
A Kiss At Midnight Quotes

A Kiss At Midnight by Eloisa James

A Kiss At Midnight Quotes
"Anger was watching tenants on the estate be forced to pay double the rent or leave cottages where they’d lived their whole lives."
"It was the pitying glances she had from acquaintances who never met her at dinner anymore."
"She stomped up the front steps girding her loins for battle, as her father himself would have said."
"Not Herself, this time. It’s Miss Victoria’s face, I gather."
"Poor Victoria didn’t have much going for her outside of her pretty face and prettier frocks."
"She was wearing a morning dress with a pleated bodice of lilac net, caught under the breasts with a trailing ribbon."
"I feel as if I’m missing something," Victoria said, looking from one to the other. "Are you going to cry, Kate?"
"But of course if Mariana’s costumes were the outward expression of her ambition, they were also the refuge of the failed."
"Talking to her stepmother, to Kate’s mind, was like peeing in a coal-black outhouse."
"He’s seems to have been remarkably forward in that department."
"You’re going to be meeting Dimsdale’s relatives in a few days."
"Of course, you could try," Wick commented. "But I expect you’ll have your hands full trying to charm your own bride."
"Blood is blood. I am an earl’s granddaughter, she told herself."
"A prince would never have done any of the things she had found herself doing in the past years."
"Everything English in her rose up in protest at his effrontery."
"No woman will be able to keep that man at home, and though they’re delightful to play with, it’s best to avoid them."
"You believe a prince is someone who knows the price of nothing?"
"Her eyes had me backing up until I was about to fall into the lake."
"Lovely, the spray’s blowing on my face. I don’t see what you’re doing trolling amongst our English maidens anyway."
"I’m not planning to fall in love, Lady Wrothe."
"I have such a ferocious temper that people tread on me at their peril."
"You’re thinking that you’re going to break your wife’s heart."
"If I ever became a man’s mistress, not that I would ever do so, he would have hair the color of sunlight, and eyes as blue as sapphires."
"Never. He would throw himself at my feet and beg my forgiveness."
"We kiss as if the bloody room had burst on fire."
"I’m not your Kate," she said, feeling her lips curve. Her treacherous heart was no match for a flirtatious prince on a summer’s day.
"You’re trying to drive me mad," he said conversationally, moving toward her with the grace of a predator.
"I shall make it part of the marriage settlement," Gabriel said. "I need a grope once a week or I’ll wilt like a lily."
"That’s because she’d out-and-out bludgeon Dagobert if she wanted to," Henry muttered to Kate.
"This is my evening," he said, "and I have planned it very carefully."
"I’ll have to walk slowly down the stairs and think about something dreadfully boring."
"I’ve been to this castle," he announced, in a thick accent. "I visited as a lad, when Lord Fitzclarence had the castle. Told my brother that the castle was worth having to come to England."
"This little girl is the apple of her father’s eye," Dimitri announced.
"My brother helped settle Cossacks next to the Sea of Azov. So we haven’t been princeling about for generations."
"A woman’s beauty isn’t just a matter of youth."
"The greatest beauties in her day were so covered with powder and patches that one couldn’t tell if there was a woman or a horse underneath."
"I have to say my piece, chicken," Dimitri said. "We’re from the Kingdom of Kuban, Your Highness. Don’t suppose you’ve heard much of it."
"I never married, you know," Sophonisba barked.
"He promised to stay with her forever. Maybe there’s something else, and then he says, Never from this palace of dim night Depart again."
"I don’t know if I’ll survive this night," he said raggedly.
"I probably wouldn’t love you so much if you were not the man that you are."