
Unfortunately Yours Quotes

Unfortunately Yours by Tessa Bailey

Unfortunately Yours Quotes
"August didn’t belong in this sunny five-star resort and spa courtyard on a Saturday afternoon ferrying wine on a silver tray to these wealthy birdbrains who overinflated the importance of wine so much it felt like satire."
"Natalie Vos had privilege and polish—not to mention money—coming out of her ears."
"Failure like a thorn stuck dead in the center of his chest."
"She was living in a beautiful guest house on the grounds of a vineyard, for god’s sake."
"Where there is a will to get drunk, dammit, there is a way."
"It had been a long time. Or maybe while getting lit to mourn the loss of everything she’d worked for, she’d accidentally numbed her ambition, too. Right now, in this moment, she had it back."
"I want to return better than ever. I want my former colleagues to realize they made a mistake . . ."
"You want to rub it in their faces," Corinne supplied.
"She’d probably pretend to like it for an hour and then I’d wake up to find a death threat written in blood on my bathroom mirror, signed with a paw print."
"The wine gods are certainly rejoicing this day."
"You would know, since the wine gods are your parents."
"I’m better elsewhere. I’m something. I’m someone when I’m not here."
"Those long, lithe legs had his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down against the starched collar of his shirt."
"Sorry I’m late," August said smoothly, cupping her cheek and drawing her in, as though kissing her were second nature.
"Can we negotiate my conjugal rights now?"
"I’ll give you a shot. Right in the junk—"
"You probably won’t even be able to fit into it by yourself."
"If I were your real fiancé, this is how I’d hold you. All the time."
"Lines that need to be clear will blur if we go there."
"Princess, if I had to slide home on a bed of razor blades, I’d make it to that base with you."
"You’re underestimating how much I love a challenge, too, princess."
"In the space of thirty minutes, you and this . . . ape have turned us into a spectacle."
"You are going to humiliate this family, the same way you did in high school."
"We might even bond over trying to defend ourselves against her feline evil."
"I grew up working for everything I had. I was taught to be proud of making ends meet."
"Pride is more important to me. Pride is something that can be kept. Love is too often squandered when you give it away."
"Love means letting go of your pride, after all."
"If he bailed that quickly, Natalie, he never had enough integrity to deserve you in the first place."
"The richest man in the world couldn’t pay him to be anywhere else."
"I promise to take your side in every argument—unless it’s the one you’re having with me, then it’s fair game."
""Natalie, I want to fuck you so bad, I’m surprised God didn’t strike me down when I walked into that tent today."
"This dream of a vineyard was something I never understood."
"I’m not a soldier, August, but I know your character."
"You’re supposed to believe I’ve existed only for you since day one."
"Who got this much enjoyment out of a fake husband?"
"Sorry if I’m the first one to tell you, just didn’t want you to be blindsided this week."
"I’m falling for my husband. Hard and fast."
"Maybe you’ve been with men in the past who don’t want to label shit or be tied down. Well, that’s not me. Not when it comes to you."
"She rode on a rainbow unicorn over the Milky Way and waved at an astronaut."
"Natalie Vos, I vow to hug you when you’re sad. Encourage you when you’re down. And take the blame for a fight if it means we don’t go to bed angry."
"I’m not scared of a fight. I’m scared you’ll get hurt."
"My God, I am fucking crazy about you."
"I love some parts of the storm between us."
"Right now, this very moment, we do, though. I’ve got you. You’ve got me. Can you please bring me home and take me to bed?"
"It’s never been like this. It’s never going to be like this again for either of us."
"I need my wife. I’ll always fucking need my wife."
"It was all or nothing now. With August."
"I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't take someone with that much bravery seriously."
"Only you would make the romantic gesture of flying across the country and ruin it with ball talk in, like, eight seconds."
"You're the best decision I've ever made."
"You’re my dream. He’d want me to have you as much as he wanted this place."
"I think you just named our first vintage."
"Something inside her was healing at a rapid rate."