
Earth Unaware Quotes

Earth Unaware by Orson Scott Card

Earth Unaware Quotes
"Victor didn’t go to the airlock to see Alejandra leave the family forever, to marry into the Italian clan."
"The Italians were a four-ship operation, and their lead ship, a behemoth of a digger named Vesuvio, had been attached to El Cavador for a week, as the families traded goods and information."
"Victor’s own invention, an HVAC booster that could increase the central heating temperature on the Italians’ ships by as much as eleven degrees, had been an immediate hit with the Italians."
"Dogging, from "endogamy": marrying inside the clan, inbreeding. The word was like a slap."
"Victor had no doubt of that. Faron was big and well muscled. He would defend Janda as his own sister should the occasion ever require it, which it probably never would."
"Lem Jukes—mercifully short for Lemminkainen Joukahainen, heir to the Juke Limited fortune and captain of the ship—was prepared to use the Makarhu for any purpose if it meant turning a failing mission into what the Board of Directors would consider a success."
"Captain Wit O’Toole rode up to the front gate at Papakura Military Camp in South Auckland, New Zealand, and presented his American passport to the soldier at the gatehouse."
"The world is a dangerous place, Captain O’Toole."
"You don’t become an SAS soldier to impress single girls at pubs, Captain. Your motivation has to be rock solid."
"Men joined Special Forces because they wanted action."
"To be counted among us is an incredible honor."
"Our soldiers don’t forfeit their love of country or patriotism when they join us."
"The idea that any of their sons would consider going elsewhere was unthinkable."
"The most elite of soldiers didn’t join Special Forces to be part of a brotherhood or for the prestige."
"Our mission is not to survive, sir. Our mission is to get you to the safe house."
"If struck, and believe me, you will know it, your participation in the exercise is over."
"What probably rattled him was learning that Wit knew more about the classified operations circling the upper echelons than he did."
"My teammates have been hiding in the forests around us."
"Our army is unique. We do not concern ourselves with oversight."
"No one will touch us. We are above the influence of those who would protect you."
"By giving you his weapon, he got a bigger, more powerful weapon in return."
"We’re not in a lab on Luna anymore. This is the frontier."
"I doubt you'll care. I doubt you'll lose any sleep over this fact. But one of my best men, my nephew, is dead. He was a decent man with children and a loving wife. You, because of your arrogance and obvious disregard for human life, have taken all that away from him." - Concepción Querales
"I have programmed this message to play for you long after we’re gone. I would have preferred to speak to you directly, but your irrational and barbaric behavior suggests that you are not a man with whom I can have any semblance of a normal conversation." - Concepción Querales
"This is something else. It's tech. It has a heat signature." - Toron
"I see now why you’ve lasted so long with my father, Dr. Benyawe. You’re not afraid to speak your mind. My father respects that." - Lem
"And if that’s the case, what do we do?" - Toron
"We get to the Italians as fast as we can is what we do." - Victor
"We can’t defend ourselves, much less anyone else. It might be more sensible to come to a full stop now and read the data that comes off the Eye. Let’s wait and see what happens when this ship reaches the Italians." - Toron
"We’re better defended than they are. That accounts for something. Their ships are fast, yes, but we have better armor. That might prove critical." - Victor
"I am urging caution, just as I did before. And I don’t need to explain myself to you." - Toron
"It’s because of people like Toron that this family is still alive, Vico. Were I running things, we all would have died a long time ago." - Father
"We are wise to be cautious, but I suggest we prepare for the worst and hope for the best." - Concepción
"If there is a way to find more survivors we should try it." - Concepción
"It’s time we reminded ourselves what makes us PCs and MOPs. It is not the chips inside our rifles. It is the gray matter between our ears." - Wit O'Toole
"My whole career has been digging and scraping and blasting away at rock to get metal up out of a mine, but this glaser turns that whole model on its head." - Crew Chief
"We’re not going to make it, he realized. We have nine people just a few feet away, and we’re not going to reach them in time." - Victor
"The enemy may outgun us, but they will never outthink us." - Wit O'Toole
"If they don’t give us a bonus, I’ll give you one myself. You’ve done exceptionally well."
"These people have stained me, he told himself. These damn free miners have stained me."
"I appreciate your dedication to the company bottom line."
"It was an accident, said Chubs. We weren’t aiming for the guy. We didn’t even know he was out there."
"Prosecutors won’t care, said Lem. Besides, it doesn’t look that way in the video."
"The moment we started helping them they became a part of this crew. End of discussion."
"I’m not sure which is uglier, a free-miner weigh station or free-miner women."
"You don’t know anything. Was it your father who was ripped open by an hormiga and left to bleed to death? Was it your sister who had likely been blown to bits or had the air sucked from her lungs? No, it wasn’t. So stop pretending that you’re some fountain of emotional wisdom who understands everyone’s grief and pain. Because you don’t."
"You’re not packing light, are you Mr. Podolski? These are some fancy machines, all so shiny and new. If I didn’t know any better I’d say this was corporate gear."
"You’ve put us in a very difficult position, Mono. I thought Vico had trained you better."
"We’re engineers, Lem. We’re not manufacturers. We draw up plans. Someone else makes them."
"The Italians couldn’t damage the pod with laser fire," said Concepción, "but a few of my men were able to land on the pod and cripple its sensors and equipment with tools."
"Mono wasn’t getting on the WU-HU ship. Of that he was certain."
"We’ll have to trust our computers and pilots," said Concepción. "I’ll have our crew make preparations immediately."
"I won’t lie to you, Mr. Podolski, this is bad news for you."
"You may not know his name, but you know the man. I’ll refresh your memory. Dead guy. Docking tunnel. Ugly as a rock, probably from getting hit in the face over the years for being obstinate just like you."
"You can’t just shoot people like that and expect there to be no consequences," she said.
"The people of Indonesia needed help—more help than the MOPs could provide."
"The media was starving for that type of horror, and if Wit could give it to them, then he might be able to begin the sequence of events that might eventually result in aid for the people of Indonesia."
"I should have taken that Maori bastard, Mazer Rackham. I could use him about now."
"You despise everyone. This could be good for you."
"I’m a businessman, Imala. Some would even say a very savvy businessman."
"You won’t find any pink elephants, if that’s what you’re looking for."
"It was gruesome, horrific work. The air was thick with the scent of charred human remains."