
Eve Quotes

Eve by Anna Carey

Eve Quotes
"By the time the sun set over the fifty-foot perimeter wall, the School lawn was covered with twelfth-year students."
"We’d spent most of our lives inside the compound walls, never knowing the forest beyond it, and this was the grandest party we’d ever been given."
"Come on! We don’t want to let this go to waste. I want my girls like plump little pigs!"
"I am handsome," I laughed, furrowing my brow to feign manliness.
"Men could be manipulative, conniving, and dangerous."
"I felt the metal whistle around my neck, thankful to have it should any creature broach the compound wall."
"Eve has proven to be one of the best, brightest students we’ve taught here."
"I couldn’t wait to get there. I wanted to be an artist, to paint portraits like Frida Kahlo or surreal dreamscapes like Magritte."
"You embody The New America, Eve—intelligence, hard work, and beauty."
"Ninety-eight percent of the population is dead, Eve. Gone. How do you think the world is going to continue? They don’t need artists," she whispered. "They need children."
"I wondered about the life that Pip and I would really have."
"I might be leading my friends to their demise."
"You are funny. But I’ve been fine on my own. You, however…"
"I realized what I'd done. I pulled back, my hand breaking free of his to rest on my forehead. 'I’m sorry, I just—' But he pulled me closer."
"You can love anyone. Love is just—caring about someone very deeply. Feeling like that person matters to you, like your whole world would be sadder without them in it."
"Sometimes it seems like all the things I need to know, I don’t. And all the things I do know are completely wrong."
"In an instant, I realized what I’d done. I pulled back, my hand breaking free of his to rest on my forehead. 'I’m sorry, I just—' But he pulled me closer."
"We stayed like that, with Arden’s forehead on my shoulder, until Caleb called out from the piano. 'Come on you two,' he said. 'Stop being such… girls.' He shot me a mischievous grin, his eyes shining."
"I knew, perhaps with more certainty than I knew anything else, that this was a good man."
"I had learned the strange art of loneliness, the weathered yearning that swells and passes, swells and passes, when you walk a trail alone."
"He especially loved people, is so happy, especially remembering Eloise."
"The sun peeked over the horizon, warming my skin."
"I took another scoop of jam, letting the bitter raspberry seeds pop beneath my teeth."
"Tears trailed down my face, cutting through the thin layer of dust that coated my skin."
"I pressed my hands to his cheeks, wondering if I was having a waking dream."
"Our bodies pressed into one; our arms pulled the other nearer and nearer still, until nothing was between us, not even air."
"I try to remember the times before the plague, when I played Capture the Flag with my brother and his friends in our yard."
"The sky released tiny white crystals... 'Is this'—I held out my hand—'snow?'"
"I pulled the fabric from the one stable rod to the ground, anchoring it with a few rocks."
"Benny told me that loving someone meant knowing that your life would be worse without them in it."
"It was all for a moment. It was all too good to be missed."
"I pulled myself from the battered tent... I was simply and impossibly free."
"I chased him through the short trees, over rocks, nearly tripping as I pelted his back once, twice, and a third time, my steps faster with delight."
"I couldn’t help but laugh. 'I want it to be in August,' I said."
"We should start moving. It’ll be easier to keep warm."
"The Jeep veered off to the side of the road, stopping at a cluster of buildings."
"I climbed into the front seat... Then I moved the stick in the center, letting it lock on the D."
"Below us the waves collided into one another, sloshing with white."
"I realized then we’d never discussed what would happen when we arrived at Califia."
"I couldn’t say it—I couldn’t tell him good-bye."