
Good In Bed Quotes

Good In Bed by Jennifer Weiner

Good In Bed Quotes
"Loving a larger woman is an act of courage in our world."
"I never thought of myself as a chubby chaser."
"Her body, I decided, was something I could learn to live with."
"Loving a larger woman is an act of courage in this world."
"You’ll see the way people look at her, and look at you for being with her."
"You hear, over and over, how fat is the last acceptable prejudice."
"Loving a larger woman is an act of courage in this world, and maybe it’s even an act of futility."
"I knew I was loving someone who didn’t believe that she herself was worthy of anyone’s love."
"I cried for Bruce, who had understood me far more than I’d given him credit for."
"Would you look at the size of that pan? That pan’s not big enough."
"And if he’s going to dredge the chicken in that flour, he needs to season it first."
"Would you like to have a beer maybe sometime?"
"Every morning, Nifkin woke me up by gently applying his nose to my eyelids."
"I want everything to be perfect… and I can’t even say what color my dress is."
"I thought it would feel the way it does when a scab over an old wound finally falls off—a momentary pang, a little bit of pain, a sense of absence. Then nothing. Just nothing at all."
"I just couldn’t figure out why I was crying."
"Forget it," my father pronounced over the table."
"That’s two more people than I’d have thought would be interested in seeing you naked," he said."
"I’d decided that this was what I wanted to do with my life."
"Writing was like slipping into the ocean, a place where I could move easily."
"It wasn’t that he didn’t want children, I realized sadly. It was that he hadn’t wanted us."
"I knew the whole time that his eyes were on the door."
"I wasn’t going to be my father’s rat anymore. I was going to walk away from the pellet bar."
"Why? Because you broke up with him? That’s silly."
"I want to have one thing in my life I can feel good about."
"But now, it’s like… all I want is to be there for him, and love him, and he won’t let me, and I feel so… alone"
"No, I want you to lie to me. I’m a movie star. Everyone else does."
"I have strong tanned legs. I have beautiful shoulders."
"I’m not going to take care of your weird little dog forever."
"But you know what I want even more than that? I want to forget about Bruce."
"Get me more tequila," I said, "and teach me how to hate."
"Never mind. I’m sorry. I had no right to ask you that. I’m sorry."
"I wish we’d never broken up. I wish we’d never met."
"I don’t think I can stand being fat and bowlegged."
"What’s wrong with rebound? Eventually, you have to move on."
"Get out as early as you can, and don’t have any kids yourself."
"Do you think I drove home and read her diary? Of course she told me!"
"I’m sorry. I take it this is… unexpected news."
"Everyone has history, my girlfriend says, trying to soothe me. Everyone has baggage, everyone carries parts of their past around."
"You don't owe me anything," he said. "I had fun today."
"Turning your former beloved into a memory, I thought sadly. So that's what he's doing."
"You’re funny," he said. "It’s a defense mechanism," I replied.
"I’m shy," I said. "And wouldn’t you like to get to know me better this way?"
"Flatterer," he said. He had a wonderful voice, low and warm.
"Maybe I’ll ask for a refund," he said, and glanced at me sideways.
"So, you’re, um… when are you…" "I’m due on June fifteenth," I said.
"I knew how to take care of myself. I knew how to write."
"Maybe I was the kind of girl who deserved to be mocked in magazines."
"You think needing your parents in your life is something you outgrow, like training wheels or a high chair?"
"My father glared at me. 'You don’t need to be condescending.'"
"I fought down the urge to put my hands on my belly where I imagined the baby’s ears would be."
"I could feel the bottom of the ocean tugging at me, and I craved it."
"I could hear his tail thumping as he whined."
"I have always wanted to say that to someone."
"I’ve learned that there are things that go wrong that don’t always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before."
"I will love myself because I am sturdy. Because I did not— will not— break."
"Love is the rug they pull out from under you."
"I will tell her that she’s beautiful. I will teach her how to swim, read, and ride a bike."
"Things happen, and you can’t make them un-happen. You don’t get do-overs, you can’t roll back the clock."
"I can give her this much, I thought. After all, she wasn’t the one who ignored me, who didn’t call me, who had caused me to fall into a sink and almost lose my baby."
"You can’t make grownups do what they don’t want to do."