom of Central Command, putting high-powered automatic weapons into the hands of some seriously effed-up children."
"I was wrong about Ben Parish dying on the day he left the convalescent ward. I’ve been carrying his stinking corpse inside me all through basic."
"You can’t trust luck anymore. The Others have taught me that."
"Each photograph the tolling of a bell, a timer clicking down to the end of normal."
"They make a very attractive couple. And in more than half the pictures, she isn’t looking at the camera; she’s looking at him."
"I feel like I can reach up and pluck it from the sky, throw it to the ground, grind it to dust beneath my heel."
"I want to feel his hands, as soft as clouds."
"The point is I had my chance and I didn’t do so well on my own. In fact, I sucked."
"He’s a big, Evan-shaped shadow in front of me, a shadow with a high-powered rifle against the backdrop of a million suns."
"You can't make yourself believe anything, but you can let yourself believe. You can allow yourself to trust."
"To hold on, you have to find something you're willing to die for."
"Some things you can never leave behind. They don’t belong to the past. They belong to you."
"It’s because I’m fat," he chokes out. He starts to cry. "Stow that shit," I tell him sternly.
"If you prick us, do we not bleed? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
"I've decided to get rid of all the things that bug me."
"Promises matter. They matter now more than ever."
"We are humanity. It’s a lie. Wonderland. Camp Haven. The war itself."
"I don’t know what he is. He says he’s human, and he looks like a human, talks like a human, bleeds like a human and, okay, kisses like a human."
"Dead Evan can’t help me keep my promise. Live Evan can."
"It’s weird. When he held me in his arms, I felt safe. When he kissed me, I was lost in him."
"I’m going to assume he’s human—at least biologically."
"The last possibility? That he is what he says he is. Alone, scared, killing before someone can kill him."
"Evan’s awake when I get back. Sitting up against the fallen tree. Pale, shivering, eyes sunk back in his head."
"I’ve never done this before," I say. Kind of obvious thing to say, but it feels like I’m talking to a stranger."
"I lift the jacket off his back. Not too many wounds here, and mostly concentrated along the lower part."
""Why kids?" I ask. "I didn’t know they were kids."
""Cassie, if we can’t trust each other—" "Evan, we can’t trust each other.""
""Alien clone children?" I guess. "America scraping the bottom of the conscription barrel?"
""I am a shark, Cassie," he says slowly, drawing the words out, as if he might be speaking to me for the last time."
""What’s the most important part?" "About being human." "I’m as human as you are, Cassie.""
""It’s hopeless. And it’s stupid. It’s suicidal. But love is a weapon they have no answer for."
""Would it have made a difference if I had?" "That isn’t the point.""
"I scoop up a handful of dirt and twigs and dead leaves and rub it over my face."
""It’s suicide," he snaps. "We’re both thinking it. One of us might as well say it."
""I’m going to need them when I get back. And by the way, somebody should say this: You look ridiculous in those pants.""
""I would even pretend to trust the enemy to save Sammy."
""To feel something again. To feel this." He kisses me."
""We are perfectly safe. There are only two rules to remember."
"I’m wavering between throwing the monitor across the room and kicking Dr. Pam until she’s dead."
""Don’t press it," I say. "I’m not going to hurt you."
"I can hear someone screaming—I can hear her screams echoing through the trees."
""I’m not your enemy." "Then whose enemy are you, huh?"
""I don’t know where I am or how far I am from the parade grounds."
""You must hate being trapped inside there," I whisper."
""I’ll do whatever you say, Cassie," he says helplessly."
""I’m not going to let some dead guy keep me from Sammy."
"I can feel the back of the gown flapping open; I’m mooning the entire ward."
"But if you tried to do either of these things, the young-looking doctor would kill you."
""Cassie?" Like he’s never heard the name before."
""Where are you taking him?" Ben says to me in a deep voice."
""Cassie?" I say, because I really haven’t heard that name before."
"I pull off the cap, thinking it might help him recognize me, then immediately regret it."
""We go to the same high school," I say, drawing my fingers hastily through my chopped-off locks."
""What’s your number?" he barks. My number? I blurt out the first thing that pops into my head. "Tee-sixty-two, sir!""
"I can’t just leave Officer Alien where he fell."
""A what?" He stares down at my upturned face and something crosses over his as the lightbulb comes on."
"I know a way—I just don’t know the way to the way."
"The people here, they’re not who they say they are."
"This is one of their lies, this thing they put in you."
"If you hurt him, Parish, I’m sticking this knife into your heart."
"What doesn’t kill us sharpens us. Hardens us. Schools us."
"You’re beating plowshares into swords, Vosch. You are remaking us."
"Climb onto my shoulders. I will not let you fall."
"We might be the only ones who know the truth about the 5th Wave."
"Once you saw the camp blow, you should have fallen back to Dayton."
"The minute we decide that one person doesn’t matter anymore, they’ve won."