
Here's Looking At You Quotes

Here's Looking At You by Mhairi McFarlane

Here's Looking At You Quotes
"You have to rub the sticks to get the spark."
"You could slay the demon forever, this way. Wouldn’t that feel good?"
"I thought she had no idea how madly seductive this was."
"The satisfaction lasted a good three seconds before James realized that now he was going to have to go to this school reunion."
"I’m not playing any game, I’m simply saying no thanks to another date."
"We were agreeing there’s simply no way we wouldn’t have remembered you."
"She remembered what Michelle had said, that this was a demonstration of strength."
"You were right! She’s not from Rise Park."
"She knew full well the honest answer was more than his pride could take, and the alternatives let her off the hook."
"James had built up to shouting and Eva was wiping at her cheeks, head bent, hair falling forward over her eyes."
"Listening to her moving about on the floor above, James pulled the drawing out. It was textured, thick cartridge paper, the sort you get in art supply shops."
"Books showed Anna other universes, promising her there was a big world beyond Rise Park."
"Anna felt pathetically, overwhelmingly grateful for the sight of him. Someone who would never judge her, never snicker, never betray and ridicule her."
"Anna wasn’t confrontational by nature. While Patrick had the odd spluttering fit at idle students, Anna always tried to empathise."
"She liked it in here and often ducked in, even when she wasn’t seeing a film, to people watch over a hot chocolate."
"Anna could miss the love of her life if she hung back."
"Anna made out Michelle, scuffing her feet on the street outside Gelupo, puffing on a smokeless e-cigarette that looked like a tampon holder."
"If London likes America so much, why doesn’t it go live there?"
"There was no greater passion killer than your new wife leaving you, it turned out."
"The annoying thing was, as he’d conveyed in a slightly too aggressive outburst, he heartily agreed with her."
"It was the way you only stared at someone you were mad about, someone who could turn your guts to goo."
"You know when they embalm people, and they drain all bodily fluid out of them first? It’s like that, but with hope."
"Sometimes it’s the ones who treat you the worst that you like the most."
"I haven’t felt that much resentment towards an Irishman screwing people since I last flew Ryanair."
"His mouth fell open and he spoke, with some stuttering. ‘Oh, uh … yeah. I probably needed to mention that …?’"
"‘I’ve been wanting to tell you this all night, but … Luther’s constipated.'"
"This is it, James. All you care about is whether I’ve had sex. You’re not interested in the reasons I left."
"It makes me think I left school but I’ve never left school, if you know what I mean."
"It’s true that I partly invited you to the theatre because Laurence had asked me to introduce you again."
"Crazy how one bad experience can reverberate down the years like that, isn’t it?"
"I’d hate to be a woman or gay ... That was meant to be the most New Man moment ever and it sounds really bad."
"I’m out of here. You’re plain fuckin’ mental."
"I keep thinking about what you must’ve thought of me after that call from Laurence and … it’s not nice."
"By different, you mean less fat? Less ugly? Less bullied?"
"James Fraser didn’t strike her as someone who needed – or even wanted – women in his life who gave him grief. Apart from his wife."
"You either get a few signals, get pissed, end up in bed, it becomes a habit."
"I wanted to know you!" Aggy said, a tear sliding down her cheek.
"I'm wearing a disguise. Nothing's ever real."
"I'm waiting for emotions to agree with intellect that I have nothing to be ashamed about."
"Everyone hated me, Michelle. They loathed me."
"Given you are loved, lots, this is plainly not true."
"Make the Mock Rock a story. Make it one of your stories. You're so funny, everyone would laugh with you."
"I promise you, there is nothing remotely romantic going on with James."
"Don't work too hard if you want to be happy. Men like fun much more than they like clever."
"I can't afford it," Daniel said. "It's time to tighten our belts."
"I'm not going to tell her what to do. I'll point out that going home might be a good idea and I'll offer to take her."
"I want to say how sorry I am. It was awful and cruel and I can't imagine how badly it hurt you."
"It's patisserie, so it has no moral implications, my love."
"Yes, while cooking the food, chilling the grog, sorting the playlist and doing the décor, I had a team of nutritionists analyze the approximate energy value of slices of my puddings, as a handy guide for neurotics."
"You have toyed with me long enough, inamorata."
"Anna, you will never be cool. And you don’t need to be."
"I’m trying to work out the appeal of these archaic attitudes. It’s so irrelevant now."
"You’re rehearsing the wording with the napkin in it, aren’t you?"
"If I didn’t fancy you, would I kiss you like this?"
"You said you liked it when a man made a big declaration of his feelings."