
The Starfish Sisters Quotes

The Starfish Sisters by Barbara O'Neal

The Starfish Sisters Quotes
"Dealing with loss, love, hidden secrets, and second chances, this stirring tale is utterly engaging and ultimately hopeful."
"Some of these characters have been elevated to celebrity, some are newcomers to the scene, but all are drawn together by the sensuality, the excitement, and the care that food brings them."
"I have a gift for it. Not the self-sacrificing, old-school kind of caretaking, but a matter-of-fact recognition that we all need love and tending."
"She had a gift for it. Not the self-sacrificing, old-school kind of caretaking, but a matter-of-fact recognition that we all need love and tending."
"I peer out the window. From here, I can see the big house on top of the bluff. Lights are on, both in the foyer and the kitchen, which has wraparound windows that face south and west to display the best ocean views for thirty-seven miles."
"As with so much of my connection to Suze, I’m of two minds on the task. It gives me pleasure to be in the house I’ve loved since we were children, to run my hands over the gleaming wood and gaze out the windows at the glorious view of the rocky Oregon coast."
"In this room, I am fully myself. Here, I am a maker, an artist with a vision of the world that is entirely my own."
"We’ve become good friends over the past few months, unified by the weirdness of coming back after such a long time, and age and proximity."
"I take a breath, let it go. The view is centering. Spectacular. Opposite the corkboard is a wall of windows that overlook the sea, straight north along the rocky coast."
"Color fills me, calms me, gives me an exit from this mundane world into one made of shimmer and blaze."
"I miss our closeness. For all that is wrong between us, she is still like the other half of me."
"I want to cry over both of those lonely girls, for everything they were about to lose."
"I hate my life. I hate my dad. I wish I could run away like GO ASK ALICE."
"Suze always, always, always wanted a cat and her dad would never let her have one."
"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live somewhere the sun shines all the time."
"I do what I can, honey. I’ll keep doing that, I promise."
"It’s reassuring when things are wrapped up. Unlike life."
"I tried to quell my jealousy, but once in a while it would be nice to be the one noticed."
"It's easier now than it was at first, which is how life goes."
"I think I might be kind of weird. That’s fine."
"I suddenly wonder if I will have the chance to plunge my fingers into it."
"I’m so happy to see you! I missed you with my own entire heart."
"I feel more at peace than I have in months. Maybe years."
"Everything about him is sure, clear, easy, and I wonder what that would be like—to be at home in yourself so completely."
"The real-life version is a little less intimidating."
"People meet again. What was is just what was."
"I want to let it go. And I don’t really know how."
"Sometimes I feel like I’ve been carrying around this giant bag of shit for most of my life."
"We all do that when we’re young, don’t you think?"
"Don’t take things away from yourself before you even get to enjoy them."
"I’ve loved her all my life and I love her now."
"Sometimes not caring can be a sign of depression."
"I am so sorry for all the pain you are going through."
"We can't keep having fights like this, fights that erupt over nothing and turn bitter within moments."
"I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me."
"How did I actually think those lies would work, anyway?"
"I’m fuming mad, crashing dishes around as I make lunch."
"It’s so hard to love people, knowing they might die."
"I would never have thought of looking for her there."