
Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow Quotes

Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow Quotes
"A truly magnificent thing about the way the brain was coded, was that it could say 'Excuse me' while meaning 'Screw you.'"
"Time was mathematically explicable; it was the heart—the part of the brain represented by the heart—that was the mystery."
"The only feeling a player could have at the end of Sadie’s game was nihilism."
"To allow yourself to play with another person is no small risk."
"There is no artist more empathetic than the game designer."
"It is no easy matter being the little sister, this I know."
"But I can tell you that the people who give you charity are never your friends. It is not possible to receive charity from a friend."
"You have to make whatever programming language you use suck your dick."
"Never use someone else’s engine, if you can help it. You cede too much power to them."
"The only thing that kept me from wanting to die was the fact that I could leave my body and be in a body that worked perfectly for a while."
"You’re going to need to pick up that log," Sadie said to Marx, "You’re going to need it to brain that zombie."
"The alternative to appropriation is a world where white European people make art about white European people."
"The key to being a good thief, Sam always felt, was utter brazenness."
"It’s the same with being an actor. In the end, all we can ever know is the game that was played, in the only world that we know."
"I want to make something that will make people happy."
"Friendship," Marx said, "is kind of like having a Tamagotchi."
"How can anything feel real when our landscapes look like woodblock prints?"
"Marx never met a genius he didn’t want to sleep with."
"There was a pleasant Weltschmerz that came over him."
"Making love to an ex, and this evening was no exception."
"The universe, he felt, was just—or if not just, fair enough."
"That love is all there is; is all we know of love."
"It is enough; the freight should be proportioned to the groove."
"I can feel you watching me. I can hear you breathing."
"The game I want to make is called Both Sides."
"Sam is always in love. He’s an emotional harlot."
"You don’t get to determine by yourself what we do next."
"Sam, your foot is bleeding through your sock."
"I’m completely down with what Sadie and Sam are doing."
"It’s brilliant design. Without it, the question of his dick would always be hanging out there."
"Who would ever think ‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’ was better than ‘God Only Knows’?"
"It’s not that bad. It was probably worse before."
"Sadie, pick up. We need to discuss this."
"The tendrils of smoke reached across the sofa to her, like sepulchral fingers beckoning, and a pleasant haze began to fill the room."
"Everyone knew Love Doppelgängers was a terrible title, but no one knew what to call it instead."
"Marx said to Sam, 'We can afford a new whiteboard, you know.'"
"Simon defended his title, 'Lots of people know what a doppelgänger is!'"
"Sam thought, Tell me I don’t know you, when I could draw both sides of this hand, your hand, from memory."
"‘We want everyone to buy this game,’ Sam said."
"Sadie knew they trusted her more than Sam, and she wanted to side with them."
"Sam brandished his dry-erase marker like a sword."
"Sadie looked at Sam’s shelves, which were a veritable museum of Ichigo history."
"I’m only twenty-six, Marx. I don’t have to work with him on every little thing I do for the rest of my life."
"You can’t know you want something until it’s an option."
"It means ‘gate-shut panic,’ " Simon said. "It’s the fear that time is running out and that you’re going to miss an opportunity."
"You’re smart," he replied. "That you’re a little bit wicked. And your mind is an interesting and unusual place."
"I didn’t think it would feel different to be married," Ant told her, "but somehow, it did. And now I feel as if I’ve been tricked."
"There’s no game without the NPCs," you tell him. "There’s just some bullshit hero, wandering around with no one to talk to and nothing to do."
"If I’ve done the work in the scenes before I die, if I’ve made a real impression, they’ll feel me in the scenes I’m not in anyway."
"Because it’s our company." - A moment of realization about shared responsibility and ownership.
"It’s tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. It’s the possibility of infinite rebirth, infinite redemption." - Reflecting on the endless cycle and hope in life.
"You can’t ignore me and our company and everything that came before." - A plea for acknowledgment of past efforts and achievements.
"The actual world is the random garbage fire it always is." - A cynical yet realistic view of the real world's unpredictability.
"We put the pain into the work, and the work becomes better." - The concept of channeling personal struggles into creative output.
"I’d positively love to leave you alone, but someone has to run our company." - The burden of responsibility in the face of personal issues.
"It’s not the human’s blood the desert vampire seeks, but her water." - A unique twist on a classic horror trope.
"We must fill our infinite days with something." - The existential need to give purpose to our lives.
"To make a game is to imagine the person playing it." - The creative process of game development as an act of empathy.
"Aren’t you a prickly one? My seventh wife was like that." - A humorous reflection on past relationships and their impact.
"I would go to my grave being able to draw the floor plan of 1312 Crescent Place." - An obsession with a place that holds significant emotional value.
"The idea that blood can have character" - A metaphorical view of individuality and uniqueness.
"Because nothing is permanent, ever." - The transient nature of life and experiences.
"I have no idea," Ant said. - The acknowledgment of uncertainty and the unknown.
"I love that world more, I think, because it is perfectible." - The allure of virtual worlds where control and perfection are possible.
"That’s the gamer in you, trying to figure out how you might have beat the level."
"The brain collects data, and within your brain, you host a virtual version of that person."
"Eventually, Sadie imagined that Marx would be reduced to a single image: just a man standing under a distant torii gate."
"Sadie was not a natural mother, though this was not a confession one was allowed to make."
"What person was a person without language? Tastes? Preferences? Experiences?"
"I’ve decided…I prefer video game death, all things considered."
"You have had tragedy, yes, but you have had many good friends as well."
"You make games for a living. You must know something about kids."
"I think I don’t like children because I hated being young."
"When you talk to Sadie, tell her there's pizza for her. Friends of Sam’s eat free."
"Why wouldn’t you tell someone you loved them? Once you loved someone, you repeated it until they were tired of hearing it."
"People play games for the characters, not for the tech."
"The thing I find profoundly hopeful when I’m feeling despair is to imagine people playing."
"It’s so easy to make a hit when you’re young and you don’t know anything."
"There’s no point in making something if you don’t think it could be great."
"The world of infinite restarts. Start again at the beginning, this time you might win."