
Foreign Agent Quotes

Foreign Agent by Brad Thor

Foreign Agent Quotes
"No place in Iraq was safe—and that went double for Anbar."
"Hurry up and wait. It was par for the course for operators."
"As long as she hit the road by Friday prayers, she’d be all right."
"Nobody gunned up that heavy for dinner unless they were in a war zone."
"If they so much as look in our direction, we will take them out."
"The pandemic, though short-lived, had been brutal."
"The idea of steaks and pretty girls had appealed to the other men on the team."
"ISIS isn’t that good. And nobody is this lucky."
"Even when there was no pattern, that was a pattern."
"Your condition will not win you any special treatment."
"The greatest risk Baseyev faced, besides decompression sickness or drowning, was getting lost in the cave system."
"The U.S. government considered them to be the most technologically advanced, sophisticated, and dangerous cartel operating in Mexico."
"If there had been too much rain and the "dry" portions of the cave system had filled up with water, they wouldn’t have enough breathing gas to make the trip."
"He could have used his Lufthansa alias, but he didn’t want any record of his having entered the United States."
"Get out," Alexandra Ivanova said as Harvath stepped into her room. "Now."
"You will not see me," Baseyev had told her, "but I will be close. I will be watching over you."
"The United States figured out what it had been used for, he would be long gone."
"The Russians can be clever," Herman offered. "Very clever. Don’t let them get in your head."
"Harvath knew enough cops to know that in police work, there was never such a thing as a "routine" traffic stop."
"He drank his bourbon and thought of the men and women who had died. And as he thought about them, his anger grew."
"Too many people had died, too much had already been lost. Enough was enough."
"Old East German Building, he thought to himself. Old wiring. He was Russian. He was used to things not working."
"He couldn’t really complain, though. He had lived in places much worse. At least he was in Europe."
"That was the last thing he remembered before the searing-hot pain shot through his entire body."
"There was a small checkpoint entrance on the far northeast side of the airport."
"Russia’s only deep, warm-water port was located in the Syrian coastal city of Tartus."
"He had never considered that Reed Carlton might pull him from the field before he was ready to leave it behind."
"America’s previous attack had dominated global headlines for the last seventy-two hours."
"With the trailer emptied out, the commander told his men to search the cab. The vultures weren’t done yet."
"They were going to go all the way to the White House together. She just knew it."
"He was Russian. He was used to things not working."
"He was a big believer in the old saying that anything that could go wrong would go wrong, so plan for it."
"The idea of an ascendant Russia was beyond anyone’s imagination just a few short years ago."
"He had wanted to make the world a better place."
"Evil always wanted to possess what it could not create."
"That’s from the President of the United States."