
The Ruby Circle Quotes

The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead

The Ruby Circle Quotes
"But I was never one to back down from a challenge."
"Hey, don’t say ‘only.’ It’s still monumental."
"You even got peonies. How’d you manage that?"
"We’ll find her. Wherever she is, we’ll find her."
"Marriage is hard. That’s why I never did it."
"If I’m not going to worry about you, who will? You need to keep spirit in check."
"I swear it, as soon as I feel like I can sneak out safely, I’ll come to you."
"You worry too much, darling. If there's one thing I can say about my human daughter-in-law, it’s that she’s shockingly resourceful."
"My jaw nearly hit the floor. 'Mom, I think that’s the most sentimental thing I’ve ever heard you say.'"
"This girl? Sydney? She’s someone like that. I’ve gathered that much in this last month."
"We don’t have a spirit cadre yet. Would you like to lead one? Find some recruits?"
"You aren’t. We already put in some hours today and can’t do anything else until one of the lords in question gets back tomorrow."
"She’s got a guardian and that strange human woman with her."
"I hoped Sydney might have some logical arguments we could use to plead our case."
"I shook my head. 'Thanks, but no thanks. I’ve already got plenty on my plate.'"
"I think using all this spirit has been having a, um, detrimental effect on you over time."
"You don’t understand. You don’t understand at all."
"He was patient as Sydney and I painstakingly read the instructions on the can of formula."
"Sydney, dear, I expected more sense from you, if not Adrian."
"What kind of life would I have—what kind of person would I be—if I hoarded that magic and let others suffer?"
"Someone so small... who will have such enormous potential."
"You have nothing to feel bad about. It’s Alicia’s fault, not yours."
"I sighed. 'I just hope waiting to come here was the right course of action.'"
"Humans are born into the light, Shining good, shining bright, Only evil thrives at night, Let us banish them from our sight."
"This is what we do," she said simply. "You have your job. I have mine."
"If any of you are afraid or know you won’t have the stamina to face what’s to come, I invite you to leave now."
"Winning," I said. I held up my original three hearts with the mass I’d stolen from Caleb. "You said the winning girls would be picked based on whoever had the most hearts at the end of our hour. That’s me."
"You’re the one who just went undercover with the Warriors, not me."
"I’m the only one who can really take this thing out."
"We need to get out of here," I yelled to her. "That fire might spread. Jill’s safe."
"I don’t want to see Alchemists driving by or watching me in restaurants."
"You might have caught me, but that’s one battle Sydney won’t win."
"You make me believe anything is possible," I whispered.
"Despite everything she’d just been through, she hurried forward to help."
"He’s in there," said Jill, holding my hand, "He’ll be okay."
"The love Adrian and I shared was powerful, and I knew it would sustain us for the rest of our lives, no matter what was to come."
"As free as anyone is in this world," she said ruefully.
"You’re okay," he breathed, cupping her face. "You’re okay. I was so worried."
"I think I’m definitely ready to go back on my meds. I don’t know what’ll happen if a time comes when I need spirit and can’t use it... but there’s no way I can risk losing myself."
"Better be careful in that dress," I said. "Someone might mistake you for a work of art."