
Simply Lies Quotes

Simply Lies by David Baldacci

Simply Lies Quotes
"Whoever wrote that was on drugs, or else my kids have no future as adults."
"Everybody else, not so much, she mused."
"You must love me, too, though. To pay for this shit, to come here and give me the chocolate milk and ask about my bowel movements."
"But then, with my history, what else could I expect? You build walls to keep the boogeyman away as long as you can."
"I feel like I’m being interrogated," she countered.
"I think this situation might be a little different, don’t you?"
"I never thought you’d make anything of yourself," Agnes said with a yawn.
"Sometimes life didn’t just suck, it made no sense at all."
"You could have been so much more, Mickey Gibson. And you just threw it all away."
"No, you did nothing wrong and you haven’t lost your damn job. Yet."
"You were a cop. Danger was part of the job. I hope you haven’t forgotten that."
"I gather evidence, develop theories, and draw conclusions, like Sherlock Holmes."
"I’m not saying you’re working for me, but I thought we were working together."
"If they were the ones to take him out, then they have long memories."
"You want to see your kids grow up. We talked about that before."
"I don’t have time to train someone new for this job."
"I have since learned of his relationships with other unsavory types."
"It’s a way for people to do what they want and then hold others to a higher standard."
"I think it was written by two different people."
"Our goal is to have an eighty-five percent deployment at all times."
"We’re cash flow positive after only eleven months."
"Life was a shell game. The winners could just hide the truth better than everybody else."
"Enter and exit only when and where I say to."
"Whoever invented these cups must have had kids."
"You’re not going to grow up to be a rock star or CEO or a pro athlete after being in WITSEC."
"She was much richer today than yesterday, but really only focused on one thing."
"Sometimes I’m too clever for my own good."
"Maybe. But it all depends on how you define ‘plain sight.’"
"He shook his head. ‘I have a feeling this one is going to take a while.’"
"Ninety minutes later the rain had finally subsided and so had their search. Without result."
"‘Tell me about it,’ replied Gibson dryly."
"‘What a world we live in.’ ‘Isn’t it though,’ said Sullivan."
"She refocused and went over the current state of affairs."
"But they wouldn’t, not yet. And if they were using her as leverage, they would have to make contact again."
"She would rather head them off and make contact with them."
"Hello and surprise. Took a while, but, like you, I don’t give up easy."
"And they also prevent me from losing my damn mind."
"Never forget, it’s just you and you alone. Nobody else gives a shit and neither should you."
"Gibson’s father will look like a cop until he takes his last breath."
"She sent Sullivan the link to the bulletin, with the email labeled URGENT."
"Gibson stared at the words on the screen again. They were important to the killer or killers."
"It’s a way for the rich’s assets to be deployed not in buying one more superyacht or luxurious private jet, but in silencing critics, buying off politicians and making sure they won their elections by hook or crook."
"Gibson came to slowly, and then, with a jerk of her head, she was fully awake and looking wildly around, but seeing only darkness."
"I can never have kids because of how forced sex at that age hurt me physically."
"Because she wouldn’t cry. All the stuff they did to her, she refused to cry."
"It doesn’t really matter if you believe me or not, does it?"
"You had it all. I thought you were going to be a pro basketball star, or rock the boards on Broadway."
"Nothing in life is guaranteed. But I’ll do my best."
"I have been in an institution, and I wouldn’t recommend it."
"I don’t like men who do shit to kids and get away with it."
"I’ve committed crimes. I’ve hurt people. But I don’t like men who do shit to kids and get away with it."
"If that isn’t irony piled on top of irony, I don’t know what is."
"You’re right. Everything you just said is true. I’m a pathetic loser."
"I’ve had to deal with psychos my whole life, with my father being the predominate one."
"My father taught me to not judge someone unless I’ve walked in their shoes."
"Oh, what a beautiful day it turned out to be."
"I wasn’t lying when I told you the sorts of crimes that Trask and my father were involved in."
"You have no reason to believe me, I know, but that is the truth."
"I can’t let you do that. It’s too dangerous."
"That’s why I asked to meet with you immediately."
"You’re not doing too well. See, when you work for me, you do everything above and beyond."
"I’ll take care of this. I’ll get Trask off your case."
"They can’t argue entrapment because they’re missing a critical piece of evidence."
"The history books may write that Nathan Trask was brought down by his own arrogance."
"I don’t know anyone who’s walked in your shoes."
"I’m glad you took my advice and teamed up, ladies."
"After a while, the fear is still there, but it’s no longer paralyzing."
"No pressure, just relax and start talking."