
Chain Of Thorns Quotes

Chain Of Thorns by Cassandra Clare

Chain Of Thorns Quotes
"The moonlit, snowy fields that covered the ground as far as the eye could see."
"Dreams. They terrified him: Belial had come to him through dreams as long as he could remember."
"This snow had direction and purpose, beating down at a sharp angle against the bare slate-brown ground, like an unending volley of arrows."
"They had both made promises, after all—Matthew, that he would not drink to excess while they were in Paris; Cordelia, that she would not punish herself with dark thoughts of her failures..."
"Once you had lost everything, ... embrace whatever small happinesses you could."
"Chess is a Persian game... You are so beautiful."
"Grey rocks, and greyer sea, And surf along the shore— And in my heart a name My lips shall speak no more."
"Not hiding, she was finding, was a painful thing."
"The true puppet master is Belial. She is obedient to him. When she acts, it is at his behest. He is the one to fear."
"What was she afraid of, when there was nothing left for her to lose?"
"They want simple stories, in which people are either good or evil, and no one good ever makes a mistake, and no one evil ever repents."
"There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy."
"Et tu, Magnus? Have you no solidarity with your fellow warlocks?"
"Cortana was Cordelia’s sword, passed down through generations."
"Dear Alastair, why are you so stupid and so frustrating, and why do I think about you all the time?"
"The day was bright, daisy-yellow sunshine spilling in through the high, arched windows, turning Matthew’s hair to a halo of spun gold."
"They did not know of the Shadow World, did not see it, did not imagine what lurked beyond the thin scrim of illusion."
"Being possessed by Belial, having the Marks of dead Shadowhunters on his skin. It’s hurting him."
"We become what we are afraid we will be."
"Nothing can take the good things of the world from you."
"The future was cold and dark, but Matthew was warm against her, a shield against shadow."
"Pity and kindness were not love. Only free choice was love."
"I love you. The time I have been married to you, Daisy, has been—the happiest of my life."
"How hard, she thought, to pack away a life, so quickly!"
"Strength lay in keeping tight hold of reality."
"Unhappiness, over time… it poisons your life."
"The wound is the place where the light enters you."
"There is no shame in caring about someone, even if it hurts."
"We are all flawed creatures. As diamonds are flawed, each distinct imperfection makes us unique."
"I cannot help but feel something terribly dark is coming."
"Fear is a human emotion. He knows it makes mortals behave in irrational ways."
"When someone you love is leaving, all you think about is getting them back."
"Minds innocent and quiet take that for an hermitage."
"The beautiful Cordelia, who can do anything she likes. But in the real world, we don’t get everything we want."
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple." - Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
"When I kiss you, I hear—Voices crying out. They seem to be telling me of something terrible, something awful that is happening far away, perhaps in another world."
"I am alive because my life has you in it."
"Finding a suitable flat in central London was turning out to be harder than finding a Naga demon hiding in a drainpipe."
"Perhaps I shall rise to the top and become a criminal mastermind."
"He had a mad curiosity about the abandoned place that had once belonged to his family."
"If you're the paladin of an angel, but you do terrible things—commit terrible sins—the angel might reject you."
"Nothing romantic lurked here, only the end result of decades of domestic horror, negligence, and cruelty."
"We pretended we were other people, without troubles, people who could do as they liked."
"But when he looks at you, his light blazes up like a bonfire."
"I am not one to turn away from shadows."
"You’re not failing me, you’re not failing your family. You’re failing yourself."
"My beautiful Matthew, she thought, all the more beautiful for being so broken."
"I feel everything. For better or worse."
"I had hoped we would be friends, you and I."
"A future seemed to open before Ari in that moment. A more honest future, one in which she was who she wished to be."
"Our deepest illusions, and the most fragile, are the ones we hold on to about our friends and families."
"Kissing him was like traveling, exciting and unfamiliar, and at the same time it was coming home. It was everything."
"Hope wore out the soul, more than any other feeling."
"James, you’re going to try to contact Belial?"
"Mirrors were the way Tatiana used to contact Grace."
"But Chimera demons are symbiotic. They need to possess someone in order to come into their full power."
"I think that the person most standing between Alastair and happiness is Alastair himself."
"Try not to collect any painful memories, Lucie."
"Sometimes it pains me just to gaze upon him."
"Being from Basingstoke is a tragedy in itself."
"It’s like I’m watching clockwork dolls in a child’s dollhouse, acting out their parts."
"It means I would rather have a home with you than all the world."
"We cannot always be traveling, Matthew. We cannot always be running away."
"Why had no one ever told her how close happiness was to tears?"
"The truth is on your side. The truth matters."
"I know relationships are complicated, but when everyone loves one another enough, there will always be a way for things to come out all right in the end."
"In the face of blind prejudice, one curls in on oneself."
"How are you so wise? Not about science, or magic, I mean. About people."
"I love you. Asheghetam. I love you. I love you. Without you, I cannot breathe."
"We are married, and we will remain married, and in love, until the stars burn out of the sky."
"The fire falls asunder, all is changed, I am no more a child, and what I see Is not a fairy tale, but life, my life."
"Hatred poisons the person who hates, not the person who is hated."
"If we treat Grace with the mercy she did not show James, and that was never shown to her, then what she did will have no power over us."
"There is no instruction manual for becoming a better person."
"I won’t lift a weapon unless there’s no other choice."
"You offer me what Grace had of me—not a partner, but a prisoner."
"Belial cannot understand, nor you, Tatiana. I want a Cordelia who can leave me because then I know that when she stays with me, it is by choice."
"Even the blood of the Angel could only hold out so long against unstoppable foes."
"There was no way to win, or even a way out."
"I renounce you. I renounce any feeling that I ever had for one who bore your name."
"I can’t fix it. That is the unbearable part. There is nothing I can do."
"Perhaps to be a Shadowhunter simply means drawing runes over one's scars."
"When everything has gone to Hell, it focuses the mind rather effectively."
"Every time I kiss Jesse or touch him, I feel as though I am falling into shadow."
"I won't judge. I admire a pointless heroic quest."
"If the Nephilim wish to survive in the future, we must be aligned with the rest of the world."
"When you first picked up the sword… I realized, in that instant, that being its wielder would mean you were always the one in danger."
"I know Belial would be likely to step on me as though I were an ant. But I would stand with you, for as long as I am able."
"Your runes do not work here; adamas is dull in this world."
"It’s the simplest thing in the world. Beside you is your parabatai. The other half of your soul, who has followed you here out of loyalty, in faith that you would keep him safe."
"We are Nephilim... It is our duty to choose the world."
"Anna, you are the strongest person I know."
"I am your paladin and the bearer of the blade Cortana. I am the only one who can give Belial his third wound and end him."
"To not give up. To never give up. To fight all the way to the end."
"Maybe it’s just what we need right now. To not give up. To never give up. To fight all the way to the end."
"If you risked yourself. I know you are angry with me, Jesse. You are still my brother."
"When I am not under a spell, I am surprisingly insightful."
"The truth is, I do not know the person I will be when I am entirely sober."
"I cannot demand that you tell me anything; I have kept enough from you. Only… if you want to tell me, I swear I will listen."
"Death hangs in every part of the air. It feels like a weight pressing on me."