
Death Bringer Quotes

Death Bringer by Derek Landy

Death Bringer Quotes
"Print was dead, they were saying. Not as dead as Kenny was going to be if he didn’t get the piece finished by the end of the month."
"I swear, you can never tell how an Irish summer is going to turn out."
"No one will hurt you while I’m with you. You’re a very special girl, and I love you as I would my own daughter."
"Love is finding someone better than you are, and holding on for dear life."
"If you ignore them, they go away. This one did not go away."
"The lies we tell other people are nothing to the lies we tell ourselves."
"I’ve never had any children, and I haven’t had a friend in centuries."
"The Necromancers believe life is a continuous stream of energy, flowing from life into death and around again into life."
"What’s the point of having friends in high places if you can’t use them to settle old grudges?"
"You could probably ease up on the brooding and self-loathing, though – that stopped being attractive a while ago."
"No one cared if another homeless person died. Just another piece of rubbish swept into the gutter of the city."
"Suddenly this article on modern urban legends had started to spiral into territories he would never have anticipated."
"The idea of people with strange powers is just ridiculous, isn’t it? It belongs in a comic book."
"You realise that you’re wearing a hood and I can’t see your face, so if you’re glaring at me, or scowling, or raising an eyebrow, I have no way of knowing."
"Our souls, our life force, flow through that never-ending stream – but not our minds. Not our memories."
"We study Necromancy because we’re trying to defeat death. That’s what this is all about, Valkyrie. This is all it’s ever been about."
"Society will evolve. It'll have to. Evolve or perish. We figure it's worth the risk."
"Having children is a biological need only because we are mortal."
"But when we are immortal, we won't have that need to procreate."
"The energy stream that flows through this world, this reality, it links up with the next reality, and the next, and it loops around again."
"Their life forces will block the stream, overload it, cutting it off for ever."
"I thought there would be more to it. Instead, I’m, I’m the result of a Necromancer trick."
"You can’t do that. Are you insane? You can’t do that."
"Everyone has secrets, Valkyrie. I don’t need to tell you that. So long as he hasn’t used this secret to intentionally hurt you, however, I don’t see the problem. Friends stick by each other. That’s what they do."
"The secret to holding a baby is to pick it up by the scruff of the neck."
"It’s kind of hard to stay angry at you. You probably don’t feel you did anything wrong, do you?"
"Because she’s selfish. Maybe you’ll grow out of it in a few years. I don’t know. I hope you do."
"I never claimed otherwise. Your reflection is still naked, by the way."
"They’re not diverse; they're mindless followers."
"Life isn’t fair. In my experience, death isn’t so different."
"If you were not already dead, I would gladly kill you both."
"I think, OK, for a moment, you glimpsed a great truth about life and death. Maybe your power surged in such a way that it pushed you a little further, opened your mind a little wider."
"You’re allowed," said Valkyrie. The pile of rocks shifted beneath her, and when she put her hand down to steady herself, they scattered and she slid to the ground.
"You think you can beat me?" Melancholia said with a laugh. "I killed you with a thought, you ridiculous thing. I killed you, I defeated Lord Vile… what else do you have to throw at me?"
"The great irony is that the sorcerers who fear death the most are the sorcerers who claim to understand it the fullest."
"This is very true," Gordon said. "And you’re absolutely right. This Geraint is far too old. You’re to stay away from that boy."
"Her fingers flattened, her heels dug in and she heaved. Another few inches, this time. And then another few more."
"She had space now, space to hug herself, space to bend her legs and raise her head. The exit was in sight."
"Holding her hands close to her chest, her fingers curled protectively, Valkyrie hurried on."
"Valkyrie didn’t know what she was going to do when she caught up with her."
"Valkyrie faltered when she heard a roar up ahead."
"Melancholia tried to sweep Vile away in a wave of shadows, but something went wrong."
"Valkyrie skidded to a halt. 'Where’d he go?'"
"Valkyrie’s bloody fingers made climbing difficult, but she hissed through the pain."
"The White Cleaver nodded, slid the scythe into its fixture on his back, and scooped Melancholia into his arms."
"Valkyrie stared as his body kept running and toppled into the water."
"Valkyrie didn’t know what to do. She glanced back."
"Melancholia grimaced, and got up. 'I don’t know. I think I redirected his shadow-walk.'"
"The darkness writhed in the tunnel behind them."
"Valkyrie pushed herself away from the car, forced her legs to run to Melancholia."
"Darquesse stood up, and looked at Lord Vile."
"Darquesse flew high, and fast, and he gave chase."
"Valkyrie took out her phone to check the time. It fell to pieces the moment it left her pocket."
"There was something wrong with us," Valkyrie murmured.