
Wild Invitation Quotes

Wild Invitation by Nalini Singh

Wild Invitation Quotes
"Everyone knew that. The boy had been drenched in blood, his parents murdered in front of his eyes. But he would lead."
"Most changeling healers relied on their inborn gifts, but Tamsyn had made the decision to study conventional medicine as well."
""I haven’t taken a lover since your fifteenth birthday.""
""You’re my mate. And I’m yours. Your mother and father didn’t have that connection.""
""You’re carrying too much responsibility as it is.""
""I’ve seen exactly how wrong things can go if leopards bond before they’re ready.""
"Do you?" Sadie’s features settled into a resolute expression. "Then show her, for goodness' sake."
"It felt like the whiplash unfurling of a coiled spring—a burst of pure power."
"She was sweetness and hope, woman and fire, erotic heat and gentle affection."
"He’s a good soul, Tammy. You will protect her, love her. That is your destiny."
"She wanted him to love her. It was a terribly impractical dream for a practical, sensible healer."
"I look at your body and have to fight the urge to bare my teeth and warn off anyone else from doing the same."
"You fit here," he said quietly, his voice lacking its usual playfulness. "The age of the trees, the immensity of the forest, it doesn’t scare you."
"It makes me feel free," she admitted. "Out here, no one’s watching, waiting for me to stumble."
"Your arousal is a vibrant thread to me," he whispered, voice husky, "but for the others, it’ll simply be background noise."
"I’ll tell you tonight…after I unwrap you." He made her sound like a present.
"Don’t you know? My cat is devoted to you. If you asked me to crawl, I’d crawl."
"Hey." His voice was a husky murmur. "What’s the matter, Angel?"
"She’s on to you, boyo. I bet she gets along with Jess like a house on fire."
"You’re my mate," he said simply. "You’re in my blood, in my heart, in my soul. To walk away from you would cut me to pieces."
"Trust me," he said, running his lips lightly over her skin, inducing a shiver. "I can’t help it," she whispered. "I’m not…" She bit her lip, trying to think of a way to say this without betraying how incredibly important he’d become to her in such a short time.
"God, I hope you make that sound when we’re naked."
"You have no idea how much I enjoy corrupting you."
"Does sexual frustration always make you so bad tempered?"
"If you think only dominants know how to love, you don’t know your packmates very well."
"I like your claws. Next time, use them on my back while I’m inside you."
"I’ll never complain if you have your hands…or your mouth, on any part of my body."
"It’s my own damn fault for buying you those panties."
"I'll be safe under shelter before the storm breaks."
"You're always out in the dark, have far more night shifts than you should, and it's clear you don't get enough sleep. Why?"
"I stayed up all night, waiting by the den entrance in wolf form as the pack rang friends, hospitals, restaurants, and diners along the way."
"They'd taken that detour, along a rural road with hardly any traffic. Their car was up to safety specs, had all the anti-skid, anti-collision technology, but something made them swerve into the barrier—maybe an animal—and their car, it exploded as it hit the bottom of the ravine."
"I will always need you—you're strong and brave and goddamn perfect, and you fucking own my heart."
"I have a lifetime of sensation to catch up on."
"I’m not a child. I know enough to stay in the safe zones."
"No one will ever convince me that there is a more beautiful place on this earth."
"I want to give her life back to her, but I can’t!"
"You’ll fly, Sienna, higher and stronger than those who would’ve caged you could ever imagine."
"I’m not fragile. I won’t break if you let me see your pain, your fury, your worry."