
Fated Quotes

Fated by Benedict Jacka

Fated Quotes
"It was a slow day, so I was reading a book at my desk and seeing into the future."
"The kid had come on a bicycle, and in fifteen minutes a traffic warden was going to come by and ticket him for locking his bike to the railings."
"There’s a spot where the canal, three bridges, and two railway lines all meet and tangle together in a kind of urban reef knot."
"I’m a mage; a diviner. Some people call mages like me oracles, or seers, or probability mages if they want to be really wordy."
"We look the same as anyone else, and if you passed one of us on the street, odds are you’d never know it."
"It’s another world, hidden within your own, and most of those who live in it don’t like visitors."
"I don’t work for anybody. No one’s going to care if you die here."
"You can think of magical talent as a pyramid."
"I knew that Lyle was gone and wasn’t coming back, but I stayed where I was for another twenty minutes, watching the reflections in the dark water and waiting for the ugly memories to settle."
"Magic items give off an aura, and the more powerful the item, the more powerful that aura is."
"Usually the nightmares are pain and fear, but it had been a long time since I’d remembered Shireen. Seeing her again, even in a dream, made my heart clench."
"Watching someone die is bad, but knowing that they have to be dead yet never being sure is worse."
"Reason number one: because I hate you. I’d add more, but you’ve only got fifteen seconds left."
"Gravity was an understatement. If the Council thought I was part of Cinder’s group, I was dead."
"Luna wasn’t coming because she didn’t want to. The simplest explanation for Luna’s not showing up was that she didn’t want to see me."
"I don’t like the Council. I don’t like its ideas, and I don’t like its people."
"You ever listen to a word I say? Anything you take into your life, you have to be able to walk away from ten seconds flat, never see it again."
"Don’t listen to him, dear. You look perfect."
"I’d wondered why you’d been so busy the last few months."
"There's a reason most of my friends aren't mages."
"No one could have gotten through the defences without us noticing."
"In my opinion, the most terrible moment of enlightenment is the one where you realise you're outflanked, outgunned, and a sitting duck."
"Life as a Dark mage is savage and brutal, an endless war for status and power with shifting alliances and betrayals."
"We simply recognise the truth—that all definitions of good and evil ultimately come down to points of view."
"You associate the name of a Dark mage with Richard’s behaviour. But being a Dark mage doesn’t mean being destructive or vicious."
"I can see them. You haven’t escaped, no one does. It always comes back."
"That’s twice you’ve tried. Pull anything like this again, on either of us, and I’ll see you dead."
"You’re leaving this warehouse in one of two ways. With us to where you hid that cube, or in a bag. Choose fast."
"I suddenly realised that the future before me had split into two paths."
"You survived and escaped because you were powerful enough, which is, of course, what this is really all about."
"A true Dark mage has purpose. Those who lack purpose are pawns to those who do not."
"If you hadn't, none of your beliefs would have mattered."
"I wasn’t trying to beat you. You could never beat me."
"It’s hard to know exactly where ideas come from."
"When I escaped, I swore I’d never come back here."
"Treating torture chambers as something normal helps make it less scary."
"The most powerful weapon you have is your mind."
"No secret this big could stay a secret for long."