
The Coldest Winter Ever Quotes

The Coldest Winter Ever by Sister Souljah

The Coldest Winter Ever Quotes
"Loyalty, respect, love and strength to my husband and son."
"You almost can’t even see their pimples. So you know that TV shit ain’t real."
"It was important for me to know I deserved the best, no slum jewelry, cheap shoes, or knockoff designer stuff, only the real thing."
"If you put your hands on anybody in the family you would get jumped by the next oldest person in our family."
"His cologne came around the corner introducing him before you could even see him."
"Beautiful women are supposed to be taken care of."
"A bad bitch is a woman who handles her business without making it seem like business."
"Only a hardworking man, a sharp thinker who doesn’t hesitate to do what he gotta do, deserves you."
"Keep the family’s business quiet. Most things were better left unsaid."
"That’s how I stay on top baby. I look at life from every position. I play from every side."
"The streets don’t love you. They don’t even know you."
"Lying sure comes easy to you. You don’t have to take a breath, blink, twitch, nothing. The lies just roll straight off your tongue."
"Betrayal is for suckers. That’s what you taught me."
"Trust no one and answer no questions. Don’t give anybody our phone number who doesn’t already have it. Just don’t get sloppy."
"It’s good that you thought twice about it. But Midnight’s clean. He’s as loyal as a blood-born son."
"You talking crazy, Daddy. No, seriously, Winter. My life from the outside is all good. But believe me, there’s no letting up."
"We bad bitches, remember? Bad bitches don’t die."
"The block is hot. That means that the 5-0 was everywhere."
"You gotta know how to spread the cheese around the table."
"I couldn’t have left him with my girls if I didn’t think I could trust him with my money and my life."
"If you got stressed out, you start making mistakes, overlooking critical shit."
"He has given me everything. If I had to catch a bullet for him, so what."
"Sometimes it’s better to check into a shelter than to move into another problematic environment."
"You can’t get no respect in Brooklyn being all down on yourself."
"I realized I wasn’t really gonna get no money for no plastic surgery."
"I saw that live hoe Grace Jones. It clicked in my mind. It’s a sign."
"I’m gonna rock it just like Grace. She don’t care what nobody says and neither do I."
"I was sitting in the living room looking at Aunt Laurie’s old record albums."
"I figured your aunt was tryna be cute by taking the wig away from me."
"Every man gotta do it his way. I did it my way."
"A real man can’t be in this business yapping off at the mouth like a woman."
"Your father’s a smart man. I learned a lot from him."
"Everything is fun and games for you, Winter, huh?"
"I’m gonna be straight, Shorty. Don’t worry about me. I got plans."
"Pain is a part of life. That's my point, pain is part of life."
"When it's your time to go, you go. If it's not your time, you don't go."
"Once I find God, the good in myself, I can take most of the pain away."
"I'm a fighter and so are you. I raised you to be on top."
"The only problem is that in New York, beef between young sisters living in the same space can end up so many different ways."
"You can't bring nobody to this house. The only strangers who are allowed in are the patients."
"I pray that I receive a message to give."
"But real y we women don’t have to do anything to be beautiful. It’s a gift from God."
"Every right decision brings us blessings. Every wrong decision brings us pain."
"We forget how to live our lives to protect our spirit, to be clean and decent."
"When we hate ourselves we destroy our bodies with alcohol, drugs, casual sex, and a bunch of stuff."
"What is a community without you, the mothers?"
"Don’t see death, see life. Don’t see ugly, see beauty."
"You are powerful. A change of mind, a change of spirit, and a change of actions can create a new you."
"If you live in your community you already know what’s happening. You don’t need no book to tel you."
"Knowing what you believe lays a foundation for your life."
"The key to success is to be natural. Everything was easy. Nobody acting strange or unusual."
"I'd lie for you, ride for you, die for you. But if I die for you, I couldn’t have no more of this good dick."
"A little blood ain't gonna hurt this big dick."
"Them some loyal bitches. They do whatever I tell them to do. I tell them to sit, they sit. I tell them to stay, they stay. Are you loyal, Winter?"
"I'm hungry." "Oh, so you remember who feeds you?" "I never forgot."
"You know how you just get that feeling? As we turned onto our old Brooklyn neighborhood block that midday afternoon, it was crowded with fire trucks and emergency vehicles."
"I calculated about 263 what-ifs. What if I had done this? What if I had done that?"
"The idea that anyone thinks a drug tale can be their own private or personal story when everyone in the drug 'game' has experienced the same exact thing."
"In the van, I could feel the breeze. I could even smell the trees, the sap, and the flowers in the spring air as we drove down the road, headed to the airport."
"Only the men who were willing to become killers and enemies to their own people could make it to the top."
"I take one day at a time the eight years I have left. I cross out each day as I survive it."
"I wanted to shake up the backward notions of womanhood pushed by the American money machine."
"The fact of the matter is, there is no threatening authority in the life of Winter Santiaga prior to her father's downfall."
"In the projects, space is tight. Too many times it is dangerous, sometimes dirty."
"When a child is given things of great material worth, through no effort of her own, she loses the awareness of its value."
"Time lost helping her to develop a skill of her own is time she could’ve spent charting an independent course."
"No outside reading or information coming in, is a guarantee that your child will be naive and ignorant."
"If she does not have any knowledge, any skill, if she has not mastered anything, she is not doing well."
"The other adults in your extended family become your opportunity to see beyond the limitations."
"His style was so overwhelming. The words he shared with Winter could not counteract his actions."
"Love is supposed to make you do something. It is supposed to make you feel something compelling."
"A hustler will trade anything for success, even people."
"Winter’s mom taught her that 'beautiful women are supposed to be taken care of.'"
"The absence of this information created a Winter Santiaga who was an emotional, mental, spiritual, and intellectual midget."
"Her mother’s shortcomings become the daughter’s shortcomings."
"She’s thinking, well, I’m still beautiful, why waste too much time worrying about anything or anyone else?"
"In the ghetto if you are born into the painful reality of having a criminal parent... the other adults in your extended family become your opportunity to see beyond the limitations."
"Love is a demonstrative word... It is supposed to make you feel something compelling that leads you to be unselfish, loyal, and protective."
"The fact of the matter is that Santiaga raised a daughter who was a hustler."