
I've Got Your Number Quotes

I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella

I've Got Your Number Quotes
"It’s not an earthquake or a crazed gunman or nuclear meltdown, is it? On the scale of disasters, this is not huge."
"The only thing in the world I wasn’t supposed to lose. My engagement ring."
"Do not hyperventilate, Poppy. Stay positive."
"I can’t even remember who that was, now. Annalise, maybe?"
"Police. Bah. I thought they’d come roaring round in their squad cars as soon as I called."
"My phone’s my life. I can’t exist without it. It’s a vital organ."
"This is a company phone with business messages coming in all the time. Emails. Important stuff."
"It’s not like I was irresponsible. I was carefully watching the ring as it was passed round the table."
"My plan can work! Everything that comes in, I’ll send to you straight away."
"If you were a human being with a shred of emotion, you’d be crying by now."
"If you do something wrong yet it doesn’t actually hurt anybody and nobody knows, should you be punished and lose your whole career?"
"If you’re a girl, never do the Marathon with Annalise on duty."
"Not all messages are equal, but everyone deserves a reply."
"Sometimes, the most meaningful things are found in silence."
"Happiness can be found in the smallest of things, if only one remembers to look."
"In the pursuit of perfection, one often overlooks the beauty of imperfection."
"True strength lies in vulnerability and the courage to be oneself."
"Every challenge is an opportunity in disguise."
"In life's complex tapestry, every thread has its purpose."
"One's true worth is measured not in words, but in actions."
"Whatever's gone before, life's too short not to make amends. Life's too short to bear a grudge."
"Sometimes you have to be brave. Sometimes you have to show people what's important in life."
"I've masqueraded as Sam’s PA. I’ve contacted his father. I’ve waded right into his personal life."
"Is unethical the same as dishonest? This is the kind of moral debate I could have asked Antony about."
"I know he’s free a week on Wednesday for lunch because someone has just cancelled."
"If it came to it I’d play tennis with her, at which point she laughed and said I was right, she was being nonsensical."
"I feel like I’ve blundered into some tricksy family situation which is invisible to me."
"I remember coming here the first time as though it were yesterday. You remember, Pops? God, that was amazing, wasn’t it?"
"He looks so sulky I think he might shout at me."
"I suddenly feel a tingle of excitement. In eight days, that’ll be us!"
"I don’t want to pre-empt the big moment, I realize. I don’t want to rehearse."
"We could do loads of things! Have a chat? Go through wedding stuff? Only eight more days to go!"
"It’s completely misunderstood. Very much so."
"You talk about the Tavishes as if they’re gods."
"I’ve never been to the Savoy in my life before. It’s amazing!"
"I feel like he’s riffling through my underwear drawer."
"You’re pretty insecure, for someone who’s so feisty on the outside."
"I’m not a thief! I didn’t steal it. I found it in a bin."
"What does he think, that he works in a secret, private bubble?"
"You're a professional. You're successful. You're attractive. Why should you feel the Tavishes are in a 'different league' from you?"
"Nick hasn’t always been grand, by any means."
"It’s bad enough when Annalise has one of her little hissy fits about whose turn it is to buy the coffee."
"How does anyone get any work done? It’s bad enough when Annalise has one of her little hissy fits about whose turn it is to buy the coffee."
"I can’t bear his sympathy. I can’t bear anyone’s sympathy."
"I’m a grown-up and I’ve dealt with it, OK? So you’re wrong. It doesn’t explain anything."
"If they can’t find a lost email, for fuck’s sake, they should all be fired."
"No, I’m not. But you have to do it. You have to get it out there. Before the wedding."
"I think some people have gone out to the terrace."
"You want me to be jealous, Sam. Fine. I respect that."
"Because believe me, no one here is impressed by your little stunt."
"He’s very busy at the moment," I say apologetically.
"I am in touch with him," Sam sounds exasperated.
"You can't marry someone just to prove you're not a quitter. Because you will quit, sooner or later."
"A treasure such as this should not be left in the hands of Philistines."
"She’s the voice I want to hear. She’s the face I hope to see."
"And I’ll be standing outside the church. Warn her."
"It's not about romance, or sex, or being chaste or whatever. It's so you don't have a row and stomp up the aisle seething at your bridegroom."
"Anything you can do. Anything you can say. The wedding is wrong. Thank you."
"Lover? I don’t know. I don’t know if she loves me. I don’t know if I love her."