
The Unfortunate Side Effects Of Heartbreak And Magic Quotes

The Unfortunate Side Effects Of Heartbreak And Magic by Breanne Randall

The Unfortunate Side Effects Of Heartbreak And Magic Quotes
"The Sun Was Cold, the teakettle refused to boil, and the wretched scent of old memories burned from the logs as Sadie Revelare built up the fire."
"Some people needed flowers and pretty words. Sadie needed truth and kept promises."
"Business didn’t stop for bad omens. Actually, it thrived on them."
"Long ago, she let herself dream of her own house, a pair of toothbrushes, maybe even water spots on the mirror from a child brushing their teeth too close."
"Fine was what you used when it was anything but."
"Sadie so often walked the line between who people expected her to be and who she really was, the lines blurred until sometimes she forgot who she actually wanted to be."
"If you were in love, things tended to turn out too sweet. If dinner was bland, you needed some adventure."
"Even townsfolk who didn’t believe in magic knew what a flooding meant: someone was about to return."
"The day was still waking up, but her mind was already caught on the hamster wheel."
"Her heart hadn’t stopped beating erratically since she’d seen Jake standing on the sidewalk."
"The promise of magic seemed worth the cost of a curse."
"She settled into the noise. The shick of the whisk against the metal bowl, the slide of the baking tray against the counter, the whip of the dish towel as she settled it over her shoulder."
"Some things you can change, but those you can’t are best left well respected."
"Even without magic, this would still be the most perfect place on earth to her."
"Sadie listened to those lessons among the bitter rutabagas and wild, climbing sweet peas, drinking in every word, and letting them take root in her heart."
"I don’t want your stupid magic anyway," he’d shout before stomping off."
"She wondered when she’d become the friend who had to be talked off a ledge so often that Raquel had a speech for it."
"The magic had been in her veins for so long, sometimes she forgot who she was without it."
"She’d played the scenario out in her head so many times in so many different ways, it felt like a soap opera on repeat."
"The sweet scent beckoning them in like a childhood memory."
"Magic is the truest thing she knew, and she was good at it."
"People should like you for you. Not what you do for them."
"If it makes me feel good too, who does that hurt?"
"You’re always afraid people are going to leave, so you do anything you can to make them stay."
"The fingers that had been carefully combing through the zucchini were now clenched into fists."
"I know this is hard. I know it’s turning your world upside down."
"I took on this curse for my magic. The least it can do is be useful to fix this. I’ll find a way. I will,"
"One day, I’ll be left completely and utterly alone."
"Today will be a good day. We’ve got work to do."
"Helping people isn’t the same as loving them, Sadie."
"It’s a spicy floral tea that will give you the clarity to see what’s missing in your life."
"Now go on," she commanded, pushing Sadie through the doors.
"I’m just being a grouchy old crone. But you’re always doing all the work for everyone."
"Sweetheart, you’re so worried about somebody breaking your heart that you’re gonna end up breaking your own."
"I’m fine. Just gathering my wits," Sadie assured her.
"If you didn’t want to come, why’d you say yes?"
"You never let go of hope. Because if there’s even the tiniest chance that someone can be redeemed, you’ll never let go."
"I’ve been fighting it all this time, sustaining the bond, but even my death, it won’t be enough. When I’m gone, you’ll need a sacrifice."
"Maybe I just refuse to give in without a fight."
"All I ever wanted was for you to be proud of being a Revelare."
"Nothing can ever go back the way it was."
"We’re only as strong as the people we love. And the ones that love us. Nothing else matters."
"You sound like Gigi. But I don’t care. It’s going to work. It has to."
"You always were bad at accepting reality."
"Cheer up, ugly duckling. We’ve got this."
"I love this ‘shit’ because it’s our family legacy."
"You’re the one that loves this shit. Maybe that’s why."
"I’m the one that’s been bleeding her dry ever since. Blame me."
"It’s not good to butt in on other people’s conversations."
"Of course, we are. And I really do think you should, you know, maybe try therapy."
"Every Revelare leaves, but they always come back."
"You’ll forgive me for killing a man and sending your mother away for almost thirty years."
"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
"It was my chance to start over. To try again. To do it right this time."
"I got in too deep, and now the lies have just piled on top of each other."
"When your heart is split in two, you can't be true to either piece."
"That's not love, honey. That's loneliness."
"I think they both love the idea of each other."