
Everblaze Quotes

Everblaze by Shannon Messenger

Everblaze Quotes
"We’ll be fine. I can teleport us directly inside the Sanctuary, and security’s been tripled since Silveny moved in."
"I’m just trying to concentrate! Sophie shouted back, wishing her voice didn’t sound so shaky."
"There’s always a reason with you, Foster. Spill it."
"Sophie’s voice quivered as her mind replayed the horrors Greyfell had shown her."
"I’ll always need you, Dex," Sophie told him, blushing as she quickly added, "you’re my best friend."
"I thought the Black Swan would be working with her now, especially since she’d risked her life to let them heal her abilities."
"I’ll be back in touch as soon as the arrangements have been made."
"Sophie wasn’t sure she even knew what a 'normal life' meant for an elf."
"Sophie shuddered, hoping she’d never see a mob of lumpy-faced ogres parading through the glittering streets of Eternalia."
"Forgive my outburst. I shall return to my post."
"But I fear Sophie needs my protection now more than ever."
"Silveny used to fill her mind at night with sweet, alicorn-ish dreams."
"You’re the spark, the kindling, the flame that never dies."
"I’ll always love you no matter what—and Edaline will too. You know that, right?"
"Sometimes I think you’re the oldest thirteen-year-old I’ve ever met."
"Trust is what gives us confidence to step outside the safety of our own headspace and enter the darkness of another."
"I was so shocked that I’d actually found you that I forgot."
"Sometimes I wish my dad would resign as an Emissary."
"The only barrier stopping you from reaching your alicorn friend is the imaginary wall you put there yourself."
"We have to push ourselves beyond our comfort zone and really trust each other."
"The Council underestimates the danger we’re in."
"But it’s the only way I can see my old family."
"Your thoughts are racing. I can’t make sense of any of them."
"If memory serves me, the two of you have had a somewhat tumultuous relationship recently."
"Nothing's changed since the last time you were here."
"I'm definitely in. And nothing's going to go wrong, okay?"
"Never underestimate the power of a small change."
"Or maybe you’re just trying to fix your Talentless dad."
"But we must also keep working to protect our people."
"One person is not the source of anything—it’s millions of pieces all working together."
"All you need is one drop in each eye to help you sleep."
"But we’re all going to lean on each other this time."
"I've been stuck watching my parents play who can pretend to be the saddest?"
"But I don’t have one. That’s the problem."
"The days ahead will be dark and dour. You must not fear yourself or your power."
"We are not defined by our world. We define our world."
"Childhood is a precious gift, Sophie. Don’t let anything steal it away."
"Everything is infinitely more complicated when you cannot trust your own organization."
"I think we could all use a bit more silly in our lives."
"But our world doesn’t define us. We define our world."
"You’re right about that." His smile faded. "You don’t think he’s stupid?"
"I know you want to catch these Neverseen—and believe me, I do too. But we’re going to have to be patient."
"Trying to invade an ogre’s mind is like a fly trying to dance on a spider’s web."
"I’m not sure you have, so you can count on us spending a lot of time reviewing the laws of telepathy."
"Maybe his parents were finally realizing how awesome their son was."
"Plotting and scheming really were Keefe’s forte."
"Everyone was expecting the consensus to happen immediately."
"Someone with more experience. Someone to take control."
"I cannot ignore that this position I’ve been given is the result of one of the greatest tragedies our world has ever seen."
"I hear your cries for justice and change. And I realize that trust is earned, not given."
"We are all part of the most dramatic time we’ve ever faced in our long history."
"Our family doesn’t decide who we are. We decide who we are."
"I know," Grady interrupted. "But before I agree, I have to ask—are you sure he’s with the Neverseen?"
"Right," Grady said. "You can’t crush the first ant you find. You have to wait for the queen."
"We have enough fighting against us at the moment. If we’re going to survive the coming days, we’re going to have to trust one another and work together."
"That’s not what I’ve seen. I have it on good authority that nothing can stop you from being who we need you to be."
"The power fueled him and haunted him, changing him into someone Jolie didn’t recognize."
"I wouldn’t do that again if I were you," he warned Grady.
"Nothing will ever make me feel better!" Grady snarled.
"I will find you again—and next time you won’t get away."