
We Hunt The Flame Quotes

We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal

We Hunt The Flame Quotes
"Sunlight was always faint in the caliphate of Demenhur, because the sun didn’t know what to do with the snow that should be sand."
"For in a caliphate where a woman’s actions were always in danger of being turned against her, there was nothing easy about pretending to be a man."
"Paranoia had a way of visiting when he was least desired."
"Though everyone was a coward when it came to the forest."
"She was aware each venture could be her last, and though she swore she didn’t fear much, finding herself lost was her biggest fear of all."
"Her breath faltered. The Arz wasn’t a place to turn one’s back to."
"In Demenhur, they blamed women because of the Six Sisters."
"But for all their might, the men held their distance. Even they were afraid of the Arz."
"Sarasin’s open skies were as bleak as his thoughts."
"But that was long before Nasir’s time. He didn’t live. He existed."
"His mother used to say that a person without hope was a body without a soul."
"The loss of the Sisters nearly a century ago had left the people this way, bereft of the magic Arawiya depended on."
"Only in Sarasin could vengeance start so young."
"He pulled a feather from the folds of his robes and touched it to the blood."
"To the people, he was not Nasir Ghameq, crown prince of Arawiya, no. He was the purger of life."
"She did not tell him of the whispers that shadowed her every waking moment."
"The one solace she had was knowing that not all of the five caliphates held the same twisted views."
"To trust in its wickedness was to court a tortured death."
"The blood that ran through her veins rushed with dispassion, not love, not a desire for life."
"The homes on the outskirts of Sultan’s Keep were cobbled together with tan stone and flat roofs, doors of dark wood with copper-accented arches desperately shrouding the truth of the slums."
"The sultana was dead now, and her husband—Nasir’s father—was a monster."
"Nasir agreed, for he knew how his mother had breathed her last."
"Yasmine barked a laugh. "Sometimes." Then she dropped her voice to a whisper. "Most times.""
"Zafira’s house was the last in the village and closest to the Arz, making it easy for her to switch between herself and the Hunter."
"Zafira accepted a warm bowl of shorba from Yasmine and stirred the soft lentils, settling before the fire."
"Jumu’a stones were scattered across the five caliphates, laid by the Sisters themselves."
"The sultana who had saved Arawiya from collapsing after the Sisters disappeared."
"The sultan toyed with the antique circle at his chest."
"The faltering caliphates and lack of magic meant the editions were few and far between, but that only made them more cherished."
"Magic was as distant as a mirage now, and the lands lay in ruin, worsening as the Arz grew."
"With it, they brought us together, forging caliphates and ruling justly through the council seated in the place we now call Sultan’s Keep."
"Giving us a greater purpose, in which our natural affinities were allowed to define our lives."
"It was unity that gave us everything. Solidarity and love."
"Despite this, we persevere. Today’s ceremony will unite not only two hearts, but, in their own small way, two caliphates, as well."
"There’s many a hunter in Arawiya, girl. I invited you only because you topped my list."
"The beauty that withstands all. Stubborn in the harshest of atmospheres."
"A life without magic is what stole the desert from us. And Baba. And Umm."
"A life with magic means nothing to me if you aren’t in it."
"It’s like the Arz; the more you think about it, the madder you’ll become."
"If I hadn’t stepped on this ship, you wouldn’t have."
"I see you watching me, Huntress. Worry not," Altair said, glancing at his wound. "I’ll be good as new in no time."
"Maybe because you resemble a lost, rabid dog," the dark-haired one suggested in perfect seriousness.
"She touched the coolness of the ring he had given her and nearly swayed at the reminder of his still chest."
"The cloth was dark and rimmed in red. It reminded her of a snake, the ones with vibrant colors, poisonous and alluring at once."
"The hashashin eyed Altair’s path. 'That’s where we’re going.'"
"A shadow fell to her side, and Zafira glanced sharply at the dark-haired hashashin."
"‘Why do men think women can’t hear them unless we’re looking at them?’ Zafira snapped."
"A little thing to remember, Huntress: your face thinks before you do."
"The moment Zafira felled the last ifrit, Altair went over them for one final cut across their unmoving throats."
"A thread humming in her bloodstream, a murmur slithering through her veins. A frenzy drawing her forward."
"I eat the food, not inhale it. It's all about the flavor."
"You don't like garlic? At least we know for sure you aren't an ifrit."
"A murderer on two legs than one I don’t know about."
"The fire figure shimmered. 'Do you think me inane like you, boy?'"
"Nasir cleared his throat. 'You wanted me to summon you.'"
"Her confusion amplified, and so did the fear ricocheting in her chest."
"He wore a turban, though his fiery form obscured the color of the cloth."
"The Prince of Death was trying to earn his father’s approval."
"Zafira shook her head, his acceptance bombarding her calmness."
"The longer you delay, the harder it will be."
"What need do I have to lie?" she asked softly.
"You can flee Sharr now, exactly as you did all those years ago."
"It was not in my interests that I fled Sharr."
"But my time in the shadows has come to an end."
"You were all I had," he said. "Everything else could fall to ruin, but you—even dead you were mine."
"Just as our eyes tailor to the darkness, so do our souls."
"The world exploded in shadows that rivaled the Lion’s."