
Heart Of The Sun Warrior Quotes

Heart Of The Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan

Heart Of The Sun Warrior Quotes
"Night cloaked the sky in darkness, draping shadows across the earth."
"Winter white flames curled from the splint of wood in my hand."
"Through wind and rain, their light would not falter, until they were extinguished at the first breath of dawn."
"Reaching inward, I grasped my energy, the shining magic that flowed from my lifeforce."
"Clinging to both light and dark, and lost somewhere in between."
"Sometimes I would find myself slipping into the past, threaded with a sliver of regret."
"Fame was often accompanied by suffering, the thrill of glory came entwined with terror."
"To be home again with my mother and Ping’er, to have love in my life... these were the things that made me whole."
"Yet there was no place more wondrous to me—the ground shimmering as starlit waves."
"Trust your instincts; I do. Keep watch over them."
"Since regaining her freedom, there was one place my mother returned to whenever she could get away."
"Offerings of apples, leafy mandarins, and sponge cakes were piled beside it, along with a slender sprig of osmanthus."
"I ran down the hill, calling for her—along the river that smelled of earth and rot."
"The damage was done, and what mattered most was that she was unharmed."
"Together, we combed the forest, the riverbank and hill—but there was no sign of life beyond the wild creatures."
"Guilt pierced me for sending her away, yet I could move quicker alone."
"His Celestial Majesty would not look kindly upon it. It is better he believes us incompetent than a challenge to his authority."
"I scoured the forest again, alert for any trace of immortal energy or danger."
"You, more than anyone, should have learned that nothing is impossible."
"The sunbirds’ flame. Even emperors must keep their word, especially those sworn upon the lives of their kin."
"His words were tender, yet a jarring reminder that while we had been ignorant of his existence, he had been aware of us all along."
"I will make it safe for you and your family."
"His eyes slid over my garments, my fingers itching to smooth my robe."
"All present, hear and obey. The goddess Chang’e is hereby removed from her guardianship of the moon."
"How dare they enter our home uninvited? They either felt entitled to, or did not fear the consequences."
"I lunged at him, my weapon thrust out as he swung his axe high."
"You turned his gaze here and poisoned him against us."
"Rest assured that I will beseech the emperor for clemency on your behalf."
"The emperor has passed the sentence for your mother. For all of you."
"We are a thorn in his side that he is eager to pluck."
"Do you know, the mortals tell their own stories of the Moon Goddess?"
"Love is worthless," Wugang sneered. "Fleeting, inconstant, and shifting like the wind."
"His Celestial Majesty has been most generous to me."
"My mother kicked out hard. Her head flew back, slamming into a soldier’s face."
"The daughter I never had. The light of my days."
"This is my daughter, Xingyin, and her friend Shuxiao," my mother said.
"Those who get in my way only have themselves to blame," Wugang taunted.
"You say you want to help him, but you are just afraid to lose your hold over him."
"I will be happy with any part that you will give me. Though it will not stop me hoping for more."
"The woman’s nose wrinkled. 'The Celestial Empress would rather see me dead.'"
"Some alliances were a fragile bond, snapping beneath the slightest weight."
"Her gaze fell on my sword. 'Now that we’ve decided not to kill each other, shall we work together?'"
"There was an arrogance to her manner like she had been born to privilege."
"If you hold them steady, I can handle the rest."
"An enchantment on their meridians. If they had so much as twitched, it would have struck the wrong place."
"I dared not allow myself even this indulgence."
"Streams of fire shot from Liwei and me, lightning from my father, while Wenzhi and Prince Yanxi deflected the blows that rained upon us."
"Our movements were growing sluggish, a numbness sinking into my limbs."
"I’m sorry, Xingyin," Liwei said in a low voice, "His lifeforce is extinguished. Nothing can restore it."
"My father bowed, returning the dragons’ respectful greeting. ‘Yes,’ he said quietly, answering a question for him alone. ‘I have returned.’"
"‘You are real,’ Prince Yanming whispered, pressing his cheek against the dragon’s jaw."
"The Celestial Empress swung to my father. ‘Murderer of my kin, surely you remember the day you slew them.’"
"The sunbird was the size of a gourd, with great solemn eyes."
"I plotted nothing; it was you all along. But no matter the hatred and wrongs between us, you are Liwei’s mother. That means something to me, even if it’s nothing to you."
"My father saved the Mortal Realm. My mother saved me. And while I may not have the gilded lineage you so admire, I am worthy—"
"What is life without honor? Untethered, we are no better than Wugang."
"What exists between Xingyin and me is none of your concern. Look to your own faults before you imagine mine."
"Yes, I did all that, and I was wrong. A part of me knew it then, but I was selfish and afraid."
"It does not matter whether you’ve changed or not, nothing can change what you were, what you did, and what you destroyed."
"Nothing is more important than stopping Wugang, an impossible task in itself."
"The Sun Goddess knows all within her domain."
"What if we disguised someone as your mother?"
"Auras are as unique to us as the whorls on our fingers."
"I had to fight the phoenix. It was Lady Xihe’s challenge for the feather."
"We will protect her. She will come to no harm."
"What you feel now … I believe it will pass. Do not let him cloud your feelings."
"Those forged through fire form the strongest blades."
"Not knowing is not the same as not wanting. While there is hope, I will wait."
"You have always fought against what life threw at you, whether you had a hope of winning or not."
"I am not going to die; I am going to end this."
"True happiness springs from within, a contentment with oneself."
"A common enemy turns adversaries into allies."
"I promised myself I would say nothing; you have made your choice. But I will never be free of you. Perhaps that is my penance."
"Friends? Yes, I would welcome your friendship. I would welcome any part of yourself that you choose to give me."
"I do not wish that. We are friends, after all. Those who want the best for each other."
"Bitter medicines are preferable to fatal wounds."
"Such childishness. Do not indulge such rash impulses when the lives of my soldiers are at stake."
"The nights were for slinking back into the shadows to lick one’s wounds, for stifled cries and fears, unbound ... and those dark acts of deceit."
"I’m sorry if I failed you. You don’t have to decide this now. You could return home and come back whenever you are ready. I will wait for you."
"Thinly veiled envy shone in the eyes of the courtiers, while some smiled with sinuous ease."
"Wise advisors with the courage to speak their minds were rare indeed."
"I would not have been content by his side here, nor could I have made him happy."
"The pearl strands of his father’s crown were gone, and I would be glad to never hear their ominous clicking again."
"Every word uttered here would be weighed and turned over."
"The shadow of his presence, like a dream without a face."
"As long as you are mine as I am yours, we have all the time in the world."
"For if we were to keep count, my debt to you is greater."
"What other reason could there be? It was certainly not for him."
"It was what Wenzhi had said to me when I had asked him to wait, when he first learned of my identity."
"Perhaps I had finally learned the art of patience, after all."
"I would honor those I had lost by keeping them alive in my heart, not by casting joy from my life."
"For we were complex creatures of shades of gray, capable of wonderful and terrible things."
"Everyone knew the tale of how my father had shot the suns, of my mother flying to the moon."