
Whistling Past The Graveyard Quotes

Whistling Past The Graveyard by Susan Crandall

Whistling Past The Graveyard Quotes
"My mouth always worked a whole lot faster than my good sense."
"Truth be told, Mamie didn’t smack me as often as her face said she thought I needed it; so I reckon she should get credit for tolerance."
"Keeping one’s counsel was important for a lady in order to be an acceptable person in society."
"Not that Daddy and I thought I needed to become a lady, but it meant a lot to Mamie, so Daddy said I had to try."
"It’s high time for you to start thinking about how the world looks at you. Your name is one of the first things people know."
"The only thing I was good at was making trouble."
"Sometimes things happen 'tween a husband and wife. You see when you grown."
"You got yo’self a real nice touch with a baby."
"Sounds like a nighttime winter sky... you know, when the air is sharp and the stars so bright they look like little pinpricks to heaven."
"Sometimes laughin' is all a body can do, child. It's laugh or lose your mind."
"You don't understand nothin', so don't go talkin' like you do. You just a child, you don't know nothin' about bein' a wife . . . or a colored woman."
"Sometimes Wallace, he get lost. But he always find his way back."
"It might rain for the rest of the night, but I could walk in the rain; heck, I couldn't get any wetter."
"We be a family now, us four—a secret family."
"Once that first cry was loose, it took over my whole self and there wasn’t nothing left to be but blubberin' defeat."
"Might as well be broke if we can’t buy gas to make it go down the road."
"You can't use other folks' bad behavior to excuse your own. When we got a choice, we keep Jesus in our hearts and don't do nothin' that would make him ashamed."
"Havin' somebody to love does that for a person."
"A body don't know how many the good Lord tucked inside them until the time is right."
"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today."
"It's your generous and caring heart that made you go after that man. That's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Every child should go to a carnival at least once."
"You're always such good help. It's just that..."
"Love don't need to be in the same house. There always be love inside me for you and James, no matter where we are."
"We got to look out for each other, especially when things are difficult."
"This town might be bigger than where you're from, but it's still small enough that people talk."
"You really could see everything from up there, church steeples, the water tower, the whole carnival... and the people looked so little."
"Good thing, ’cause the next thing we rode was the Paratrooper."
"Upside down up high was a horse of a different color."
"All my screaming didn’t do nothing but get a bunch of people to stop in front of the Bullet and watch."
"I picked up a rock and broke one of the headlights."
"The sound of it shattering and little pieces of glass hitting the bumper made me feel better."
"I made it to the second swing before the screams I was holding in busted out."
"It’s the Jenkins boys’ truck. They deserve to get some of their own meanness back."
"That’s when my happy flew out the kitchen window."
"We can’t keep her here just because we don’t want her to leave."
"But I was Eula’s people—all her people now that James was gone."
"I’d say that you and me right down to the bone."
"Some of the best things in life come when you’re not planning on them."
"You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me."
"I’m glad you’re learning something it took me years of working with men from all over the country to begin to understand."
"I wasn’t gonna run off again, no matter how bad things got."