
Murder Most Unladylike Quotes

Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens

Murder Most Unladylike Quotes
"After all, I am much too short to be the heroine of this story, and who ever heard of a Chinese Sherlock Holmes?"
"The most important thing to happen in those first few weeks of the autumn term was the Detective Society, and it was Daisy who began that."
"Everyone knows there aren’t any [ghosts]. Even so, there are enough ghost stories going round our school to horrify anybody."
"As I said, Daisy decided that this year we were going to be detectives."
"I pelted along the empty, chalk-smelling corridor of Old Wing, and then turned right down the high, black and white tiled Library corridor, my feet echoing in the hush and my chest heaving."
"Daisy Wells is the President of the Detective Society, and I, Hazel Wong, am its Secretary."
"I realized that England might not be exactly how it had seemed in my jolly school-story books."
"I ran forward and knelt down beside her. I hesitated before touching her, because I had never touched a mistress before, but in the event it only felt like touching a human being."
"We began to dance. One-two-three, one-two-three, round in circles I moved, staring about me at the great big glassy windows and balance beams, and feeling amazed that nothing in the Gym had changed at all."
"My father’s dream of sending a son of his to school in England was ruined again."
"In England, the way of showing that you are very rich is to pretend that you are very poor and cannot afford things like heating or new shoes."
"Arguing with Daisy about things like that is like arguing with an avalanche when it is already on its way down the mountain."
"It’s always the clever ones who get found out easy as anything."
"It's utter hell. I've been in hell. The last few days – it's all been a blur. I can't think any more."
"It’s funny – I’ve read so much about guilt, and I always thought I understood it, but this – I can’t bear it any more, it’s as simple as that."
"The important thing about fitting in, I realized, was to look the part. And so I decided to do just that."
"I’ve seen you! You pretend not to know the answer when I know you do, all the time, just to make sure no one calls you a swot. Really, you’re cleverer than any of us."
"She hates being wrong. It is infuriating. But every time I want to simply give up being the sensible one, and shake her, I remember that before Daisy and I became friends I was even worse off."
"You see, as I’ve already suggested, my time at Deepdean did not begin well."
"The only thing we can do. Keep on until we catch Miss Tennyson’s accomplice and solve both murders, of course."
"Not bad for your Detective Society’s first murder case."
"You present a compelling, if slightly muddled, account of events."
"Murder is always foolish. If people only murdered each other rationally, I would be out of a job."
"You argued with her, and then you reached out and pushed her over the side."
"I thought I had to grin and bear it, but that was before I understood about the secret side of Daisy."