
Before And Again Quotes

Before And Again by Barbara Delinsky

Before And Again Quotes
"The trouble with waking up in the morning is that you look like who you are. That’s great if you like who you are, but not so great if you don’t."
"Mug shots are never pretty. Heartache is written all over mine."
"Satisfied, I straightened and stood back, brushed my hair, fluffed my bangs. Then, as I did each day, I turned away from the mirror wearing my new face and tried to forget the old one."
"To live through trauma and thrive? That was my goal."
"Understatement was what my life in Devon was about. I was happy to fly under the radar."
"I knew about venting to a therapist, and I could certainly relate to wanting to feel better about oneself."
"Hope is the future lined in gold, my mother used to say."
"What I loved most about my job was that I could make it happen for others, if only until bedtime, when the new face washed off."
"Clay was in my blood, the smell of it alone a balm."
"I deliberately chose a workbench apart from the others. The sandy burr of the potter’s wheel soothed me when I worked, but not so human voices."
"Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path."
"A big part of growing up is learning to be cautious. It’s realizing that there are consequences to everything you do."
"Makeup providers change shades to complement what’s on the runway in a given year."
"Death might not be involved in the charges against him, but the potential consequences were still pretty heavy for someone that age to bear."
"You have to wonder why someone with that kind of money would want to take over as GM."
"I’m a master at blocking out painful thoughts, you know?"
"I couldn’t have spoken if my life had depended on it."
"No amount of makeup could hide what was inside."
"I have always found the pulling, pushing, and slamming to be therapeutic."
"My personal life is stalled. I’m stuck in the past."
"We stopped talking. Why did we stop talking?"
"I sculpt. Just more now with makeup than clay."
"If you want to talk about little green buds in the forest, that was my life in Devon."
"You won’t disappear with raven. It’s too extreme."
"You can only disappear up to a point. If the press wants to find you, they will."
"Only a strong person can stand up to those cameras and say, 'fuck you, I don’t care what you think, I’m a good mother, my son is a good kid, these charges are bogus.'"
"If it weren’t for Chris, I’d run away in a heartbeat, just disappear and reinvent myself."
"I love your flair. You’re one of the few people I know who can pull it off."
"The smell of a place is soothing. And the people."
"I’m not sure you could be understated if you tried."
"I’ve deliberately kept the men in my life out of his life. Isn’t what I do on my own time my own?"
"Once they realized the foxes had to stay, they didn’t care to redo the rest."
"No counseling. I’m telling you, if it weren’t for Chris, I’d run away in a heartbeat, just disappear and reinvent myself."
"I'm fine," I finally managed, but it was another minute before I managed to ease back, only then realizing that my gloved fingers were folded over the edge of his pockets.
"Tragedies happen. How we handle them is a test of character."
"You can't just wipe out someone you made. She'll always be part of me."
"I want to be happy again, Maggie. I want to be whole. Is that too much to ask?"
"What I think is that you’re the one with the ideas, so you need to suggest one."
"But how does a cut heal if you don’t give it air to scab over?"
"I want to be able to laugh without feeling guilty."
"Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone."
"You don’t. Maybe you incorporate it into who you are and move on."
"I can’t vouch for your mother. If she needs a scapegoat for her disappointments, you may be it."
"I can't do this," I whispered. If my mother rejected me now, I would be destroyed.
"You tell him that. I tried. He wouldn’t listen."
"Because it's my life," I said and then, without thought to whether the time or place was ideal, I felt my eyes fill, and while the tears didn’t spill, my words did.
"I still do. They make me woozy. That may be why I’m having trouble..."
"I just don’t know what to say. I don’t know why things happen or what to do when you lose what you always wanted and can’t get it back."
"I have always loved you, but that is not the issue."
"I’m tired of focusing on what we lost, Maggie. I want to focus on what we had."
"I was thinking exactly the way a woman with my marriage history would think. Now I’m not."
"I thought you’d be up before me. You always were."
"The old model isn’t any good, but I’m not sure what the new one should be."
"People don’t cry because they’re weak. They cry because they’ve been strong for too long."
"Everyone in the world is guilty of something."
"I might have been naive about how far he would go to annihilate me, but I’m not stupid."
"It’s a good law. It’s probably saved more than a life or two. And it has your name. Isn’t that a good thing?"
"I can’t go back, she had just said. But if she didn’t go back, if she didn’t finally tell someone the truth of the past, she could never be whole."
"I loved my art school friends. We were all different, but we accepted that."
"That was what we did in Devon. I had done it. Edward had. Now my mother. And Grace?"
"Our lives, our minds, our dreams are different now. They have nothing to do with the way we were. They’re about the way we want to be."